Posts Tagged ‘clear path’

As a Neothink member I will say to you the public…

As a Neothink member I will say to you the public and the government as a whole, the literature that was given me goes back in time to which history cannot and will not change in today’s society, is the back bone success of what Neothink is all about.
Honesty is where it’s at and if it wasn’t for the hard work of our dearly departed Mark Hamilton, his Associates including Professors, Psychologists, Cognitive Informatics literature and beyond (to which I could name a few) Writers included that of Leonard Peikoff and Ayn Rand, the Society would not benefit the human race otherwise and remains no threat to the public or government in any way. 

Put simply, Mark Hamilton and friends are a group of intelligent people who love doing intelligent things, words, associating, grouping (just as a Therapist would in a session), taking a stand for what he, they and what we all believe in, is in retrospect meant no harm to anyone, rather it is a great get-together and a large learning process of teams educating us, even teaching us how to use our talents and assets to help others in this world.

I hold in very high regard the strength to which my team members have formed the society because they believe in the layman, the uneducated people of today, and still give them hope in using their talents, something that society sees people in a judgmental way.  They do not judge or criticize us, rather we are promoted and persuaded to use our heads better and be accepting of everyone for who they are.
I and my family are so proud to be a member of this wonderful and educational society, because we know and have learned how much work, hard work and study has gone into it, yet they still offer hope and friendship, a clear path to who we really want to be in life, and of course, without prejudice to anyone.

I love these people and who they represent and their representation is also that of Mark Hamilton’s father’s hard work that was world renowned for his efforts who should have received a Nobel Prize for Peace.  As for his son Mark Hamilton, we stand in awe that he has taken over his father’s precious, but hard work to carry on and as a friend, we love and admire him.

May the public grow in awareness and share in the life that the society gives to us people.  This is a truly remarkable statement I am saying because I just can’t share enough of what we really feel deep down for Mr. Hamilton and friends.

Mark Hamilton Hi,

I was first introduced to your writings about three to four years ago! What was noticable it had the ability to draw me it, pull me into the next paragraph. There always seem to something else to happen, never the end. Admit tingly I always knew my interest had to be captured very quickly for a topic to be interesting. I am 50 years old! It seems I was working through the years of my life, just adding years up towards that glorious golden hand shake in life, and then along comes Neothink. I realized very quickly even before I sent for the Ms Annabel Novel, even the fore letter became interesting because it was letting me know what was going to happen in the lives of the four now grown up kids.

The Neothink Society has added the values of Hope, and Possibility, I think I can, and I want to do that! For starters back into my life. For years my passion in life was to be a Professional Soccer player, my position was in the midfield. What this taught me from this position over the years was to in 90 minutes of a game was to point out the play makers, it was my job to find anyone who could be a threat to my goal! Pass the word around to my playmates, and then pressure the playmaker leaving him no time to threaten our goal. So let me encourage you to look beyond people knocking the Neothink Society! You are offering Hope when A/C wants to offer fear. A ship goes through different seasons, even in calm waters a ship sails over loose debris that might bang into the bottom of the ship. When the storms are above, we have to close the hatches and get ready bail out access water.  The TVP offers an individual the chance to follow a clear path in to raising their standard of living; it has personally brought me to a place where I would like to put the pieces of my life back together. I will attempt to find the time to do this, sometime this year. Then if all goes to plan I think I will have cleared a path to follow the book and attempt to put my super puzzle together. I know I still have allotted to learn, but I am excited for this year already.

 Peace and Regards Osmond

March 2025