Posts Tagged ‘competent knowledge’

I am here as one of Mark Hamilton's many loyal readers…

Hello Mark,

I am going to now take the time to tell what Your Neothink Manuscripts have meant to Me, what results I have achieved since receiving them, reading them, and applying what I have learned and now continue to learn.

Your Neothink Manuscripts have been a major source of competent knowledge and pure distilled factual data that the average man in the street can now immediately begin to use to expand His/Her life into one of ever growing riches and wealth, stimulating romance and love, long time respect and reverence, lifelong health and well-being while adding life changing values into the lives of others. Imagine creating values and then ADDING them to the lives of many others who WANT Your value that YOU created! Imagine how You will personally feel when You now achieve this Yourself! That would be pretty darned awesome, wouldn’t it.

Well, I am here as one of Mark Hamilton’s many loyal readers to tell You that the manuscript in Your hand contains the only system I have ever come into contact with to reveal secret knowledge that has never reached the public in mass quantities. The joy and happiness I feel knowing the knowledge I am armed with is protecting Me from being cheated and taken advantage of. I have circumvented both many times with no struggle whatsoever. Every time I read the age old wisdom contained within the pages of My Neothink Manuscripts, I learn something new that I can immediately and instantly use in My daily life. I am a proud owner of Mark Hamilton literature. I cannot see Myself without them.

As a matter of fact, when I was once homeless across America, I took the Neothink Manuscripts with Me all over America. I was assaulted, attacked, someone even held a gun to Me and stole My cell phone from Me. I still held onto these eternal values contained within the pages of My Neothink Manuscripts. I will not do without them. So, basically, what You now have in Your hand is of immense value. My intelligence is SOARING to off the chart levels! Whenever I want to now learn something new, all I do is just apply what I learned and continue to now learn in The Neothink Manuscripts in My possession. I now have a business that I see is going to pay Me dividends of over $100,000.00 PER MONTH for the rest of My life, My children’s lives, and My grandchildren’s lives thanks to what I am applying in My business along with what I learn in My business!

The best part is I can relax, knowing that everything is all right. The very best part is, currently I am single and preparing for a family of My own. I want four children, two boys and two girls. I am creating a life that most good, decent parents out there can only dream about. I am doing it with the knowledge contained in Neothink Inside Secrets. When I think of My life NOW with the knowledge contained in Neothink Inside Secrets, I sometimes get brought up to tears knowing My children will have such a good life, thanks to what I am now creating ahead of time. My deepest and most sincere thank You goes out to YOU Mark Hamilton for the priceless values Your manuscripts contain and to think of HOW LONG You spent in writing this kind of literature. There is nothing else that even comes close to how integrated this kind of writing is. Not one other and I have read HUNDREDS of books, some more than once! Knowing what YOU have taught Me to live in Your Neothink Manuscripts brings Me such great joy that I will never be the same ever again. You reached down and pulled Me up along with You which is the very nature of honesty. I will never forget You Mark Hamilton. You have touched my heart in a way that no one else has ever been able to, especially in Your most beautiful story that You spent 9 solid years working on for up to 16 hours a day and beyond without a break, every single day for nine solid years. To EVERYONE reading this testimonial, in Your hands is knowledge You will get nowhere else and You are most fortunate to have this eternally special knowledge! I hope to meet You, dear reader, in a future meeting.

Neothink Society Member,
Patrick B

March 2025