Posts Tagged ‘concept model’

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Although I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this email, I felt compelled to at least try to reach you.  After over 2 years of reading the multigenerational manuscripts, following your videos and contributing when I can to Business Alliance and TVP discussions, I know with all my heart that I’m here to support the work you do.  In fact, it would appear that I began the work to support your efforts about 7 years before I knew you existed.

The document attached is a short introduction to a concept model that fits like a glove within the Miss Annabelle story.  Ever since I read the book the first time, I’ve felt certain that this model could provide proof in a “prototype community setting” of the power of the TVP and the positive changes it can bring about.  The vision I’ve been given is to take this model to New Orleans to help improve the economy there.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that if TVP could be involved in a “community healing project” like this – we could catapult the TVP movement forward in a big way.

I had hoped to fully launch this model here in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC, where I currently live.  Unfortunately, we have run out of funds to continue our work, and the house we had planned to use as a cornerstone to showcase the model is now going up for sale since it has been taken from us in a foreclosure auction.

We still have hopes of finding someone who might purchase the house from the note holder before we must move out on Jan 31st.  The house itself can be obtained for a good bargain right now – and if a buyer wanted to help us continue our work by purchasing the house before we move, we would be happy to provide that person with majority ownership of the corporation that houses this concept model.

Regardless of whether we must move or not, the most important thing to me is to find someone – like yourself – who might be able to see the value in the TSAI concept model and might have ideas or resources to help keep it moving forward.  If my husband and I must take traditional jobs in order to survive from here out, my biggest fear is that the power of this model will never be realized, and an opportunity for faster movement of TVP might be lost for good.

Please believe that I will give away this 9 year project if that becomes necessary.  Although my heart is with it and would like to continue the work I’ve started, it’s more important to me to find SOMEONE to take this forward than it is for that someone to be just me.

I would be honored and humbled to be able to have a discussion with someone at NTS about this model.  I hope to hear from someone – I can be reached at the numbers below – or at this email address.

Thank you, Mr. Hamilton

The Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party and your writings have played a VERY large part in my life.  All of these together have helped me to understand, confirm and embrace an invention that I have worked actively on for the past 9 years – and unconsciously for at least another 10 years before that.

I have been building a concept model for a “for-profit” community development corporation.  To my knowledge, this has never been done before.  CDC’s are normally funded by large government grants.  Mine is powered by inventions, small business start-ups, free agent consultants, and product/service sales through existing direct sales companies.

My family and I have sacrificed much in the development of this model.  We have been through bankruptcies, foreclosure actions, a couple of years of living below the poverty line and a lot of “delayed gratification” in many arenas.  And the tough thing is, I never knew what was driving me to continue building this model – until I read your Neothink materials.

I could then see that we have been building a concept model for creating entrepreneurial communities – the kind of “garage entrepreneur communities” often described in your literature.  Our model is designed to empower all individuals to find their deep motivational root and then design a business around it that allows them to “play and get paid”.

I could see that this model has the power to be utilized as a “prototype” that could be set up somewhere to show the value of the TVP and what can be accomplished by transitioning the economy to one more fully based on honest, ethical market entrepreneurs.

And most importantly, I could see that I and my family have a much larger role to play on this planet than I ever could have imagined.

It is difficult to spend so many years in “blind faith”, wondering why you feel so driven to do something that makes so little sense to most people.  But on the other side – there is nothing more exhilarating, more heart-warming and more of a blessing than to know that your ideas, your insights and your hard work fit into a much larger picture and vision – one that only became visible to me through my affiliation with NTS & TVP.

Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, for helping me to find the true meaning and purpose in my life, and for helping me to more fully understand my creation/invention.  For this, I am forever grateful.

Yours in gratitude,

Sheyenne K

March 2025