Posts Tagged ‘cog’

Mark Hamilton and his literature have awakened me …


Mark Hamilton and his literature have awakened me to the unlimited joy and benefits of my becoming not merely a cloned producer or automaton cog – but a Value Creator.  I feel I can succinctly sum up my experience best with a mini-story I composed….

When the Streamlet became Illumined, realizing its own beauty…seeing that it was an Extension of the Source Stream and always at Oneness with it… it became aware of its own inner power and strength….It understood that it could always progress forward despite any perceived obstacles and it knew that its happiness would be found in the dance and journey of life…. 

It matters not why, or how, you once came to feel powerless.  What matters now is that you presently realize that you have the power within you, to make changes and obtain all that you desire….

Know that fear is an illusion with no practical purpose, whereas visions of achievement fuel the fire of inner determination….

Define your dream, feel the fire and the joy within, and know that the biggest obstacle has been yourself… but you need no longer be….Be your biggest strength….

Awaken Soulful Streamlets…and allow the teachings of The Neothink Society to help you realize your greatness….

Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people…

Dear Mark,
Neothink Society, Twelve Vision Party and all the people who are around it. When I first got my invite to get my first manuscript, and heard how special I was, It grabbed hold of me, by your words and the way you said it. This first manuscript was like an adventure into a world I have never seen before in my life it was like Avatar. So much Peace and bliss also Amazement and Awe. I was so thrilled when I got that first manuscript and what you said at the top of the manuscript, intro, and everything in there paint such a masterpiece. But I could not use it for I was stuck in the Anti-Civilization white hoaxes B.S that I could not get out of the endless ocean of lies, illusion and deceit. But I keep it safe and in great condition. As I got manuscript number 2 and read that I could see that we will not be an anti-civilization for long as your 12 visions showed. That we will have wealth beyond all as well as love and compassion for our fellow man beyond anything we have ever felt in the history of this Earth. Plus NO NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST and PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND PERIOD is AMAZING. Also that the advance in Earths Technology will be 100 TO THE x100 POWER is Astounding. If we Advance that fast life will be a blur as new technology comes out to replace old technology. That we will all be geniuses and that we will all find our Essences  and be happy at the job you are at cause it won’t be a Specialized Job with it’s Dead End Cog in the Wheel Lie that keeps businesses going but that all will be geniuses that produce real values to the civilization. And that we will go from an Anti-Civilization to a Twelve Visions World is Awe Inspiring. When I got the Third manuscript I know it will happen period. This book revealed what it will be like to go thru the different phases and that we are prepared for the future no matter what it will be happening. I know that everyone needs to WAKE-UP from this MATRIX ILLUSION Dream State of staying small or not smart enough, or can’t do it attitude cause this is going to happen weather now or later so be prepared cause it is going to be a blissful life for you, your children grandchildren and so on. Do you think we are going to be in a recession forever ha! This will pass as will all the troubles that this world has seen. We will all create and blissful, peaceful future and it will happen.
Thank you once again to me greatest Friends,
Mark Hamilton, Mark Hamilton and The NEOTHINK SOCIETY you are all creating the BEST FUTURE THIS PLANET HAS EVER SEEN OR WILL EVER SEE. I LOVE YOU ALL.
 Your Friend Forever and Ever,

March 2025