Posts Tagged ‘conscious life’

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP

Hello Mark Hamilton and the Original TVP:
Mark Hamilton, all I can say now in my burnt out state is, you and the Original Twelve Visions Party Team, I believe are the only way that I may be able to get my beloved spouse Susan Mary Strain, back in physical presence. And that only through your visions and applications of new technologies, along with your Twelve Visions Party team, may all the earth’s people finely have a way for humanity to exist hear on earth, along with everlasting life, for all of us on planet earth and in the heavens of the universe of conscious life, through the human spirit.
With the very highest educational materials I have received from you, Mark Hamilton, I believe it is possible for me and my beloved Susan, to continue living the love and happiness we shared without being crushed by evil. Not only would we be able to continue in the greatest love and happiness of all, ( “that was the love and life we shared together”), but we would have the opportunity to have children and normalize our life completely as we grow into the future.
My hope is that we Americans may all find a way to work together to utilize Mark Hamilton’s ideas for a bright and beautiful life and future for all of us. Hopefully we Americans can all pull together and use all new and old ideas that help us all as Americans; and that help all human life. That we may live the greatest and most beautiful life, love, peace and happiness of all, ( even as we do now all share, in some ways), right here in America, and share that love and life with the world. America has been know as having the leading edge in bringing peace and humanity to all Americans and also to the world round. My hope is that we can remain in this capacity for the sake of all Americans and all the world round. That all humanity and civilization may continue, and also grow into a more beautiful world and life, for all human existence and humanity the world round.
I hope this message will help you Mark Hamilton and the Original Twelve Visions Party team, and all, in some capacity. If you call upon me again at some time, I will do my best to share my thoughts and feeling at that time.

The Teachings of Mark Hamilton

At 21 years of age, my life’s values and mindset have evolved to something I’ve always hoped/dreamed for thanks to the writings and teachings of Mark Hamilton. All my life I was raised in a low income family never really able to appreciate or enjoy the finest things in life due to a constant financial struggle. As I grew older, as we all do, leaving the fantasy childhood mind as we grow into our adult self’s ready to become part of the world, my experiences worsened. At first I only saw myself and what I needed to do for my own happiness. Shortly thereafter, I started taking a serious look at the world, the way we live, the evil that resides here on this beautiful planet; from criminals to corrupt politics, specialized education, false values, and the worst of all…the majority of mankind still believes our origin is due to the magical creation from a mystical God…something as easily fake as a vampire or ghost.
I started to see how easily we have all been forced out of our natural, peace full, state of mind that is truly our human nature. Children are proof of this. All children our peace full life embracing explorers meant to explore existence. We simply fill them with lies and false guilt/ meanings/philosophies to tell them that all of our accumulated negative disgusting history is a direct result of Human Nature. I was forced this way of thinking like all of us in the public schooling of our America. Its false and telling people its false is wrong to. Any kind of force on another conscious life form should be condemned to the worst prosecution allowed by law. But back to the point you cannot tell someone their beliefs or values are wrong. What we all must do is to send a message to ourselves worldwide(the entire living human populous). To simply take a step back and ask ourselves…. Are any of us really and honestly doing anything that has a fundamental purpose in the survival and progress of the actual human race a nd our individual selves? The answer is more truth full in just and observation of the world around you. What’s on the TV..What you hear from political leaders… anything that tells you how to live your one of a kind life. We are all unique and brilliant creations emerged from the miracle of life. Yet since the birth of consciousness within our species we have but only a few responsible accomplishments. We are led by the least intelligent group of people within society. We believe money rules all when its simply and measuring system of value created by us Human Beings/Value Creators. When I was entering high school to hear that Life is a random event in which you follow down this long path of stress and forced knowledge to maybe one day become successful and happy. To my surprise my mind did not like what I was hearing. It sickens me that people are happy and feel a since of deserving when they hear how retirement works. Its a mutated form of slavery. I ask the question who in our world suggested that people should work, work work work breaking there back for decades to then get a life break and financial freedom to the point where their so old and enjoyment of life has passed. Its disgusting and this is only one small aspect of how our live’s our manipulated. We are living in a revolutionary era of our species. Its something undeniable and unstoppable. Either we together as the human will succeed to exist and accomplish all goals within physical reality. Or we will parish and fall to the forces of nature as did the dinosaurs and we have until now. Our minds and lives need not to be controlled or told what to do. We are all geniuses with special gifts for all of society. Our suppressed conscious brains need to revaluate our lives. This generation on the planet needs to look at all the facts and knowledge on our world to understand how special we are. Mark Hamilton is the man who has brought the most significant piece of literature and a philosophy that is the most genius within the Human race. His writings and teachings are of value to anyone who can think. The opportunity to put our lives in control before the governments and religions of the world put an end to us all. If you disgrace this man before understanding and informing yourself on all this man believes you are truly a disease. There will be no place left for you within our universe. and certainly not in heaven. This is our last chance as a species to take control and evolve to the Twelve Visions World. An idea we all have been putting off for centuries because someone falsely created the concept of god so that Man could control Mankind. Neo think is our future, it dissolves all dishonesties within our minds, obsoletes religion/politics/authority. By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the NeoThink Society have to say you will be doing a great deal of good. If you believe the false Illusion the media will place over you as they do every day then you do not belong here. In this century we the fighters against ignorance and control. We fight for the first time in Humanity actual freedom to everyone. If you stand against this movement you are the equivalent of evil. That’s what this is all about.
Ignorance VS. Intelligence
Religion VS. Science
Evil VS. Good
Freedom VS. Control
Creation VS. Destruction
Life VS. Death
Beliefs VS. Facts
If you want to edit any of this please do i just wanted to get everything out of my mind hope all goes well keep me informed if there’s anything i can do
Mike Z

Because of Mark Hamilton teaching


Dear Mark Hamilton,

You discovered me. I feel extraordinary again.  I received a letter of invitation in November 2005. In this letter was statement about possession of very special and rare traits in me.

Because of these traits, the society is willing to send me their secrets that lead to enormous wealth, love and the most phenomenal personal abilities.

I responded to that letter and received one after another three Large Multigenerational Books full of Love, Honesty, Hope and Guidance.

I read the material many times and began applying what I read in my life.  Early America was known as the land of opportunity. Many people came here with a dream and a passion to fulfill that dream.  My dream was: be the best value creator in this country. Took for many years of disappointments, illusions, and struggles.  I met in my life regulations, legislation, taxes, and routine-rut value-producing jobs. The smartest people lost their dream, they become nobody. Thank you my Dear Mark Hamilton for Mentoring, for your Greatness, for your Visions. I love them all! I knew now: I am truly special, feel extraordinary person, because of YOU Dear Mark!

I am very happy be a part of exclusive association of the successful people in the world. Thanks for finding me and bringing in that New World of Neothink Society. The Prime Law will remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing and new freedom will be everywhere on this planet.  The Prime Law is Universal Law.  The Prime Law is axiomatic. It needs no interpretation. It is what it is: No Initiatory Force.  Non-force/non-mystical business evolves conscious life toward peace, prosperity, and non-aging worldwide. I discovered my Friday-Night Essences: Twelve Visions Party and Vision Business Alliances. I was patient and took steps to learn more and more about the visions, party platform, and bylaws and implement it in real life.

The TVP is here in the State and in the country to make everyone healthy and wealthy by introducing a moral and just government of protection only. We have growing Clubhouses in the State, in the Country, and in the World!

Because of Mark Hamilton teaching, I am completely different person in terms of Success, Wealth and Happiness.  Our Twelve Vision Party will succeed and survive any pressure.

Wealth, Health and Peace


Mark Hamilton is an honorable and humble man.


Mark Hamilton is an honorable and humble man.  He is a genius and a true visionary.  His literature is powerful.  I am grateful to him for awakening me with his guidance of pure honesty.  At first, I was shaken a bit by learning the reality of things, but it was a good thing because everything makes perfect sense to me now.  Once you begin putting the puzzle pieces together, then you can move forward with clarity.

I have great concern for our youth of today.  My heart aches for them.  Look closely and you can see the emptiness in their eyes.  Deep inside their souls, they know things just aren’t right.  Yet, they are surrounded by this nonsense every day.

Folks, you need to pay close attention to what is going on out there.  Our great country has been hijacked.  We are on a ride with a run-a-way train and it is moving quite fast these days.

Forget all about what you were taught in school.  There is so much that they left out.  There is so much that you don’t know, that you need to know.  Wake up America and move forward into a positive vibration for once.  Become a free-thinker.

Let’s welcome the Twelve Visions Party with open arms.  We need to make this change not only for ourselves but for our children.  Otherwise, their future would be nothing but doom and gloom.

With the Twelve Visions Party there will be so many breakthroughs in science with all new technologies and great advancements in healthcare.  I am tired of seeing good people suffer.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  We humans are at a point in our lives where we are turning the tides.  There is presently an awakening going on with consciousness.   We need to evolve to the supreme value of conscious life.  We need this Twelve Visions Party!

margrett j

By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the Neothink Society…

Hello to all!!! My name is Michael Z and I am a resident of Frederick County Maryland. At 21 years of age my life’s values and mindset have evolved to something I’ve always hoped/dreamed for thanks to the writings and teachings of Mark Hamilton. All my life I was raised in a low income family never really able to appreciate or enjoy the finest things in life due to a constant financial struggle. As I grew older as we all do leaving the fantasy childhood mind as we grow into our adult self’s ready to become part of the world my experiences worsened. At first I only saw my self and what I needed to do for my own happiness. Shortly after I started taking a serious look into our world. The way we live. The evil that resides here on this beautiful planet. From criminals to corrupt politics, specialized education, false values, and the worst of all. The majority of mankind still believes our origin is due to the magical creation from a mystical God. Something as easily fake as a vampire or ghost. I started to see how easily we have all been forced out of our natural, peace full, state of mind that is truly our human nature. Children are proof of this. All children our peace full life embracing explorers meant to explore existence. We simply fill them with lies and false guilt/ meanings/philosophies to tell them that all of our accumulated negative disgusting history is a direct result of Human Nature. I was forced this way of thinking like all of us in the public schooling of our America. Its false and telling people its false is wrong to. Any kind of force on another conscious life form should be condemned to the worst prosecution allowed by law. But back to the point you cannot tell someone their beliefs or values are wrong. What we all must do is to send a message to ourselves worldwide(the entire living human populous). To simply take a step back and ask ourselves…. Are any of us really and honestly doing anything that has a fundamental purpose in the survival and progress of the actual human race a nd our individual selves? The answer is more truth full in just and observation of the world around you. What’s on the TV..What you hear from political leaders… anything that tells you how to live your one of a kind life. We are all unique and brilliant creations emerged from the miracle of life. Yet since the birth of consciousness within our species we have but only a few responsible accomplishments. We are led by the least intelligent group of people within society. We believe money rules all when its simply and measuring system of value created by us Human Beings/Value Creators. When I was entering high school to hear that Life is a random event in which you follow down this long path of stress and forced knowledge to maybe one day become successful and happy. To my surprise my mind did not like what I was hearing. It sickens me that people are happy and feel a since of deserving when they hear how retirement works. Its a mutated form of slavery. I ask the question who in our world suggested that people should work, work work work breaking there back for decades to then get a life break and financial freedom to the point where their so old and enjoyment of life has passed. Its disgusting and this is only one small aspect of how our live’s our manipulated. We are living in a revolutionary era of our species. Its something undeniable and unstoppable. Either we together as the human will succeed to exist and accomplish all goals within physical reality. Or we will parish and fall to the forces of nature as did the dinosaurs and we have until now. Our minds and lives need not to be controlled or told what to do. We are all geniuses with special gifts for all of society. Our suppressed conscious brains need to revaluate our lives. This generation on the planet needs to look at all the facts and knowledge on our world to understand how special we are. Mark Hamilton is the man who has brought the most significant piece of literature and a philosophy that is the most genius within the Human race. His writings and teachings are of value to anyone who can think. The opportunity to put our lives in control before the governments and religions of the world put an end to us all. If you disgrace this man before understanding and informing yourself on all this man believes you are truly a disease. There will be no place left for you within our universe. and certainly not in heaven. This is our last chance as a species to take control and evolve to the Twelve Visions World. An idea we all have been putting off for centuries because someone falsely created the concept of god so that Man could control Mankind. Neo think is our future, it dissolves all dishonesties within our minds, obsoletes religion/politics/authority. By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the Neothink Society have to say you will be doing a great deal of good. If you believe the false Illusion the media will place over you as they do every day then you do not belong here. In this century we the fighters against ignorance and control. We fight for the first time in Humanity actual freedom to everyone. If you stand against this movement you are the equivalent of evil. That’s what this is all about.

Ignorance VS. Intelligence

Religion VS. Science

Evil VS. Good

Freedom VS. Control

Creation VS. Destruction

Life VS. Death

Beliefs VS. Facts

If you want to edit any of this please do i just wanted to get everything out of my mind hope all goes well keep me informed if there’s anything i can do

Mike Z

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I want to say that although I have not been a member of Neothink very long, I am a Level 2 member, I can say without any doubt whatsoever that Neothink, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society are absolutely the best thing that ever happen to me in my life. I am growing everyday with Neothink and with everything that I have read and seen. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for having been chosen to be a part of the Neothink Society. I feel that since I became a member, it has become absolutely crucial to my life and my existence to be a part of this organization. Words cannot express deeply enough how strong I feel about this. To say that everything I have experienced, read and seen is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking and fantastic would be putting it mildly. I feel honored to be a part of something that is so amazing and better than anything that has ever existed before in the history of mankind.

The Neothink Society and everything and everyone related to it, must ALWAYS continue to exist. I feel that without it, conscious life would have no value. That would be terrible to say the least. The only thing worse than a conscious life without value is no conscious life at all.

The Neothink Society is more than just an organization. It is my family. It is the only society that I can really feel close to and mean so much to me. I can never be a part of the anticivilization, not after my eyes were opened to Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. How can I ever go back. That would be like modern man reverting back to the apes. Unthinkable.

I can never thank you enough Mark Hamilton for having chosen me to be a part of your society. My wife is a very strong minded God-fearing christian woman. I want to tell her what I have found and the Neothink Society, but fear that she may not agree with it or me. But I feel that even if she doesn’t agree with me, I will continue with the Neothink Society. Even if my wife said to me that she is sorry but she can support me or agree with me with it, and even if she wanted to leave me because of it, I would still continue to be a member of the Neothink Society and continue to grow in it, at any cost, including my marriage. I feel that strongly about it and it means that much to me.

Mr Hamilton, Thank you so much for the difference you’ve made in my life. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. You ‘ve truely been an inspiration to me and I’ll never forget you. Be blessed in all your endeavors to make life better for everyone in all areas.

-cynthia g

What doe’s TVP, and Mark Hamilton mean to me


What doe’s TVP, and Mark Hamilton mean to me, well TVP means freedom such as I dreamed of as child.  Freedom of the individual to grow up in a society that reinforces the natural God given talents we all have.  Not pushed to conform to a apparition of the person we once were as a child, the person we once dreamed of becoming.  Do you remember how as a child you would sit and dream of all the wonderful things you would do some day?  Have you ever asked yourself, Were is the money, fame and love that I dreamed of as a child?  Is this obtainable by the average person?  The answer is yes, Yes you can, you can find your child of the past and free him or her to create the world you have always dreamed of.  You can do the seemingly impossible by using the powerful tools found in the Prime Literature.  You can begin to pull yourself out the stagnation trap that this world of illusion has pulled over all of our eyes. 

By understanding why it is I, we all feel and act like we do, I have gained a greater love for my fellow man that I have never felt before.  And this love and reality that the true value here is us,  you, me, red, yellow, black or white, no matter were you come from, conscious life is the greatest value in the universe.  I Am truly thankful for this Mark, you have freed my heart and mind to sore were Eagles fly.  I look forward to the future with bright hope knowing there is and always was something more out there, and thanks to Mark and his kindness to allow me to be part of something that will prove to be the greatest  journey of my life, it has been like a dream so far, and I only expect greater things in my future.  Man what a ride, to the future Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party.

Martin F



What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is…

Myles Conefrey Testimonial

Mark Hamilton, Mentor and Friend

          Myles Conefrey’s testimonial is about the value of my new-found friend and mentor “Mark Hamilton” and his literature:

          Back at the start of March, 2009, I had never heard of “Mark Hamilton”.  Then, around mid-March, I received a letter in the mail and it was an invitation to view some of his literature.  I’m so glad and happy to say that I made the right move in taking him up on this most interesting literature.  In my 71 years life time, I have never read anything as enlightening and interesting as Mark Hamilton manuscripts.  He has to be the greatest writer of all time.  One who is willing to share his many years of learning and acquiring knowledge about his Visions that he stands ready and willing to share with all of us.  He is without a doubt one of the greatest value creators of our time.

          I applaud him for his willingness to share his secrets with every one of us in the USA and throughout the World. What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is to try and mentor and help us all to move forward toward our own lifetime essence and his intent on helping us create the world we want to Live In.  A world filled with Wealth, Health, Happiness and Peace.  No one else has ever offered to share their life-long hard work and benefits with any of us.  He helps us to discover the whole spectrum of conscious life.  Conscious life yields eternal wealth, health and romance, while NEOTHINK unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2,500 years of suppression of the people of the world through politics, religion and philosophy and the mysticism that has hurt us all.  NEOTHINK forever unfolds open-end knowledge that determines the future by dissolving the dishonest biases and ideological boundaries of politics and philosophies.  We have to give thanks to Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK literature, which helps liberate those of us who are trapped inside this narrow-scoped tunnel-vision prison and allows us to be the person we were meant to be, the person that God and Jesus meant us to be. 

          The non-biblical Jesus was a peasant with this new power of God.  Jesus was bringing this powerful new mind space, the new consciousness to the powerless bicameral peasants.  Through Jesus’ teachings, the powerless peasants they began gaining the power of consciousness and started becoming one with God.  The powerful, educated, elites, who were already conscious and enslaving, saw fit to discredit Jesus and his teachings and led to Jesus’ death on the cross.  The elite leaders of that time discovered a way to continue to enslave the bicameral peasants and the masses for another 2,500 years by taking away this new unity with God splitting apart this ancient God-Man.

          Those early neo-cheaters did this by reinventing a silent supreme being, who no longer communicated his will through voices, but through the authorities of the Church.  In that way, man remained subservient to that supreme-being and continued to be controlled by the leaders of the Church in the name of God.  Those leaders led civilization into the Dark Ages, just when civilization should have soared with the new power of consciousness.

          In other words, per Mark Hamilton’s writings, the religions, the Theocracies, became mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  The newly conscious mind, instead of guiding itself, continued to be guided by external authorities.

          Governments today are mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  Again, according to Mark Hamilton’s writings, the conscious mind, instead of guiding itself as God and Jesus intended, continues to be guided by external authorities.  The bicameral mutations get programmed into our psyches, like a computer virus, via learned and mimicked reactions from the moment a child starts becoming conscious – learned from his/her parents first, then from society.

          Not until getting down to this level of understanding the mind can we begin to  know what to do to remove those bicameral mutations such as; government controlling and guiding civilizations.

          A unified NEOTHINK will bring order out of chaos, honesty out of dishonesty, and rationality out of irrationality.  We have Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts to help guide and show us the way to tear down those ideological fences.

          My hat goes off to Mark Hamilton, his literature, the NEOTHINK society, and now, the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, in their efforts to set us all free to live a life of wealth, health, romantic love, happiness, and peace for many generations to come.

          May God bless and keep Mark Hamilton safe to see this through to the end.

March 2025