Posts Tagged ‘clarity’

The Neothink Society has played a major role …

The Neothink Society has played a major role in allowing me to have clarity with definiteness of purpose, I can wake up knowing where I want to go in life, and the people of the Neothink society are tremendous benefactors in helping me stay the course, it’s not about the mundane chaotic origins of religion and politics.

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking …

Hi Mark,

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking and actions in a confident positive way.

I have more clarity, self-acceptance, gained more perception towards my long term and short term goals.

I teach yoga full time my classes are packed to the brim, I’ve asked for feedback and most students and clients agreed that it was primarily the magnetic draw I exude, my friendly energy, the joy I bring into the studio and the responsibility of self empowerment I share though my teachings.

Best Regards

Donald S

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking …

Hi Mark,

Reading the Neothink books have inspired and rewired my thinking and actions in a confident positive way.

I have more clarity, self acceptance, gained more perception towards my long term and short term goals.

I teach yoga full time my classes are packed to the brim, I’ve asked for feedback and most students and clients agreed that it was primarily the magnetic draw I exude, my friendly energy, the joy I bring into the studio and the responsibility of self empowerment I share though my teachings.

Best Regards

Donald S

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!!

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!! It was an Amazing JourneY, that Everyone should Take. Mark is A mAn with great Clarity. My Creativity has gone up 10 fold, and I now use the TOOL’s that keep me Healthy and Strong!!!!!!! Creating Value for All is an Uplifting & Rewarding LifE.



Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas


In August of 2007 I was wandering around in a wasteland of foggy wilderness.  Although I was retired and had the world by the tail I also knew that all things were not right within me and the world at large.  There were many things that had not gelled within me in order for me to understand why the world was as it was and the why of man’s inhumanity to man.
In that month of that year I received a special letter in the mail from someone offering me resolution of all queries I had of life in general and offering me promises of becoming all I had ever wished to be and to have all that I had ever wanted to have.  IMPOSSIBLE, I thought.  Yet I took the bait all the while knowing that it was too good to be true and you know what they say about something being too good to be true.  It usually is, too good to be true.  
But………..I waited and eventually received the first of what was to become a very treasured book.  Others to follow that all became very treasured by me for the books (Multigenerational Manuscripts they are called now) opened my eyes to another world heretofore unknown to me although I had wondered many times about it and why it was the way it was.  These books revealed to me why man is as he is and why the world is as it is.  But that was only a Primer.  Much more information was revealed in those Manuscripts.  Information that would revolutionize my thinking and create a whole new world for me.  I would state that anyone that has ever read the Manuscripts with an open mind could only come to the conclusion that these Manuscripts state only the truth and are indisputable in their honesty and clarity.
Those books and the letter came from the Neothink Society headed by a brilliant and compassionate man by the name of Mark Hamilton whose only goal is to make this world (whirled) better for all.  Mr. Hamilton has laid it all out for all of us, plain and simple, but yet not really so either.
Mr. Hamilton’s vision for his new and better world (whirled) is indisputable in it’s structure.  Within this structure lies the framework for an honest and joyful world (whirled) wherein all are productive, creative, happy and wealthy beyond their current imaginings.  It is basically, but not all, reduced down to the common denominator of honesty within one’s own self, business, politics and all life in general.
The business paradigm and the Political paradigm of the Twelve Visions Party will ensure that all that wish to be a participant in an honest and productive life will have the opportunity to do so.  The Constitution of these United States with an added provision, The Prime Law, will ensure that the business of this Country, and all Countries, will be ran in an efficient, fair and completely impartial manner without benefit of flaw filled man’s machinations and manipulations running rampant to the detriment of all but themselves and their minions.  No longer will the parasitical elite have control of the masses to the detriment of their lives, spirits and souls.
The Neothink (New way of thinking) Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas and a new way of thinking and living that will bring productivity, creativity, happiness and wealth to all that care to embrace this revolutionary way of thinking and being.
The Neothink Society has captured my imagination and devotion to the concepts and ideas presented in the Multigenerational Manuscripts and I subscribe to the notion that all that read, understand and implement the principles and ideas espoused therein will be better for it and will wish to help the Neothink Society establish, grow and continue to the erstwhile realization of their ends which is a better, longer, happier and more productive life than the stagnant rut so many of us are/were in.
I should not, but am going to do so anyway, go out on a limb and make the statement that all of us in the Neothink Society that have read, understand and implemented the information gleaned from these truly remarkable books of knowledge could not, even if we so wished, go back to life before the reading of and understanding of this amazing literature.  It is truly life changing for it is so revelatory of where you, and the world (whirled) as a whole is in it’s current state and where it, and you, could be that the vision of that is imprinted so indelibly into your brain that you can not get it out and the striving for that new and wonderful world (whirled) will consume you, change you and take you to heights never before imagined in your present world (whirled).
Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, The Multigenerational Manuscripts, The Business Alliance and the Twelve Visions Party can completely revolutionize life as we know it now to take us from our present state of mind numbed roboticism and stagnant rut existence to a new state of reawakening and creative happiness.  I wholeheartedly endorse, embrace and welcome the Visions of the Neothink Society into my world (whirled) and hope you will also.
I do not state lightly that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have greatly altered my looking at life picture to what life could be picture.  I am sixty-two years of age and I thought not much could alter my perception or conception of life as it was, and is, until I had the great good fortune of receiveng a special letter in the mail one day that completely changed my conception of the world as it was into what it could be.  The advantages of living life through the Neothink Society concepts make life worth living all over again.  I now wish to live forever so I can enjoy all of life’s great, rich rewards.  Life within the Neothink Society has a special flavor the one’s not so fortunate will never know.  I could only wish those pleasures and joys for all.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I truly feel blessed and am very much pleased that you found me.  I only wish that you could find all.
Chris G

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


In August of 2007 I was wandering around in a wasteland of foggy wilderness.  Although I was retired and had the world by the tail I also knew that all things were not right within me and the world at large.  There were many things that had not gelled within me in order for me to understand why the world was as it was and the why of man’s inhumanity to man.
In that month of that year I received a special letter in the mail from someone offering me resolution of all queries I had of life in general and offering me promises of becoming all I had ever wished to be and to have all that I had ever wanted to have.  IMPOSSIBLE, I thought.  Yet I took the bait all the while knowing that it was too good to be true and you know what they say about something being too good to be true.  It usually is, too good to be true.  
But………..I waited and eventually received the first of what was to become a very treasured book.  Others to follow that all became very treasured by me for the books (Multigenerational Manuscripts they are called now) opened my eyes to another world heretofore unknown to me although I had wondered many times about it and why it was the way it was.  These books revealed to me why man is as he is and why the world is as it is.  But that was only a Primer.  Much more information was revealed in those Manuscripts.  Information that would revolutionize my thinking and create a whole new world for me.  I would state that anyone that has ever read the Manuscripts with an open mind could only come to the conclusion that these Manuscripts state only the truth and are indisputable in their honesty and clarity.
Those books and the letter came from the Neothink Society headed by a brilliant and compassionate man by the name of Mark Hamilton whose only goal is to make this world (whirled) better for all.  Mr. Hamilton has laid it all out for all of us, plain and simple, but yet not really so either.
Mr. Hamilton’s vision for his new and better world (whirled) is indisputable in it’s structure.  Within this structure lies the framework for an honest and joyful world (whirled) wherein all are productive, creative, happy and wealthy beyond their current imaginings.  It is basically, but not all, reduced down to the common denominator of honesty within one’s own self, business, politics and all life in general.
The business paradigm and the Political paradigm of the Twelve Visions Party will ensure that all that wish to be a participant in an honest and productive life will have the opportunity to do so.  The Constitution of these United States with an added provision, The Prime Law, will ensure that the business of this Country, and all Countries, will be ran in an efficient, fair and completely impartial manner without benefit of flaw filled man’s machinations and manipulations running rampant to the detriment of all but themselves and their minions.  No longer will the parasitical elite have control of the masses to the detriment of their lives, spirits and souls.
The Neothink (New way of thinking) Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas and a new way of thinking and living that will bring productivity, creativity, happiness and wealth to all that care to embrace this revolutionary way of thinking and being.
The Neothink Society has captured my imagination and devotion to the concepts and ideas presented in the Multigenerational Manuscripts and I subscribe to the notion that all that read, understand and implement the principles and ideas espoused therein will be better for it and will wish to help the Neothink Society establish, grow and continue to the erstwhile realization of their ends which is a better, longer, happier and more productive life than the stagnant rut so many of us are/were in.
I should not, but am going to do so anyway, go out on a limb and make the statement that all of us in the Neothink Society that have read, understand and implemented the information gleaned from these truly remarkable books of knowledge could not, even if we so wished, go back to life before the reading of and understanding of this amazing literature.  It is truly life changing for it is so revelatory of where you, and the world (whirled) as a whole is in it’s current state and where it, and you, could be that the vision of that is imprinted so indelibly into your brain that you can not get it out and the striving for that new and wonderful world (whirled) will consume you, change you and take you to heights never before imagined in your present world (whirled).
Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, The Multigenerational Manuscripts, The Business Alliance and the Twelve Visions Party can completely revolutionize life as we know it now to take us from our present state of mind numbed roboticism and stagnant rut existence to a new state of reawakening and creative happiness.  I wholeheartedly endorse, embrace and welcome the Visions of the Neothink Society into my world (whirled) and hope you will also.
I do not state lightly that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have greatly altered my looking at life picture to what life could be picture.  I am sixty-two years of age and I thought not much could alter my perception or conception of life as it was, and is, until I had the great good fortune of receiving a special letter in the mail one day that completely changed my conception of the world as it was into what it could be.  The advantages of living life through the Neothink Society concepts make life worth living all over again.  I now wish to live forever so I can enjoy all of life’s great, rich rewards.  Life within the Neothink Society has a special flavor the one’s not so fortunate will never know.  I could only wish those pleasures and joys for all.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I truly feel blessed and am very much pleased that you found me.  I only wish that you could find all.
Chris G

It is with great pleasure and appreciation

Dear Mark Hamilton:
It is with great pleasure and appreciationthat I write this testimony of what you, Neothink Society, the literature, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has done for me.  In the year 2007, you and the programs literally saved my life.  After years of working diligently on improving my life through education and surviving an abusive marriage, where I left and raised my boys on my own for over 20 years, I was ready to give up.  Then the readings and information from your programs gave me the insight and clarity to continue.
The dishonest U.S. government continues to take my freedom away and control me through unjust taxes and laws that only reward the politicians.  Even with a Master’s Degree, it has been impossible to live a life that I was meant to live.  One only needs to take the illusionary veil off the current criminal system to clearly see what cheating acts it is committing.
I encourage anyone that questions you (Mark Hamilton), the Neothink Society, and TVP to simply read the literature and decide on their own accord  (don’t be swayed by the created crisis junkies) and evaluate what amazing benefits and the truth that exits in Mark Hamilton’s programs.
I owe my life to Mark Hamilton and I am very grateful for his mission, along with our paths connecting.
Your apprentice,

March 2025