Posts Tagged ‘classmates’

I wish to thank you for opening the door…

Dear Mark,

I wish to thank you for opening the door so I can get my dreams back. I chose to purchase the heirloom series to learn and dream of the way life should be as opposed to the way life has been. I am excited about the future and looking forward to a life of value creation, love and fun in business. I have always been considered “different” from my classmates, colleagues, and family. I knew something was wrong with so much in this world but could not put my finger on it until I read your manuscripts. I have been labeled by many a dreamer and one that does not want to grow up. I believe in the power of the mind and the power of having like-minded people accomplish the “impossible.” I believe in everlasting love and I am working to change my behaviors to find it – maybe it is right in my house but I can not tell right now. I believe in people being about to be value creators and looking forward to creating more of those values for my loved ones. I believe in the power of giving freely to others but it is difficult in this world due to the people that take before it is given. All of these beliefs have come to the forefront due to what you have given. I thank you sincerely and look forward to learning more from you.

To your success!!!

Jay W.

What a journey with the Neothink Society!


What a journey with the Neothink Society!  For me, it started with all the self-help out there, I was searching for ways to improve myself as well as uncover the bogus information that surrounds society.  I figured with the information, I could help my friends & family.  Then on August 11th, 2007, I received the initial invitation to the Neothink Society.  This became the most enlightening time of my 43 years.   With completion of my first reading of the heirlooms and access to the Neothink Society website, I was flooded with information making my head swim.  Yet, there was this smile on my face growing every minute
Reading the heirlooms took me back to being a child knowing that the world was filled with endless possibilities.  Nothing was impossible!  I dreamed I was floating around in my house & I knew one day it would happen (I still believe we will control gravity).   By 3rd grade, society was already weighing down my classmates as many would say, “I can’t do that.”  My 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Cascarelli, straightened us out by saying, “You’re an AmeriCAN, not an AmeriCAN’T.”  We can do anything while helping others with discipline, thought, and then control.
I spent most of my childhood involved in scouting, always questioning nature & how to overcome it while staying in the thick of it.  When I received my Eagle Scout, my scoutmaster said, “Someday you will do something big!”  Every time I share with him a “Something Big,” he says, “No, that wasn’t it.”  Even my educational path wound me to a Masters program in Organizational Leadership where our director told us to Question Everything to include the director himself.   Questions build ideas which build concepts which build puzzles which build new knowledge.  
The biggest thing of all that I remember, was since about the 6th grade was saying, “I will bowl a strike when I am 125 years old.”  Everyone laughed at me.  I hope they become a member of the Neothink Society to see me prove it!!!  I just wonder how many of my mentors are members of the Neothink Society???
So, this brings us to my birthday on March 7th of this year.  I decided as my present & after much research on the happenings nationally and in my state with the Neothink Society, that I would start a Clubhouse.  Using the techniques discussed in the prime literature, I gathered all the data necessary to get going in Tennessee.  Yes, I asked myself the “what ifs” with some not getting answered.  I still moved FORWARD!!!!
Another Tennessean & I spoke and he, as I, was eager to be active.  So, we jumped in with both feet within 4 days, Friday through Monday, we were a launched team within the Neothink Society.  The Neothink Society – Nashville, TN is here!!!!!!  We have made contact with many members in Tennessee & are very excited.  These are the times of dreams coming true.  We will grow as the need arises allowing all Tennesseans to have easy access to a clubhouse meeting.  Let’s Keep The Playground Open & when we get stuck in whatever you do, don’t give up.  You’re an AmeriCAN, and you can always Ask Your Inner Child!!!!

Tim Lambright, M.A., Advanced Tennessee Integrators, LLC, NEOTHINK SOCIETY – Nashville, TN

My Journey with Mark Hamilton

I am sending you this letter to share with you, what you personally and what the Multi Generational Manuscripts, have meant to me. I will start by sharing with you where I was at just before receiving your invitation to become a member of the Neothink Society.
I was soon approaching my 56th birthday and my life was very depressing. I was 9 years away from retirement age, no savings, owing over $75,000 in back child support, which took over half of my paycheck. To make matters worse, I was on commission sales, and because of the economy, my income was going down. I had almost accepted the fact that I was destined to live the rest of my life in poverty, with no escape. It was like being in a pitch black room, or being in a dense fog, or being trapped in a complicated maze not knowing where to turn. My life was basically hopeless. To make matters even worse, I looked back to my senior year in high school. How promising things were then. I had a vision of changing the world. I was voted by my classmates most likely to succeed. In fact, I had not been to my class reunions out of embarrassment. I asked myself how I had gotten to this dismal place in my life, where did I go wrong, how could someone with so much potential have become such a failure. I am thankful that I did not have suicidal tendencies.
Four days before my 56th birthday, I received a letter in the mail. It was a letter from you, an invitation to join this society of geniuses. It stated they recognized that I was special, and that I was being asked to join them, this society was the Neothink Society. I was flattered but yet skeptical, so the first thing I did was get on the internet. There I found some people talking negative about it but I saw that none of them were in or had been in the society, but then I came across a website where others who were in the society were sharing how it had changed their lives and how thankful they were. I decided to find out for myself, I would rather take the word of someone who knows rather than someone who doesn’t. On my 56th birthday I sent in my request form. There began my journey. As it turns out, that was the best birthday present I have ever received.
When I received my literature from Mark, I dug into it, and as I read, it was like someone had turned on the light in that dark room of despair that I was trapped in, the fog was lifted from my life and I had clear vision, and I had true direction in the complicated maze of life. Instead of despair, I found my life full of hope and I was once again becoming happy. I could clearly see where my life was headed, and I also knew the direction to take at each juncture in life I came across. I could once again look in the mirror and respect the man I saw there, I could see that I truly was special. Through the literature I learned the true value of honesty, first with myself and also with others, for I realized that honesty builds society, dishonesty tears it down. I also realized how important it was to love myself. As these values toward myself grew, I also began to realize that each and every individual was special and my love and respect grew for them as well. This brought me to a place where I understood that we cannot give what we don’t have, in order to be honest with others, we first had to be honest with our self, to be able to respect someone else, we had to first respect our self, and in order to love someone else, we had to first love our self.
I then realized what you had really done for me through the literature and your mentoring, you had helped me to become a self leader, and in doing so, I discovered the true meaning of freedom. The simplest way to put freedom is self rule. As with any form of rule, there is a domain, in the case of self rule, the domain consists of the individual and everything that belongs to the individual. As in any form of rule, there is a leader, with freedom(self rule), that leader is the individual. I then realized why I had ended up where I was so miserable in life, I had been programmed all my life to be a follower. Looking to outside authorities for the answers lead me to be enslaved in my thinking, simply put, a follower is subject to that which he follows. By becoming a self leader, I was able to take control of my life. I took full responsibility for all of my decisions and in doing so, I was able to make wise decisions that would lead to desired results.
My desire is that all people would be willing to take this journey that I am on, the journey to true freedom through self leadership. I can see if that were to happen, the many problems that we see today would simply disappear, for people would not be looking for what they could get but instead what they could do. What they could do to better their life as well as the lives of others. Peoples focus would turn from consuming to creating, and in doing so prices would fall and prosperity would rise because of the abundance. But why is this not happening? Isn’t this what our Founding Father’s established through our Constitution. What I see has happened is that over time we have witnessed the establishment of a ruling class in our country called the career politician who is more concerned about holding office rather than protecting the rights of the individual. For that reason he is quick to pass sound good legislation that will get him votes but in essence take away our freedom. Our Founding Fathers were not career politicians, but were individuals who believed in the freedom and the rights of the individual and volunteered their time and resources to guarantee those rights of the individual through our Constitution. But over time, politicians and judges have changed the original intent to not guarantee those rights of the individual but to take control over the individual. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of career politicians over the people.
This is why I see the importance of the Prime Law which would guarantee the rights of the individual by forbidding initiatory force against the individual, by another individual, group of individuals, or government. And the purpose of government would be to protect those rights. The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law is essential to bring about a change in the direction of our freedoms being lost and instead guaranteeing those rights and our freedom. When that happens, when individuals are freed from the burdens of big government, then prosperity will return, for business will once again flourish. Freedom must survive, not socialism as where we are headed if we continue our present course. Freedom is what made this country great and freedom will make it great again.
One last thing I want to share with you and is a great compliment to you and all the others in the Neothink Society, and this comes from my 20 year old son. We were talking the other day and he was sharing with me how when I first joined the society that he thought it was some pie in the sky group and really didn’t think much of it, but over the last year and a half he has watched what a difference it has made in his dad’s life and he told me that he can see how much I have changed and how happy I am now, and that he could recognize that the Neothink Society was truly a good thing. And that he too would like to start reading the literature himself. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mark for all that you have done for me.

Dear Mark.
     I am sending you this letter to share with you, what you personally and what the Multi Generational Manuscripts, have meant to me.  I will start by sharing with you where I was at just before receiving your invitation to become a member of the Neothink Society.
     I was soon approaching my 56th birthday and my life was very depressing.  I was 9 years away from retirement age, no savings, owing over $75,000 in back child support, which took over half of my paycheck.  To make matters worse, I was on commission sales, and because of the economy, my income was going down.  I had almost accepted the fact that I was destined to live the rest of my life in poverty, with no escape.  It was like being in a pitch black room, or being in a dense fog, or being trapped in a complicated maze not knowing where to turn.  My life was basically hopeless.  To make matters even worse, I looked back to my senior year in high school.  How promising things were then.  I had a vision of changing the world.  I was voted by my classmates most likely to succeed.  In fact, I had not been to my class reunions out of embarrassment.  I asked myself how I had gotten to this dismal place in my life, where did I go wrong, how could someone with so much potential have become such a failure. I am thankful that I did not have suicidal tendencies.
     Four days before my 56th birthday, I received a letter in the mail.  It was a letter from you, it was an invitation to join this society of geniuses.  It stated they  recognized that I was special, and that I was being asked to join them, this society was the Neothink Society.  I was flattered but yet skeptical, so the first thing I did was get on the internet.  There I found some people talking negative about it but I saw that none of them were in or had been in the society, but then I came across a website where others who were in the society were sharing how it had changed their lives and how thankful they were.  I decided to find out for myself, I would rather take the word of someone who knows rather than someone who doesn’t.  On my 56th birthday I sent in my request form.  There began my journey.  As it turns out, that was the best birthday present I have ever received.
     When I received my literature from Mark, I dug into it, and as I read, it was like someone had turned on the light in that dark room of despair that I was trapped in, the fog was lifted from my life and I had clear vision, and I had true direction in the complicated maze of life.  Instead of despair, I found my life full of hope and I was once again becoming happy.  I could clearly see where my life was headed, and I also knew the direction to take at each juncture in life I came across.  I could once again look in the mirror and respect the man I saw there, I could see that I truly was special.  Through the literature I learned the true value of honesty, first with myself and also with others, for I realized that honesty builds society, dishonesty tears it down.  I also realized how important it was to love myself.  As these values toward myself grew, I also began to realize that each and every individual was special and my love and respect grew for them as well.  This brought me to a place where I understood that we cannot give what we don’t have, in order to be honest with others, we first had to be honest with our self, to be able to respect someone else, we had to first respect our self, and in order to love someone else, we had to first love our self.
     I then realized what you had really done for me through the literature and your mentoring, you had helped me to become a self leader, and in doing so, I discovered the true meaning of freedom.  The simplest way to put freedom is self rule.  As with any form of rule, there is a domain, in the case of self rule, the domain consists of the individual and everything that belongs to the individual.  As in any form of rule, there is a leader, with freedom(self rule), that leader is the individual.  I then realized why I had ended up where I was so miserable in life, I had been programmed all my life to be a follower.  Looking to outside authorities for the answers lead me to be enslaved in my thinking, simply put, a follower is subject to that which he follows.  By becoming a self leader, I was able to take control of my life.  I took full responsibility for all of my decisions and in doing so, I was able to make wise decisions that would lead to desired results.
     My desire is that all people would be willing to take this journey that I am on, the journey to true freedom through self leadership.  I can see if that were to happen, the many problems that we see today would simply disappear, for people would not be looking for what they could get but instead what they could do.  What they could do to better their life as well as the lives of others.  Peoples focus would turn from consuming to creating, and in doing so prices would fall and prosperity would rise because of the abundance.  But why is this not happening?  Isn’t this what our Founding Father’s established through our Constitution.  What I see has happened is that over time we have witnessed the establishment of a ruling class in our country called the career politician who is more concerned about holding office rather than protecting the rights of the individual.  For that reason he is quick to pass sound good legislation that will get him votes but in essence take away our freedom.  Our Founding Fathers were not career politicians, but were individuals who believed in the freedom and the rights of the individual and volunteered their time and resources to guarantee those rights of the individual through our Constitution.  But over time, politicians and judges have changed the original intent to not guarantee those rights of the individual but to take control over the individual.  We are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of career politicians over the people.
     This is why I see the importance of the Prime Law which would guarantee the rights of the individual by forbidding initiatory force against the individual, by another individual, group of individuals, or government.  And the purpose of government would be to protect those rights.  The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law is essential to bring about a change in the direction of our freedoms being lost and instead guaranteeing those rights and our freedom.  When that happens, when individuals are freed from the burdens of big government, then prosperity will return, for business will once again flourish.  Freedom must survive, not socialism as where we are headed if we continue our present course.  Freedom is what made this country great and freedom will make it great again.
     One last thing I want to share with you and is a great compliment to you and all the others in the Neothink Society, and this comes from my 20 year old son.  We were talking the other day and he was sharing with me how when I first joined the society that he thought it was some pie in the sky group and really didn’t think much of it, but over the last year and a half he has watched what a difference it has made in his dad’s life and he told me that he can see how much I have changed and how happy I am now, and that he could recognize that the Neothink Society was truly a good thing.  And that he too would like to start reading the literature himself.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mark for all that you have done for me.   Tom

March 2025