Posts Tagged ‘clubhouse’

Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality

Letter To Mark Hamilton:
My name Is Dyrl, and I am a member of the Neothink and clubhouse. I have had a three year testimonial.
I have had a five year history with the Heirloom, which has enlighten my life and has given me insight to how my life should be conducted, with style and satisfaction, above all knowledge. Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality.
The Testimonial generates is priceless, I also learned the miniday and schedule has helped me with my Business. Mark Hamilton Thank you Again

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,

The initial invitation letters from the Neothink Society struck me as amazing writings in themselves, yet I resisted.  The thing that convinced me to invest in Neothink was the mention of displaying my art and music at one of the Clubhouse Meetings.  I had been working to find my audience and this idea spoke directly to my soul/inner child/higher self and my business self.

I received my literature and read it in 8 days, writing many pages of notes with new mental integrations like I had never had before.  After 2 more long, yet highly energized weeks, I received an invitation to a Clubhouse Meeting.  The next day, Wednesday, I called to RSVP and was offered the chance to play my music at the Clubhouse.  I suggested a Clubhouse Drum Circle and that’s exactly what happened – my new team/family stomping/clapping/chanting/banging/moving to our own music.  And this happened one day short of 4 weeks from the day I received my first book – the lure of the letter had come true!  

By this time I was familiar with the web site and had music and video up on my Neo-Space.  Reading NEOTHINK SOCIETY Secrets had connected me to Mark Hamilton and the Prime Literature;  the Clubhouse and web site connected me to the body of NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the people.

When I called to RSVP about the Clubhouse meeting, I was also invited to listen to a national conference meeting that night (wed 10/8).  One thing that came through to me clearly from the meeting was that Mark Hamilton wanted the leaders to video their testimonials.  I learned my A-Team Coordinator was having some trouble with her video.  I sensed the importance and on Thursday (10/9), I offered to help.  At first it seemed she would not have time, then later she realized that she had asked the Universe for help with her video and here it was.  So, Friday evening (10/10) we shot the video, and on Sunday we were able to upload it to her Neo-Space.  It turned out wonderful!  The focused mental and physical energy we experienced was the result of reading, learning, and applying Neo-Think.  It was actually rather easy, and so much fun!

I now keep an essence journal.  I’ve learned that my essence is akin to my creating value.  The Society has welcomed my essence/value creation:  I shot and edited an important video for my team leader;  I shot and edited video of our Clubhouse meeting where I facilitated a drum circle to open the meeting; and, I offered to help with data management and now I will be gathering regional data about the introduction conferences.

For a second business of mine, I have set up databases, tracking reports, and analysis tools.  Activities are grouped into mini-days.  Very soon I will be working my mini-day schedule.

My plan is to update my written testimonial regularly (every few days), while my video will be updated once a month, so that a video update will be an addendum to the previous video(s).

I am Stephen Blank and this is my testimonial.

Mark Hamilton is A incredible !

Mark Hamilton is the man of help every body to use their own create for the better, for their and your future very successful life. Guess, we are incredible…way to go.. It is unbeliever, and this is TRUE! Please do not back off trust me, just go forward and you will know so please take vote, and if you not sure, please find CLUBHOUSE near you just do it, for your first visit is free. MARK HAMILTON is A incredible! Yours will be NEXT… YAK!

I want to tell you about my experiences with the…


I want to tell you about my experiences with the Secret Society.  I received a letter in the mail inviting me to join a group of people called the Secret Society.  This letter was full  of complementary things such as I was special and this was a special time or phase in my life that I was entering. The Society recognized special skills and talents in me and wanted to share information that would better my life, world, finances and love life.

I was thinking how much will this cost and that it’s just a scam to get money.  At best it was some type of cult or religion wanted me to join and eventually would take my money.  I told them that the information they offered sounded good (because it really did sound very interesting) but I just didn’t have that kind of money for their books right now.  I figured the Secret Society would drop me like a hot potato with no money to give.  Well, boy was I wrong.  They responded to me dropping the price of their information very low so I could afford it.  They said they wanted me to join because they saw in me talents and skills that were very special as I stated before.  So I sent the money and still a little part of me still was suspicious.

Shortly I received a book of information which I’m still reading and absorbing the information.  I received invitations to clubhouse meetings and have been personally contacted through letters by my mentor (who is a world known television personality).  Everything I was offered and told I would receive has been done just as it was offered to me by the secret society.

I will continue to be involved with these people as they seem very sincere and have kept to their words to me.  Actually I feel very excited to learn more information and meet these exciting people.  They sought me out and are very excited to meet me and what I things can bring to the Society.


Mark, I would like to say how pleased and happy I am


Mark, I would like to say how pleased and happy I am to be a part of this movement. I am so excited about the Twelve Visions Party and look forward to its announcement to our Country.  It will be wonderful to see all the positive changes that will take place in our country as well as the world.

I have so enjoyed being a member of Neothink; I have learned so much and made so many great friends.

I look forward to seeing all our dreams come true and to do the right things for our country as well as set an example for the rest of the world.  Your work has been outstanding it has been a pleasure to study, and has already helped so many people.

My Clubhouse Administrator Daren has been very supportive and a great friend to me.  I know there is a lot to do and I will help in every way I can. I look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you for all your hard work and the Sacrifices you have made.  Sincerely,  Nancy H



My name is Josephus Bull, I have been a member of the neothink society since 2005.I cant repay Mark Hamilton for his books about Neothink society that he gave me the opportunity to read. I thought I have completed all the education there is for me to know, but Mark Hamilton take me a step further into education, The neothink society and Mark Hamilton has really bring me back to great enlightenment through the clubhouse meetings. I strongly recommend anyone if they get the opportunity to be invited into the neothink society, that they will become very enlighten through the neothink society clubhouses.
The twelve vision party, main purpose is to advance the wealth, health and safety for everyone, the elderly, women, men and children.

I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton…


I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink S0ciety has meant to you.  I also want you to tell your story of what the success of the Twelve Visions P@rty will mean to you, your loved ones, and to the world.  Contrast all that value to what the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement would mean for you, your family, and the world…Neothink political structure of government.
I have been a member of the Neothink Society since the spring of 2009.  
I have purchased all of the Manuscripts that were for sale, I was surprised to learn that others were thinking just as I was.  It gave me the feeling that I am not alone.  
The Twelve Visions Party gives wonderful in site into how fair and just it will be when that comes into reality……….  The beginning  is now a reality.  
There is still a long way to go and I will be proud and happy to be counted among those who are in support of Mark Hamilton.
There are different areas of interest in which you can participate in the Neothink Society.  Some are: Joining or starting a clubhouse, business, aging (my interest) and more. Mark Hamilton has done a wonderful job Neothinking this plan for a newer, richer existence for us all regardless of race, color or sex.  

B. Finch

Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


HI, My name is Ralph Menchaca.

I belong to the Neothink Society, and I’m inviting you to come to a Neothink Clubhouse Meeting and Join! Next, I welcome you to Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party <TVP> and make everyone RICH! Including the Poor.

A new FUTURE awaits everyone, come and see.

At this time, as a participating Neothink Mentor, I can tell you,- Come and live the Life your were Meant to live! for that Something More.


Ralph M

I will stand with you Bro…


Dearest Mark,

Although I have not joined a clubhouse for reasons we don’t need to go into now, I have read, absorbed and reveled in the literature, watched all your mentor levels, listened to 95% of the links sent to me by Neothink Members and Tom Cary. Additionally, I have spoken to many people about Neothink, the Society and the TVP. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for who you are, the giant contribution to human development, through integrations, honesty and real values you bring to  everyone.

I will stand with you Bro, no doubt, and when the time comes I will be an advocate for you and Neothink will all of my abilities.

Attached is my Endorsement, which will cut like a knife through the illusion the media or anyone else tries to foist on Neothink, the members and you.

You Rock!


to be mentored by Mark Hamilton

I was invited to order the multi-generational Manuscripts. first i received my first book ” Neothink packages of inside secrets” i was given time to complete the reading before my second book was sent, “The Neothink package of inner circle secrets” and last i received ” Miss Annabelle’s secrets”. Reading these 3 books open my mind to new ways of thinking, new patterns of wider integrations which allow me to qualify to attend the 1 threw 12 levels of meetings to be mentored by Mark Hamilton. This allow deeper integrations to take place. At about the 9th 0r 10th level, i said to myself “self wouldn’t it be nice to talk to other individuals who had read the same materials”. To see what other like minded individual had to say about the literature as well as being mentored by Mark. So i joined the website and found that their was regular meeting being held on Saturday evenings in north jersey. I wrote down the address put in my pocket and off i went. Me living in a 1 family house it never dawned on me that this was a high rise building. here i am standing in front of this tall building with no apartment number, and i was not going to ring every bell so i left, with a greater determination to return the following week with all the information, to get into this meeting to meet some new people. The next week i sign up again on the website and the following sat i attend my first meeting. I rang the bell a voice on the intercom said hello. i stated my name and i was their to attend the clubhouse, a warm and excited voice said hello come on up. The guys i met that evening was some of the nicest people i had ever met. very friendly and kind you could see it in their hearts. i felt at home right away. Clubhouse meetings consist of member doing presentation, and discussing each other perception of what we had read and learned, it was awesome. Because of the distance involved to travel to the meeting Steve thought it would be neat if i started a A-Team with member from south jersey since i was in central jersey they would not have to travel as far  So i did all the legal work to establish (Jersey Central A-Team) i sign a contract with Mark Hamilton. Jersey Central A-Team grew to 5 member but they slowly dropped out do to financial problems and personal problems. I was determined to keep moving forward to keep Jersey Central A- Team breathing. I join forces with Tri-State A-Team to build our clubhouses together. Once it was discuss in the meeting with Mark about the political side of the society i got excited. I grew up in Newark on a very famous street, Stirling Street  the most famous street in nNewark at the time. I lived next door to a famous writer and poet Amiri Baraka he was my first mentor at 13 years of age. Everyday of the week some famous person would be seen visiting his house,  i remember the day Martin Luther King came for a visit just before he was killed. Rap brown, Jesse Jackson, just to name a few because there was many. I played a key role in Newark electing its first black Mayor, which did not benefit the community at all. I was part of the organizing effort for the national black assembly which was held in 1972 in gary Indiana where over 10,000 delegate attended from every state in the country. So when the tvp was being discuss and formed from a business dynamic which is different from anythings i have ever seen a creative new process was being born . It gave me a chance to integrate with the tvp. our joint meeting with Tri-State has produce a powerful mastermind at work. when we was ready to start developing tvp in our clubhouse i approach Royd Garcia about the need for a tvp-coordinator and he said that he new a guy that had read the literature and was excited about the political side of the society. We contacted Bill Hunsicker who join my A-Team along with his sister Peggy Hunsicker. bill took the lead in organizing us into a Political party here in New Jersey The founding of the 12 VISION PARTY  of new jersey was here in my home. and we presently still meet in my home once a month. Nov 9th 2009 i was offered to head up the state planning committee for STATE CONVENTION which we are in the process  of pulling together for March 20th 2009. The PRIME LAW will lead the way, along with MAKE ALL THE PEOPLE RICH INCLUDING THE POOR & UNITY WITHOUT UNIFORMITY.  Please let me know your thoughts and integration.  This is for my children and grandchildren and future generations to come.   thank  Larry J

March 2025