Posts Tagged ‘close friends’

You have personally enhanced my life

Mark Hamilton, I have not met you personally however I do know your inner most thoughts and intentions by the communication you have shared through books and literature you have shared to me and others. In many ways I feel you are more open and vulnerable than my closest friends and family members. This is due to the fact that you are direct and straightforward for the sole purpose of enhancing society’s current way of dealing with everyday stressors. You have personally enhanced my life and those I now affect around me, by helping me be more efficient so I can contribute more efficiently to those
in my inner circles. By teaching me to take the chance and use my love without all the twists & illusions that in the past came with it, I can now do more not only with close friends & relatives but I truly believe I can make my dreams come true by helping strangers and distant associates with combining all of our talents & dreams and make our lives far better than our current just getting by approach. You are free to give my E-mail address if anybody wishes me to go into detail on how you have helped me contribute in improve others way of living and my own in the past year. Thanks for caring and daring to change city hall. your friend Steve Frank

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you


Dearest Mark Hamilton,
I have just been reinstated by Yahoo.  I can now send mail from my account.
I am so………..grateful.

Hey, Mark, I need help in another issue.  I need you in the next lives thereafter in human form to watch after me.  I need in all our next lives (reincarnation), to be unconditionally loved and to be nourished emotionally deep.  I also want to look extremely beautiful — like a Goddess inside and out perfect in every way, having my health, and being very financially wealthy from my family, and much protection for myself, family, and close friends.  

In this life, Mark, I was so……verbally abused.  That set the tone for a spiral downward in my life.  Like I said, in prior email thank GOD for you and Jesus in my life.  

I want to have you in my life.  I love you deeply in the deepest religious soul and mind way.  I know you are with me.  I hear you talking wonderful, positive things to me:  ex:  “You will be restored”.  And then I experience visions which are lovely and light a lot of light.  This is incredible.

I want to meet you.  I want to embrace the Neothinker in you.

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you.

I need to know in what way I can help you — if you need it.  I will do my very best in helping you.  

And, Mark, I hope to see you run in the elections in 2012.  I will support you.
Love, Beth

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed.

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed. Knowing that I’m not the only one who believes there is a better world built from rational thought, one that is full of prosperity and love has enriched me beyond words. If only more would simply take the time to investigate I believe they would see the reality of Neothink. As I read through the initial material, I found myself becoming calmer knowing that there really is a possible fantastically bright future for everyone who wants it. As I continue through the more advanced material, the reality of Neothink becomes clearer and clearer. Thank God Mark Hamilton has taken the time and energy to put together the Neothink information and share it with others. In today’s world, most would simply keep it for themselves and maybe a few close friends. Instead, Mark has taken it upon himself to shine the light on anyone willing to take a look.
Keep thinking
Duane B

The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you

Hi everyone:

                    My name is Allen M. I am 51 years young I’ve been with the Neothink Society since 2005. The one thing that I learned and has had a profound influence in my life is we don’t know what we don’t know. Quite frankly I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I know more now than what I thought I knew the first 46 years of my life. I say this humbly. Because we never stop learning and growing. One of the first things I learned was  to take responsibility for everything in my life good or bad. I won’t look to blame anyone for the things or situations in my life. If they are bad I can change them and make them good. If they are good I can still grow and make them great. I am a self leader. This in turn has made my relationships with friends and family 100 times better. I am always meeting people and enjoy the experience very much and I always treasure the times I have with close friends and family. At this young age of 51 I used to think about how much longer I have to retire.  Not anymore life is to be lived to the fullest. I have been, and continue to study copywriting. I expect by the end of this year to be making money from my home doing something that I enjoy. That isn’t all I am looking forward to possibly writing a book. Maybe even a screen play. Now that’s living life to its fullest. Let me say that Mark Hamilton is a good man who generously shares his practical knowledge to help others be the best that they can be. Through honesty and integrity. The Twelve Visions Party is where we can make a change for the average person like me and you. Of course the media will try to convince you that the 2 governing parties are all there is. They will say untrue things and you will be skeptical about the T.V.P. and that is understandable, but you can go to a meeting and find out for yourself. And if you are like me and I think you are. Just go and check it out and you will see for yourself. Thank you for listening. Neothink has been a life changing experience for me. It has been all positive and I am truly grateful for all that I have received.

Kindest regards to all at Neothink Society, Most of all thank you Mark Hamilton for your honesty and integrity and your continuing perseverance to care about us all.

Allen M

March 2025