Posts Tagged ‘collage’

Mark Hamilton’s literature teaches nothing but …


This is my testimonial to my success and my growth, and benefit from the literature and great value that Mark Hamilton has brought to my life.  I have personally grown into the person I was meant to be as a result of his literature.

I on my own through the text have now found who I m and now the value that I can bring to the world. My growth from the literature far surpasses any and all learning experiences I have ever had in collage or otherwise. The texts have thrown me into a world of success and happiness and now I don’t just look at the stars, I touch them.

Mark Hamilton’s literature teaches nothing but honesty and value creation for all of humanity to enjoy, and most impotently be free, free to think for yourself were I feel that in most of us has been suppressed within for too long, always looking to others for leadership and guidance. I have been fortunate in my life to discover myself, my real self and what I was meant to do with unlimited motivation, to drive myself and others to limitless success!

I now see everything as it is and not what it appears to be. When I read or hear anything I decide for myself if it is rational or whether or not to accept claim presented to me with my own free mind. I am timely free and I truly owe it all to a great man with a dream, a dream that all of our minds should be ones of self leaders and a free people, instead of a mass of mindless followers.

Mark Hamilton is changing the way I look at life.

i am learning so much from all the material im reading or listening to. Mark Hamilton is changing the way i look at life and the things around me, mostly my job…i always enjoyed what i do but there seemed to be something missing. a feeling that i could do more. I never went to collage after high school because i had no idea what i wanted from life, and these meetings, and the books iv read have given me that idea…shortly after i became a member i sat and thought about what i wanted or could be good at and decided i wanted to become a psychologist to help others and create values i could be proud of, and i am now going to school to do just that…the other side of my experience is that i was twenty pounds over weight and in just a few months, I’m am for the first time, happy with the way i look…thank you Mr. Hamilton

March 2025