Posts Tagged ‘civilization’

To The Honorable Mark Hamilton,


Dear Mark,


It has been more than enough time passed that I communicate with you.  And it is with great pleasure the I do so now.

Mark, after more than 1 year, I am still forever  grateful that I am with a very distinguished society.  The day you discovered me, was a great changing part in my life.  I have learned tremendously through the website and through your books.  I am empowered more so than broken.  The Neothinker is alive in every one of us.  The potential is there for the anti-civilization to take grasp.  Through your literature and through the bible of Jesus’ teachings, I am able to apply the tools and techniques that I need to “get over” the heap of what I been through – verbal abuse.  It is with this, it gives me great pleasure to tell you, I am writing and plan to complete my book to give all people my technique and tools to eradicate abuse out of everyone’s lives.  It is my wish and it is my dream for ALL to “taste the fruits”.

I am not quite sure if it is who sees the world differently or that the anti-civilization is very out of control.  Perhaps it is a little of both!  With that said, I am pursuing and partaking a path implemented by Jesus’ teachings, and your own.  With confidence, with enormous discipline I am taking my roll to follow after you and Jesus to change this world to the COU.  My own adage of:  “observe it, but don’t become it” is an application that I utilize wherever I go in the midst of people with whom I do not know who they really are, but feel they are part of the anti-civilization.  I use great caution here as almost as if I step on hot coals and then tip toe around them to have them taste “my fruit offering”.  My fruit offering of being with the Neothink Society to others is – not speaking to hardly anyone.  I know it is vital for humanity for this to occur if the anti-civilization is to be stopped.  In this way, the energy in the way they want me to respond is “cut off” from me, as I put my energy towards helping humanity in helping abuse become no abuse.  

Mark, I am being harassed severely by others.  People are blaming me, talking behind my back, and all that comes with the abuse of the anti-civilization.  That is the super-puzzle.  It’s truth.  And I thank you for teaching me.  The harassment is also by neighbors whom reside in my apartment complex and voices (bi-cameral – perhaps), that come from the street location below outside my bedroom window.  It is quite intense.  I am also missing important documents from my home that I believe neo-cheaters have found their way inside to try to pull me down.  

In being with the society and Jesus, no one can pull me down.  It may look like from an outsider’s perspective that the anti-civilization is winning, but it is GOD’s way of showing that I am in secret to the Neothink Society and to Christ.  

Barry is not so supportive of my partaking.  At first this bothered me, until I became enlightened with the secrets.  And now I am empowered and beyond hurt and pain.  Thank you, Mark, you saved me the agony and Jesus, too.  I now realize that even though there is a lot of good to Barry, his comments (abuse) to me is a reflection of not only of who he is but holds for a very strong definition of the anti-civilization.  

I uphold the and your principalities of a world of free government, with the abundance of police officers.  Ever since, I learned how you feel about the police I began to see how true it is, that police officers are there for reinforcing the law and providing all people with the fruits of life.  When I read this in your books/meetings, you worded it in a way that struck a chord.  And with this abuse from others that I am going through, I plan to very soon go down to my local precinct and talk to “Patrol” regarding the harassment and accusations from others that I raped a man and from having items stolen from my room.  Regarding the accusations that I raped a man, I stay quiet with all of my accusers because I will and should not have to explain or talk about what happens to the chemistry when a man and woman are together and are very excited and in a consented way  – as it was.  Unfortunately, my relationship with this man ended because I became very sick.  I could not take care of my rent, bills, and I lost my job.  Therefore, I had to move away from the city back to the country with my mom.  After that, I lost touch with this beautiful Neothinker.  Now, 22 years later, his friends and the community are accusing me of raping him.  His friends are broken hearted and very very angry because they blame me for breaking up their relationship with him.  I heard a man whom was an alcoholic speaking about this to another man downstairs at my gym.  This is how I know.  If the bonds were very strong with this man, this would not have happened.  And believe me it is never too late for restoration.  This kind of people are very wicked and vicious.   I have forgiven them through prayer and fasting, but at the same time, I do not regret what I had with this beautiful person.  However, I believe this relationship hurt my Lord.  I spoke to Jesus about this relationship, and since then have been delivered by Jesus.  As Jesus told me to look at HIS ascension and not the actual nailing to the cross.  

With regards to work, I lost my position with NYU on July 24, 2007 in the Skin and Cancer Unit.  
Lauren Jill Cooper from the anti-civilization took away the food from my plate, so to speak.  She was a Hartford graduate who was born in Connecticut, went to school undergrad in Pennsylvania and then a Hartford graduate.  It was very cruel and vicious what she did to me in letting me go, considering I was the best worker there.  On the flip side, it was the best she could ever do for me.  I realized that the institution is an entrapment.  My explanation for that is because government controls the research area of discovering ways of preventing diseases – as in inventing an antibody for viruses.  Truly, Mark, with your written “Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”, and library articles on Society of Secret’s website, an invention for a disease would take people who excel in the Math and Sciences less than 1 month to develop.  Trust me.  I believe so.  However, because of the politics involved and government control, people continue to die of AIDS/Cancer Related Diseases in droves.  My vision for the future, is to see an institution from the secrets to develop a unit dedicated as a research center to eradicate diseases, forever!   For specialists and research scientists given the freedom and Neothinker ambitions to feel free rather than controlled or threatened with good intentions given to heal the environment!   

Currently, I have a temporary position with an agency in Midtown.  It pays $12.00 an hour, for hours worked only.  There are no other perks – nothing, no insurance, and no paid vacations/sick time.  And the place where they placed me is:  DFTA – Department For The Aging, which is the government!  Unbelievable, right?  I am definitely putting every day I am there the COU, with the tools of the secrets.  Again, I do not talk too much.  But I can tell you and want to give you a contact name of the director for the Contract Accounting unit of where I am.  This Neothinker is incredible.  When he sits me down to teach me, my Neothinker never accuses me of the mistakes I made in my work, instead he asks me to clarify “are those my initials on the letters”, and questions he gives me to make me think of my work as a sophisticated piece of work rather than just a letter.  It is with pleasure, I highly recommend the honorable Mr. Jean Pierre to the Society of The Secrets.  His contact information is:, address of: DFTA, 2 Lafayette Street, 9th Floor, NY, NY  10007, phone of:  
212 442-1006.  He is a definite candidate for the Society.  His thinking process is automatic – meaning right to the policy.  I hope you will contact him.  Please understand, I have a working relationship with him at DFTA and that talking to him about the society would not be so etiquette even though time is in essence, here.  Please understand.  

I want to, so……..badly to attend the Clubhouse.  However, I have a hard time getting to them because Barry monitors where I go and my purpose with each and everything.  I think I may have mentioned to him at first where I was going, and he did not want me too.  

Truthfully, I am in a very tight situation with the entire anti-civilization resting on my shoulders.  However, given who I am with the Society, I am pacing myself until………….until the very appropriate time.  Timing, too, Mark; is also of essence.  

I love my new life with the Society.  I am most grateful and trust me; I know I am being backed by you.  Many times, I feel your presence and I keep it moving because I know, we will benefit the world!

I hope all is well with you!

You’re beautiful, Mark Hamilton!

Love, Beth

Mr Mark Hamilton–YOU–your NeoThink Society–the Twelve Visions Party…

Mr Mark Hamilton–YOU–your NeoThink Society–the Twelve Visions Party–your multigenerational literature are just SO SO SO INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL!!! For my family and me the thought of living in a civilization that is filled with HONESTY AND LOVE–the honesty and love that I HAVE FOUND WITHIN THE NeoThink Society. The SAFETY within just living life with the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY as a structural guidance system is something that all of us are anxiously waiting for.
JoAnn C

I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now.

To whomever it may concern
I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now. I read his literature on a regular basis as well as listen in on the recordings of all 3 weekly meetings the following day. I am not the best with words though I’m sure all the testimonials already submitted will do. I always knew that the human mind didn’t think correctly. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts now I know why and it can all change for better. Mark Hamilton is more than a mentor. He actually wants to better mankind. The entire human race needs the twelve visions party.
The political establishment for the past 2000 years has only hurt mankind, not improved it. The old way is not working. It is time for the anti-civilization to step out of the way and be gone forever. The Twelve Visions World is the way all individuals were meant to live.
Most people believe the first gossip they hear on a particular issue because they are looking for the easy answer. The mystical one. They want other people thinking for them so the first answer is the easiest one to accept without doing their own research. That way of thinking will soon be gone forever. Our minds are meant for more. Nothing can stop an idea who’s time has come.
Sincerely, Anthony G

Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I…

Dear Mark Hamilton, My brother and I ponder your idea of coming out with an Ad in the Newspaper.
Follow your Vision, like in the Miss Anabelle Story. Let 1 or 559 people circulate in society for a year, such as David did. Preaching like David Did. You are much to valuable a player to be crushed by those negatives in the anti-civilization.
The MLM idea was the same. Good job in not going that route!
I am a Mother raising her son, Christa Walter, level 9 apprentice. I have the utmost respect for your Visions, they must live forever and take hold in this era. That will not happen if you do a head-on with the anti-civilization Man. As a Native of Kansas we are completely into your ideas and strive to be entrepreneurial in all our endeavors. With Respect. Ms. W

Get Mark Hamilton’s Literature!

Wealth, health, and peace are the three most important conditions for civilization. Yet we don’t see this today. Instead, we see a world divided and detached from human life. In comparison, Mark Hamilton has created a masterpiece of secrets the ruling class don’t want you to know about. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” or the like, but it has everything to do with honest and true love-building, wealth creation, and peace pursuing. If you haven’t already, get Mark Hamilton’s literature now! You won’t regret it!
Adam H.
New York

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me…

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called Neothink. The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy. This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance. He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see. Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth. Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.
Thank you,
Eva C.

Our Reason For Living: TO BE HAPPY!

Well, well, well. Honesty is self-evident, isnt it? Take a GOOD and HONEST look out into our society right now and see what career politicans have done to the world. What else will we endure before everything gets better and not JUST better mind you but OUTRAGEOUSLY AND STUPENDIOUSLY FANTASTIC for WE THE PEOPLE. When I look out across our country (USA) today I see far too many people suffering. I see way too many people fighting. I see innumerable people struggling to make their life what they have always dreamed it would have been. Then I see many other people who have given up. Now if you have the ear of honesty you will see this is the way it is up to this point. Since this is true, why are career politicians the so called “peace keepers?” Will the career polticians please answer that? They will just use their so called “Facts” to mislead THE PEOPLE, drain THE PEOPLE and abuse THE PEOPLE. Career politicans have for far too long messed with the way things are going to run. Now WE THE PEOPLE participating with and in TVP are going to change absolutely EVERYTHING you are going through today/tonight (whenever you are now reading this). You read that right: EVERYTHING of civilization is GOING to change. We have with TVP KNOW that we have honest power and are rising to the levels that we desire to rise to. No, we dont need career politicans regulating the economy (which is another way of saying “I Rule You”). Rather we need compitent career market driven business people CREATING the economy and raising up WE THE PEOPLES standard of living. I may only be 26 years young here but really look out into the world and ask yourself “Is this what I REALLY want?” If no, which I guarantee it isnt, then TVP needs YOU THE PEOPLE to stand up with us and say “no” and say “YES” to TVP and CREATE a major change in the country. First to our country and then to our world. We have an enormous responsiblity to care for our planet and career politicians do not care about that. Only if it fits under their self-angradizing schemes to rule, will they “care”. Some “heart” they do have. But no matter because TVP is the best thing, directly beside The Neothink Society, to ever have been CREATED! Just continue to check out and absorb EVERYTHING here. Integrate EVERYTHING here and watch if you dont feel happier! This is Patrick Bundy and I leave with this: ITS TIME TO PARTY!

Everyday is a great day

Everyday is a great day

Everyday is a great day thanks to the guidance of Mark Hamilton, and all the Neothink members. One needs to experience the power that comes by being part of Neothink to believe it. The values that one gains from Mark Hamilton, and Neothink members is truly unbelievable. Each member provides each other with valuable information that empowers the individual receiving it. This information allows one to view things different than how it was viewed before, and that is what grants one the power to make a difference. First, one learns to identify what is valuable and what is not. Second, one would learns how to become a value producer, and a supporter of values. Third, one becomes a creator of new values that never existed before, helping civilization move forward.
I would encourage everyone to experience what is to me, a rebirth of ones own self. You are not yourself until you discover your true purpose in life. Life is not what someone told you, it is what you experience by raising your awareness level. The more aware you are, the more you aline yourself with your true nature. Only then will one experience everyday being a great day.


I can hardly wait

I have been reading the Neothink material since the late ’80s. The changes that have taken place in me have been subtle. Little by little. Mark Hamilton sent me the same letter inviting me to own the Heirloom packages and I reached out for them immediately. That is when I learned about the Twelve Visions Party. Each vision has a full and stimulating description and I knew then I had found the future. Mark tells us in these writings about the Twelve Visions World. We must and we will leave behind us the anti-civilization we are living in. I am an evolving person. I am bringing love into this world. Each moment of my day I am sending love to my family and friends and even to people I do not know but know exist. We are living in rapidly changing times and Mark Hamilton is taking us into the best of times. He is taking us into the Twelve Visions World. It will be a world where the government will be for protection only and will not use force on us. Nor will we use force against another. We will not need to use force because we will leave behind the criminal mind which will be replaced with minds that value create for themselves and all of us. The Neothink Society is a society of people who know to be kind and loving to themselves. When we are kind and loving to ourselves, we are kind and loving to all others. We know it first starts with us. We know this because we have an exceptional mentor Mark Hamilton who teaches us how to be loving and kind within ourselves.






Where does one begin when there is so much at stack. How does one define where he once was and where he is today. ”Well!” Where I was believe it or not. I was Lost and Broken. Lost because of drugs and the civilization I found myself surrounded by that was sucking the life out of me. Broken because my faith though fragile was destroyed because of all the Contradiction Confusion and Conflicts. ”But somehow!” And don’t ask me how! I knew that there has to be something better out there. How I did that I can’t tell you. What I can tell you is that one day I ask myself how do I except help from others when I didn’t know how to help myself. And don’t ask me how I figured this out either. “I just did!” But if I had to give you some idea I would have to say it is because of the knowledge that I’m absorbing. And this is what I figured out that it was time to start teaching myself how to start trusting, respecting and loving myself enough to actually help myself. And I’ll be the first to tell you it wasn’t easy. And once I did that somehow that amazing letter found me. As I read that amazing letter I find out who sent it to me. And he starts telling me about the founder which happens to be his Father. And it also told me to expect another and from there. Came the Big Black Manuscripts. And shortly after reading the first manuscript I found out that we lost Dr. MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER. And the feeling of hurt came over me with the thought of never having a chance to ever meet him! ”EVER!” But I knew we lost a fellow solider that was carrying the flag of our dreams! And now he is gone! Now I’m thinking who is going to pick up that flag and continue carrying it forward. “I want to say me!” “Let me!” But I know there is someone with more knowledge then me who should pick it up. But at the same time if the person who has more knowledge then me asked me to carry it because he has more pressing issues to take care of. I would grab that flag and carry it forward till they take my legs out from under me and no matter what so long as I can still breath I’ll find the courage somehow and crawl on my hands and hips if I had to. So as I continued reading the three manuscripts! I continued learning new things and one of many things that you learn about is there is a new way of thinking. And then somehow like someone or something plucked out of the clear blue sky. “This whirling machine!” “And someone setit on vortex! ”Your mind begin to spin in a way that will astound you. And that is a great thing!!! Because you realize your new way of thinking is NEOTHINKING. Your mind starts telling your body to move and do something towards your forward movement. Then again you realize there are two reason why you have become the person you knew was there when you was young and that you thought you had lost long ago. Those two reason are DR.MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER and Mr. MH. Between the two and their literature has turned me into the beginning person I was longing to be and knowing now I will soon be the person I was always meant to be. And the feeling you get. The feeling of I can be what ever and who ever I want to be! IS AN AMAZING FEELING!
My self leader came rushing back after being stuffed into this AC and the drugs and lies from years past. And now I can proudly tell you! That is not who I am today. Because of Dr. MARK HAMILTON’S FATHER and Mr. MH
the NTS and now the TVP. I AM A BETTER MAN TODAY! AGAIN I CAN TELL YOU PROUDLY I’M NEITHER LOST OR BROKEN. O! yea! About the NTS and TVP these are two more thing you will learn about.
And when you do you will jump into these areas with both feet! And it doesn’t end there. Which bring me to say this it is time to stop playing the ostrich thing we need to get our heads out of the sand like never before. We are being robbed
I mean they are putting their hands deep into our pockets taken all we have and what belongs to our future siblings. And leaving us with the feeling that it is taxes they are taken. And let me tell you this! I’m tired of Career Politician taken our money and giving it to the illegal immigrants. I’m tired of learning that those illegal immigrants make more money then the average American worker just by staying home making baby’s!!! “Can you believe that!!!” We need to vote them out of office and I mean all of the Career Politicians the ones that are incumbents. It doesn’t matter who you vote for just don’t vote for either party’s The republicans or demarcates. So get you head out of the sand and vote for anybody that is not a republicans Or demarcates. Hopefully we will have someone from the TVP who we can vote for in 2012. MORE POWER TO THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY NTS AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST TVP
WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

February 2025