Posts Tagged ‘confidence’

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best 30 dollars to spend a month and you are learning the Neothink Inside Secrets and Mark Hamilton has been an inspiration to me and he has saved my life and with Mark Hamilton’s help I started to make more money and joining the Neothink Club House and becoming a member of Neothink is in everyone’s good and best interest and buying books from Mark Hamilton is the best money that I ever spend on and rewarding Hamilton books has given me confidence, honesty, discipline and fair play!

Mark, I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you have…

Mark, I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you have put into the Neothink Manuscripts which have brought a world of confidence in myself as a person.

Mark Hamilton has showed me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton
Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see things in a different way. Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view. Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy. No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me. Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988. Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be. Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink. If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives. Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me. If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love. We would all be living for nothing. Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life. Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.
Thank You
Donnie M

I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life

My encounter with Neothink, was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. The information I have gained has helped me turn my life around, to the life I was meant to live. I am 26 years old now, and most of my life was a misguided, misunderstood failure. I couldn’t stop getting in trouble and using drugs, etc. while I was on house arrest for a year straight I was able to study Neothink. I have never read such valuable information in my life!!! I lost 70 pounds first, then I started cleaning up the rest of my act. Now in July I will be starting school for graphic design. I have gained so much confidence and my mind is so focused. If I knew what I know now when I was 18 I would be a millionaire by now. But its ok, I went through a Terrible time in my life, And now I will appreciate everything I gain so much more. I’m so proud of myself for how far I have come, I can only see the bright future I always deserved now. I’m so happy I saw through the illusions proclaiming that Neothink was a scam. Illusions made by the ones who never wanted me to succeed! I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life, I am so glad there are people like him and his brother and father in this world. Thank you so much! I hope the best for you. If everyone thought the way I do now, this world would be a much better safer place!!!!
-James R.


Having been independent-minded, I have seriously suspected for a long time that something was not right with this world. These suspicions were present even before I began accumulating Neothink literature over twenty years ago. The large amount of information from Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society/Twelve Visions Party has given me increasing: enthusiasm, independence, confidence and power. It is now so easy for any and all Neothink Society members to see what huge lies and absolute nonsense people have been led to believe for a very long time. Currently, it is not very difficult for almost anyone to be aware that “something is rotten out there”. So, if anyone is looking for solutions, you will find REAL and PERMANENT solutions in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Actually, REAL and PERMANENT solutions to the world’s growing problems cannot be found ANYWHERE else! The survival of the human race on this planet depends on MARK HAMILTON’S NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!! James G

Mark Hamilton has showed me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton
Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see things in a different way. Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view. Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy. No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me. Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988. Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be. Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink. If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives. Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me. If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love. We would all be living for nothing. Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life. Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.
Thank You
Donnie M

Ongoing Appreciation

After receiving, invitation to join Neothink World, in Aug. 2004, I decided to begin the journey with Mark Hamilton. So with total confidence in myself and trust in Mark, turning back was never an option for me. Through the months up to the present I have faced many psychological-warfare encounters, along with being harassed, I declare, I shall always refer to the “Prime Law” when making decisions and Neothink to build and preserve values. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Thank You Again!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You again Master Hamilton for haveing confidence in my abilitys and talents and leadership capabilitys.
Thank you for inviting me years ago to the Neothink society, Pax-Neothink the 12 Visions Party and of course the
Neothink Warriors!!! You prove to me that I have talents, Value Creation and no age bias as the Anticivilized world has. I can hardley wait for the Depolitization of America, the world and all peoples even the poor and aged
to be rich, happy and useful to society.

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP

Dear Mark,

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP. You give us hope, confidence and the ability to meet people with like minds. Without you we could not have the TVPNJ launch which was a one-in-a-million experience. The convention center vibrated from all the energy that was in the room. It was both fun and informational. We met and learned about our leaders and met so many TVP members but the most exciting moment for me was finally seeing and hearing you. Your message and your presence albeit through the internet was mesmerizing and we were all concentrating so intently that you could have heard a pin drop. I cannot wait for TVP to be in every states. We need TVP to once again give the citizenry the life that we all deserve.

I am honored to be a member of TVP and Neothink Society. It certainly has added a wonderful dimension in my life.

Mark Hamilton showing me…


Thank You, Mark Hamilton for showing me to do things the real way, not just to you but the other mentors as well.  Being a Neothinker is awesome.  Since I got the hang of it my confidence has gone up.  Always learning to do something different always keeping my mind open and challenging myself.  Becoming a member is the best decision I ever made.

Thank You.

Glenn J

March 2025