Posts Tagged ‘coming my way’

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good work

Hello Mark,
I am sending this Email as a testimony for you to know how Neothink has been an eye opener for me.
I have learned so much from the Neothink books that you send to me. In fact these books has been my guideline in anything that I do now with my life today. I have seen so much good things coming my way now, I wish so many people will have the chance to see how Neothink works.
I will love to see Neothink staying forever and I bet Neothink is going to change the world for better very soon. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your good works. Let the people know the truth.
Thank you so much,
Emmanuel Quaye

got the Neothink Society manuscripts from my mother


My name is Paula McDole, I am Margaret Jantzen’s daughter. Here is my story…
Long ago, when I was a child, my parents belonged to the Mennonite Church. Many may know them as somewhat like the Amish. Their culture is very rigid in does and don’t s. To be expelled is like a death sentence. These people are also very tyrannical in that it is a do as I say, not as I do, type thing.  The ‘people’ are quite under-educated about living in the ‘outside’ world, so for obvious reasons it’s hard to get out. Our family is one of the ones that made it out. My parents faced a great many financial and social hardships because of their under-education and lack of social skills. I grew up watching the hardships they faced and worked to make things easier for my family.  Mostly, I fared better than my parents, but still remained in the poverty level. I saw the ‘rich’ doing things I disliked and I lacked information on good ways to make enough money, and still I am faced with financial difficulties. To my regret, I must cancel my Internet service, as I simply cannot afford to keep it. I have only hours to get this written, before it is cut off. But, this is not a story of charity. It is a story of hope…
Years ago I was searching. I began to have a feeling. Information coming my way, told me that the way I was raising my daughter, was not good. That there was a better, more loving and excepting way to raise a child, and they could grow up to be able to defend themselves against the bullies of our world, and also to be competent adults, both MENTALLY and financially. I pursued learning everything I could, in order to be a better parent. It took most of my daughter’s childhood to get close to my goal. I feel like I was not able to give her what I wanted to give her. The information just came too late, but I know that I did succeed in making things better for her, than my own childhood.
Then as happens, things changed, her father died, and I grieved and transformed. I went through a complete metamorphosis. I learned many things to bring about change in my entire way of thinking, about how to deal with conflict with others and all the ‘beliefs’ that I had been ‘taught’ was an absolute must. Then, I met my current husband through many synchronistic coincidences. I got pregnant again and began to feel destined to have a chance to have the HAPPY family I’d always longed for. I continued to experience spiritual awakenings and just be in the ‘right’ time or place for miraculous things to occur, always the ‘right’ book would pop up just at the ‘right’ time and I would learn what the next step was to be. ( if this interests you, you should watch the movie The Celestine Prophesies or read the Celestine Vision by James Redfield. Mark, I think you must’ve read his stuff too, because he also sees the ‘vision’ of our societies’ evolution process, almost identical to yours. In fact, if you are familiar with what James talks about in his books, things begin to come together in such a way as to PROVE that it is our generations’ DESTINY to transform our whole planet. Soon we WILL create the world we are all desperate for. A world of peace and wonderful prosperity for everyone. One comment James made in The Celestine Vision, talks about how more and more people are following their inner guidance, which is leading them to make connections with others who are on similar ‘missions’. I fully believe that is what has happened to me.  I got the Neothink Society manuscripts from my mother.  They did indeed come at the ‘right’ time for me. I believe destiny brought them to me. I am not sure what I am supposed to add to the Societies’ movement but I know I will be doing my own little part. My hope is that this story will truly inspire people to believe in their long-forgotten dreams. To follow their internal guidance and begin to live for, and as, their true self. Which is exactly as Mark describes in the Heirlooms. We ARE the generation to begin to live the CREATIVE life of the VALUE PRODUCER instead of the value destroyer.
May YOUR creative spirit reign….                                            Paula McDole

Where Have You Been All My Life!


There has always been a sense of incompleteness, of something intriguing and exciting somewhere coming my way but my life has been quite mundane so I just ignored whatever it was I felt, shrug my shoulders and secretly hoped that one day I will understand.

I ignored but was intrigued with the first two letters I received from Mark Hamilton. I read and re-read it many, many times. In the deep recesses of my mind and heart, I hoped that a third letter would arrive so I could answer and maybe find answers to this lifelong questions that have been plaguing me. And I did receive a third letter from Mark Hamilton. I sent for the book, met neothinkers and finally GIN that gave me some idea of what those answers I have so long sought were. Not all but it sure makes my life so much more exciting and rich.

January 2025