Posts Tagged ‘clubhouses’

I want to take just a few minute of your time …

I want to take just a few minute of your time, please excuse me, I have been a reader of Mr. Mark Hamilton Neothink manuscripts and want to come back to Mr. Mark Hamilton and thank him for bringing this powerful manuscripts to the people of this planet, this is a Insight in a manuscripts brought to you by Mr Mark Hamilton.

I have been serving the status quo, Mr Mark Hamilton found me and enlighten me with his manuscript and the Neothink Society and his clubhouses, and now i am lighter on my feet, maybe i will soon have wings. Mr Mark Hamilton Thank you for taken me a step further.

I use to think i know everything but Mr Mark Hamilton, Neothink Manuscripts, Neothink Clubhouses and the Neothink Society take me a step further, Neothink Society is for all the good people of this planet.

I will end by saying that the evil mindset of this planet must create value instead of destroy value, Mr Mark Hamilton fortified your and our protection against the Evil one.

Josephus B

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank You Mark Hamilton for all the interesting and exiting literature I have been reading trough the last 2 years. Since I am from Norway, I don’t know of any Clubhouses or TVP here. I hope someday we can start both in Norway.
Yours sincerely with all my love
Thore Sjursen


Hi, my name is Ralph Menchaca. I belong to the Neothink Society, and also belong to Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party. A Visionary, member.
I have read Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature, and I can state that the Literature/Writing’s, create for the reader a limitless amount of Values, and Advantages, that one can use for Personal, as well as for Business, Solutions/advantages/techniques/value/money creations and self-fulfillment. Through the Heirloom’s Prime-Literature, a person generates the power, and wealth, that one may live the life he/she is meant to live, and become the person he/she is meant to be.
The founder of the Twelve Visions Party, Mark Hamilton, invites you, me, members and non-members, the media, and anyone, and everyone of all walks of life, to Join-in the Twelve Visions Party, and see for yourself what is offered, and take advantage, for Wealth, Health, and Prosperity. To make everyone RICH, INCLUDING THE POOR!
As a participating member of the Neothink Society, I acknowledge Mark Hamilton, as a great Value Creator, and contributor of that Value, to the America, and society that we live in today!
There is no illusion here. I suggest that you contact one of the Neothink, clubhouses, for leadership, and to Discover that Something More to life. A new Future awaits you, Join the Twelve Visions Party!
and make everyone RICH, INCLUDING THE POOR!
Ralph Menchaca

“Who is Mark Hamilton?”


Dear Mark Hamilton –
First and foremost I want personally “Thank you for recognizing me as one of the chosen ones to embark on this amazing and historical journey.”  
In the past two months I have experienced a growth spurt within the Global A-Team and have had the opportunity to welcome some very amazing people to the team. Due to the recent growth it was decided that recently held meeting would be more of a social gathering, a coming together of the minds if you will.
I must say that it was quite an amazing experience and questions were raised. The question in which I am going to put forth to you is that of “Who is Mark Hamilton?” We are all aware that Mark Hamilton is the pen name of the author and publisher of the Neothink literature but no one could honestly answer just exactly who Mark Hamilton is.
The question was brought to light for several reasons. Prospective members and even current NEOTHINK SOCIETY Members have and will begin to ask. We are also asked to sign a contractual agreement with the Neothink Society®, which is headed by Mark Hamilton, if we wish to participate in bringing forth the C of U through Clubhouses and 12VP. Another point was the importance of the year 2012 and the insertion of an un-named NEOTHINK SOCIETY® presidential candidate during this important period.
If we are to build a society based upon fully integrated honesty and integrity how can we do so when it is not quite clear as to whom we are working with. You yourself, Mark Hamilton, stated the importance of not being afraid to get personal with each other because we should always know who we doing business with. Are we not doing business with you and your team?
There are several of us who are aware of the importance that the upcoming year 2012 holds. Some are more aware than others but never the less many are aware to one degree or another. Can you honestly say that it just happens to be a coincidence that the NEOTHINK SOCIETY® is planning on making a run for the presidency in 2012? Or is it because you and team also understand the importance of 2012?
Mr. Hamilton, we are all aware that Mark Hamilton Eric Savage, Dr. F.R.W., John Flint, and etc. are just pen names, which are not uncommon for authors, but we have a right to know who you are honestly. Yes we know that you are the author and publisher of the literature and may have been given little tid-bits of information throughout the text, mostly about the author known as Dr. Wallace, but we honestly have no clue outside of what you yourself has written,  published, or perhaps spoke of within a meeting.

Mr. Hamilton, I did not stop being the person whom I have always been when I accepted your invitation and absorbed your literature. I only continued to evolve into that in which I was already destined to be. In my development I have discovered that your literature, the Neothink  Heirlooms, were not the instantly gratifying answers for that which appealed to my human nature in your marketing but was merely a confirmation of the things that I had already known. I see Neo-Tech/ Neothink Society® being a KEY which will allow one to unlock the door to a deeper knowledge that lies within us all but has been forgotten.
If someone were to simply replace their current belief/thought system with yours yourself because you have showed them something different, you, your team, and those that have decided to follow you would still be doing no different than that which has already been done unto them before because they are still following – being lead versus being a self-leader. The Global A-Team feels as though it is important that we hear your very own personal testimony as to your personal experience, path, and initiation into consciousness and value-creation. You have asked for and received hundreds if not thousands of our own personal testimonials.
Think about it. How much more powerful would this movement become if we were to read/ hear the personal testimony of the man, not the author, who has created this movement. Account Home Page – The personal testimony’s of the Inside Circle of the Neothink Society®.
With all due respect Mr. Hamilton, may we please have you and the members of your team’s personal testimony, a reflection of your personal journey from the darkness into enlightenment – consciousness and value-creation.

Your Humble Apprentice,

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me. I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift…

Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L


Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L

Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society  to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP  except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me.  I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mark,

I am a very practical person and I won’t participate in something if I don’t get results from it.  I have found the literature, website, mentoring meetings and clubhouse workshops very valuable and enjoyable since 2005.

 The most valuable part of the literature has been, 1) the Mini day Power thinking system that has enabled me to be more organized and productive, 2) the opportunity to broaden my view of how our society could improve.

 The mentoring meetings made it very real to me that together, with your leadership and vision, I and other Neothink members could really make a difference in our and others lives.

 The opportunity to meet and learn from other members throughout the United States on the Neothink website was not only enjoyable and educational; it was profitable for my business.  I gained customers and distributors for my products.

 My passion in life is to help myself and others to be successful in every area of life.  The clubhouse meetings and workshops have allowed me to experience that.  I founded the San Francisco Region Clubhouses and often lead the workshops.

 The final piece of the puzzle that is Neothink is the creation of the Twelve Vision Party.  It is very exciting to me that you encourage members to think about how the country has been run and how we could make a difference by participating.  I believe it is important to take care of our own country now, rather than continue to rescue other countries, thereby wasting our money and people with no results.  The TVP can help our citizens to be more active in stabilizing our economy and helping all of us to be more prosperous.

Thank you Mark for your vision, compassion and caring.


 Sharon Willenborg,

March 2025