Posts Tagged ‘clear vision’

Dear Mark Hamilton,

Dear Mark Hamilton,
How can I ever thank you for all the wonderful changes that have occurred in my mind, my spirit and my life. Thanks to you, your literature and the Neothink society I am no longer lost or helpless prey in this world of dishonesty built on political and religious greed and illusions. Instead, I now have a clear vision of my future, and that of my family’s. For the first time in my life, and at 60yrs of age that’s saying something, i now know where I’m headed with a dogged calm certainty and resolute in my stance to further this great society. Seek ye the truth and the truth shall set you free, well guess what, I’ve never FELT SO FREE!!! as I look around myself these days at the people and the societies and the world that surround me, my heart aches for all those people still blinded and who, so far, have not had the precious opportunity to experience the liberating feeling of ” Miss Annabelle’s Secrets” and the life changing truths in the Heirloom packages.
I believe with all my heart that the WORLD needs to experience what i and my family and friends have experienced through the dedicated efforts of people like you Mark, a true genius and humanitarian. God speed to the Twelve Visions Party and to the people who work tirelessly to bring a better world to all of us.
Over the past twelve months I lost three members of my family, the last was my own youngest son, just three months ago, but i can tell you as devastating as it was, it simply drove home to me and mine HOW MUCH the world needs people like MARK HAMILTON in it and the beautiful dedicated people in the Neothink Society

Honest Leadership

Honest Leadership

Honest Leadership….

Like most Americans today, I have found that honest leadership, whether in government or in big business, was next to impossible to find – whether in the U.S. or in the majority of other countries around the world. I had thrown my hands up at the political process here, having seen that it made no difference whom you voted for – they all ended up pulling this country down and had only come into the various offices in order to fulfill their own greedy, personal agendas. Many businesses are operating much the same way, especially a lot of the larger corporations that wield their power so dishonestly. I had really lost hope.

I regained that hope through exposure to a man named Mark Hamilton, and through examination of his literature and his Neothink Society it became crystal clear to me (as it has to thousands of others) that this man has the right ideas, the right plans and the honesty that I was so desperately seeking. I had learned some leadership skills as a soldier in the armed forces, but those skills couldn’t compare with the honest, self-leadership skills that I gained through this man and took to heart – all the while applying them into my life.

A Neothink member had mentioned a point that we all echo, whether we are fellow members or are other fine citizens of this republic: “We need honest people to lead this country” the operative phrase in that sentence being: “to lead.”

“To lead” does not mean to usurp, force, hold back, blind, starve, or mislead by physical, legislative, economic, political, agricultural, religious, medical, scientific, psychological operations (PSYOPS), “cognitive infiltration,” “doublespeak,” or any other means.

Business defines “leadership in an organizational role” thusly: “(1) establishing a clear vision, (2) sharing (communicating) that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and (4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of a crisis, and is able to think and act in creative ways in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learnt and may be enhanced through coaching or mentoring.”

Mark fills that definition of “leadership in an organizational role” and adds definition many times over – yet he does so with the simplicity and honesty which we can all understand, trust, follow, work with, integrate, and build on. He is that honest leader that all Americans are so desperately seeking. He is helping thousands of others to become the honest, peaceful self-leaders that they are meant to be. That is why we can rely on his Twelve Visions Party to turn this country around…he and his party really fit the bill that the people seek….

Find out more about him for yourself and renew your hopes and dreams. Read his literature and read his Party’s Platform. You too will be thrilled at the prospects.

Liz Szarka, New York


My Journey to Life ……


Greetings family , it has been 5years now in being apart of the Neothink . Upon receiving my heirloom books I was a confused person who was being usurped by many for my kindness and resources . I didn’t know how to stop what was happening nor did I know why it was happening to me .

And then I received my books and that’s when my journey began to in rich my life . Powerful information Mark Hamilton was say in these books that I could not put them down. They were very special to me and strengthening . All things that were never shared , he did say I could have anything I needed , wanted , look forward to . No one could stop me from having . Ever since that first letter I have had nothing but clear vision , a path that has direction , a life that can be happy for ever . Thank you Mark Hamilton

Sylvia F Taylor

March 2025