Posts Tagged ‘citizens of the world’

Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature sparked my spirit

When I received my letters to join Neothink Society, I had no idea of the Neothink Society.
I am a free thinker and when I joined Neothink Society it was wonderful to find other free
thinkers. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature sparked my spirit.
I enjoy the Neothink literature. I feel myself becoming my own person. I started my life over and my life is right on course now!
For the United States to be the greatest country in the world again, we need to let all our people be free thinkers, become their own persons; become millionaires with the
Twelve Visions Party paving our way; for government to be protection only; government
allowing all people to grow, think freely, thus our economy grows and all people prosper, even the poor. All peoples move forward and live full and abundant lives!
I have moved forward in my life, confident of what the future holds for me and all mankind knowing of the Twelve Visions Party. The Twelve Visions Party is the political party of now and the future.
It is the political party of the people, for the people; allows all people to be free thinkers and gives us back all our freedoms; that have been taken from all citizens of the world!
I an happy to be a free thinker and I have never lost my vision of helping others be free thinkers.

You can change horses in mid-stream!

Mid-stream being in this case, one’s life…could happen at mid-life or any point in one’s life. And the horses being means thru which one travels thru this life and beyond. There is belief that you can never change course in life…once you have made up your mind. Or rather had your mind made up for you. Everyone in society is trying to mold you into something that fits society’s needs…while your needs are given short shift; down graded to dreams lost….
So…you have started on this journey on the path. The path being in this case…the means/way/methodology of attaining that higher state/purpose of being. Neothink gives you that better way to cross the streams of this life in the most efficient and clear-headed way. And it all has to with Mark Hamilton providing the methodology/way of attaining your true worth as a human being. And that is reaching your compete potential… thru Neothinking your way out; instead of reacting your into further the quicksand of life! Using the techniques given by Mark Hamilton…one is able to not only change horses in mid-stream but also get brand new horses in the bargain!
It all comes down to integrating the lessons/meeting essences into reality.
This is by seeing reality for what it is…that existentially we are brought down…but thru Neothink, we can rise to any level we want. It all takes is willingness to learn and adapt successfully the life altering principles of Neothink.
By seeing that it all essentially falls on the individual…we are made captains of our fate! For personal responsibility implies an innate knowledge of karma; and how karma works. Basically…karma makes us ethical. And by accepting our selves as the movers of our own fate; we free ourselves from the chains that society wishes to impose on us to keep us sedated and under control.
This makes us citizens of the world instead of citizens of part of it…thereby making our vision more holistic and whole!
For laws should be made from man…not God or the gods that may be imaged!!!
Thereby insuring equality and fair treatment for all citizens…Neothink citizens!

February 2025