Posts Tagged ‘colleagues’

I wish to thank you for opening the door…

Dear Mark,

I wish to thank you for opening the door so I can get my dreams back. I chose to purchase the heirloom series to learn and dream of the way life should be as opposed to the way life has been. I am excited about the future and looking forward to a life of value creation, love and fun in business. I have always been considered “different” from my classmates, colleagues, and family. I knew something was wrong with so much in this world but could not put my finger on it until I read your manuscripts. I have been labeled by many a dreamer and one that does not want to grow up. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of having like-minded people accomplish the “impossible.” I believe in everlasting love and I am working to change my behaviors to find it – maybe it is right in my house but I can not tell right now. I believe in people being about to be value creators and looking forward to creating more of those values for my loved ones. I believe in the power of giving freely to others but it is difficult in this world due to the people that take before it is given. All of these beliefs have come to the forefront due to what you have given. I thank you sincerely and look forward to learning more from you.

To your success!!!

Jay W.

I wish the best for Mark Hamilton, his colleagues, and his family.



My name is Keith. I’m 32 years old living in Minneapolis, MN. I have been a part of the Neothink Society since 2007.  At that time; My little General Assistance money allowed me to buy the 3 heirloom packages.  I read these 3 books non-stop.  And then came the meetings.

Mark Hamilton was the first individual to come into my life; via the meetings, to speak about the inner secrets I possess in my life and let me realize what I can be capable of in my community and to the Neothink Society.  Since then I have become politically active in my community and hope to shortly become active for my state of Minnesota.

I believe the results of shutting down this Society will eventually destroy our world politically, financially, and morally.  I wish the best for Mark Hamilton, his colleagues, and his family.


Keith P.

February 2025