Posts Tagged ‘citizenry’

For too long now there are those in power intolerant of people that don't …

For too long now there are those in power intolerant of people that don’t buy into the lies foisted on the masses by the media and the spin doctors who are paid to get the citizenry to buy into the reality that they are currently selling us.

Then examine the literature of Mark Hamilton

Computers are wonderful technological machines that can serve as very useful tools for us. Among their attributes are: receiving, calculating, storing, and retrieving data, encryption & decryption, messaging, and the like. Who among us though, would enjoy being thought of, or treated as, a computer? Ask yourself: “Am I a computer?” Or on the contrary, “Am I an intelligent, sentient, creative, self-reliant, and capable individual?”
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions – the lists of such instructions being called “programs.” A computer has no free will. It is told precisely what to do and how and when to do it. It is programmed by the programmer and must carry out that programming. The way I see it, our current government and political structure have grown into over-powering, monster-sized programmers that have turned many of us into machines and taken control of 1) our individual internal hard drives (our minds) through use of their propaganda and their stronghold over the media, and 2) our individual external hardware (our bodies, physical selves) by regulating every aspect of our daily lives, right down to the fine minutia…and doing so, not for our benefit (as they would have us believe), but for completing their own power-hungry and greedy agendas.
Control of the various forms of media results in controlling “which” versions of truth we really are exposed to and what our minds get to take in – the programmer’s (government’s) “software” versions. Much of our citizenry have been turned into machines that accept what is fed into them – including the idea that they, like computers, must accept things because there really is no escape from the programmer and besides, they can’t really work things out for themselves. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we the citizenry can’t spell out any of the “text” for ourselves unless we live by the computer binary code of 1s and 0s – the Republican and Democratic parties!
If you do not fit the above description of a computer and you know that you are an individual with inherent freedoms as your rights, then examine the literature of Mark Hamilton and of the political party that he created – the Twelve Visions Party. His guidelines are not for controlling his fellow countrymen and -women, but are for helping all to think for themselves and build an honest, unified, functional government and country that is once again truly of, by, and for The People.
The Twelve Visions Party should be nurtured, supported and protected by us because it truly represents us and our visions of the future that will make us free and prosperous again. It holds the viable promise of a future that any and all of us would want for our children. No coercion, no manipulation, no threat of hellfire and damnation…just building value creations and living in peace, unity, health and prosperity…real happiness….
Liz S, N.Y.

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP

Dear Mark,

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP. You give us hope, confidence and the ability to meet people with like minds. Without you we could not have the TVPNJ launch which was a one-in-a-million experience. The convention center vibrated from all the energy that was in the room. It was both fun and informational. We met and learned about our leaders and met so many TVP members but the most exciting moment for me was finally seeing and hearing you. Your message and your presence albeit through the internet was mesmerizing and we were all concentrating so intently that you could have heard a pin drop. I cannot wait for TVP to be in every states. We need TVP to once again give the citizenry the life that we all deserve.

I am honored to be a member of TVP and Neothink Society. It certainly has added a wonderful dimension in my life.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H

I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton

I can’t say I am surprised that the media and government officials are looking to silence the voice of Mark Hamilton.  The man is an obvious threat to their way of thinking and so they will do anything in their power to stop this movement.  As someone who is knew to this new way of thinking, I can’t say that I am totally aware of all the benefits that will be brought to society as a result of these new ways of thinking, however I am intelligent enough to realize the path we, as a people and a government, have been on is one doomed to failure and disenchantment for the vast majority of people.  We have got to find a new way of approaching Life and from what I have read in the documents I have obtained, I am convinced that this new approach is one that would ultimately benefit everyone.  Therefore, I 100% support the efforts of Mark Hamilton and his company in trying to help people in finding a new way of living.  Besides the obvious 1st amendment implications of this effort, I think that any society that cannot allow a difference of opinion, does not deserve the support of its citizenry.  For anyone to say that this is a scam or other such type of business fraud, means that they simply do not understand or have bothered to investigate for themselves, what this movement is all about.  I will continue to read and try to absorb the materials that I have already obtained and hope to eventually become much more active in the movement itself.  Right now I am at the student level and don’t feel knowledgeable enough to try to teach anyone else about what this means.  But, I am far enough along to understand the implications of this new way of thinking and living.  Keep up the good work and the good fight.
Bill W

March 2025