Posts Tagged ‘clubhouse coordinator’

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I sent this to Judge Stephens, Maryland Clubhouse Coordinator, to submit to you, however, I am not sure he understands the importance of this matter. My apologies if you have already received this.
Problem: On the twelve vision world website there is a statement that the national parks would be sold to industry right at the time a national movement is taking place to save the parks from industrialization. , seen by the PBS week long series on defending the parks land and wildlife, the Sierra clubs nearly 100,000 signatures pledging to protect them, and other conservation groups efforts. This is a significant number of voters.
Solution: Instead of selling off the parks and perhaps other National Treasures, such as museums why not turn the parks over to the Audobon Society, (the original caretakers) the Sierra Club and similar groups for management of these lands and wildlife?
Groups use donations and fees for maintenance; government appropriations through taxation are not needed. The groups function through donations and member fees; administrative political actions they are involved in such as, lobbying, mobilizing voters, etc., takes alot from their budget. This plan would allow the money they presently spend for legislative reasons to be transferred to operational management of the parks and museums. Plus the entrance fees already available to the daily operation and through volunteerism the Parks are funded.
TVP has less opposition from voters. Voter image would be that the TVP are conservation advocates who see the prime law of protection as encompassing our indigenous wildlife and national parks. These lands are of such natural beauty no single adjective can fully describe them; people view them as national monuments and a birth right. Besides the fact ‘going green’, organic, conservation, sustainability and responsible technology is in, its everywhere!
Government regulatory beaucracy is no longer required. Because not just one group owns the parks, their regulation ( administrative duties, expenses and needs) are pretty much ensured. They’ll police each other.
Cons- Personally, I cannot think of any argument against it so I’ll leave thinking up these to the national committee members
Best Regards,
Clara T

Mark Hamilton and the TVP

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I have recently discovered that my MDTVP emails to the national committee have been blocked so I am using this personal email to keep you informed of changes and progress.
I would first like to say, I am not trying to interfere with your movement Mark; I sincerely wanted to help with it and believed my efforts had value. I am trying not to be emtional about the recent blocking of my messages so lets move on.
As you probably know, I am affiliated with and active in many political groups. The Senators here in Maryland pretty much know me by name. A few days ago before I was blocked from the TVPNC I was given the opportunity to send out feelers, no announcements have been made yet, regarding forming alliances and the formation of the party for enactment of your prime law of protection. I have had a couple of groups respond so far and all encouraging, some offer directions for how to pass a bill, referendum etc, others are now calling for the major political activist groups to join forces. I hope you share my belief that this is good news.
All recognize, especially after the way the G20 summit protestors were treated that the only way to protect our civil liberties is through a single law of protection. The ACLU failed to protect the students and other protestors from police harassment, bogus arrest, etc, and yes, I wrote them a very stern letter about this because the students believed they were protected. I won’t elaborate, but they carried know your rights cards, etc which did nothing to stop this. This as you can see gives the TVP a edge with college students particularly in PA, and I tried to let Mr. Wert know about it. That is when I discovered my emails had been blocked.
Judge Stephens is the clubhouse coordinator and he is reluctant to give up on forming the party. Although I explained that my messages are no longer accepted to him; I have not convinced him that I am not the person he needs for the MDTVP. This must come from you and the national committee apparently.
Mark I am sincerely and regretfully sorry that I alienated the committee , they didn’t find value in my efforts or some how over stepped my bounds. Mark you taught us to be leaders not followers and to think on our feet. You taught us to step up and openly give our efforts to things we believe in and I believe in your Prime Law- one law of protection. That is all I tried to do; however, recognizing the results of my intrusion, I will back away, close the yahoo MDTVP email address and remove the documents (DI, bylaws, integration plan, etc) the team has been editing in office live workspaces.
Okay, I’ll shut up now before I revert to really being an overly emotional female and inadvertently fry my keyboard with my blubbering. Again, you have my sincere apology Mr. Hamilton.
Best Regards,
Clara T

March 2025