Posts Tagged ‘citizen’

My name is Mr W and I believe that Neothink is …

My name is Mr W and I believe that Neothink is God-sent information to help me and other individuals understand how to develop their positive inner self; recognize our own potential; and utilize our own positive strengths. Even though I have been sick, my wife has been ill, my eye sight does not allow me to read for long periods, I am still benefiting from the spiritual teachings to become a better man, husband and citizen of this great nation, the United States of America!! I want to thank our leader, The Honorable Mark Hamilton for allowing me and my family to become a member of Neothink!!

That would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton

I am a citizen of the United States, and am proud of it. However, I am not proud of the dysfunction that our nation has fallen into. Observing for decades the steps being taken to remove our rights, even the DUTY as a citizen to disagree. The suggestion of the removal of our Constitution, and the military policing our streets. If you aren’t afraid of that, then you should be.
Today our only freedom of speech is if you agree with the status quo. People fear what they don’t understand, attacking it so it won’t interfere with the present course of action. Many are of closed mind and unwilling to accept real change.
The only way for that to happen is by bringing the people together, and awakening them to all the possibilities, that they can achieve once they are made aware of them. That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing. Pulling people together to make the changes necessary for our country and the world to survive as it CANNOT CONTINUE ON ITS PRESENT COURSE.
After I was contacted, I began taking the steps necessary to change my life. I had been made aware of possibilities and set out to make them realities. Furthermore, meeting others of like mind has made a major impact on my life, and that would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton. It is my honest desire to meet Mark Hamilton someday, as that still remains on my list of possibilities that needs to become a reality.
Pat J

Make all people rich even the poor

I am working on change!The Twelve
Visions Political Party will give us this change, every American wants for themsevlves and their children.
The American people want better for themselves and their children.
We are all working on change of American and the world, in our large and small ways. I, being a part of NEOTHINK SOCIETY and GIN, know what is going to manifest, and I help to spread the words of change, to other people. Most people embrace now the changes coming, and want to help bring the changes faster to the world.
I also want changes faster, to live in
Hamilton- American and prosper now, and especially when these changes are here!
We all do our part,to spread the how
these changes will affect our daily lives.
The Twelve Visions Political Party,
Make all people rich even the poor, says it all!
Lets make this a reality for the now of people’s lives.
I see to many people living on the edge, and to many others living in wealth and not sharing their wealth with the masses in America. I do not mean free hand outs, I mean change from within, our political parties not in touch with the average citizen. They do not know or see these average people, or feel their pain, and courage to get through each day, but these people are blessed and do get through each day, with their strength that comes from God! I feel their pain and know that American will be better for all People, very soon.

That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.


I am a citizen of the United States, and am proud of it.  However, I am not proud of the dysfunction that our nation has fallen into.  Observing for decades the steps being taken to remove our rights, even the DUTY as a citizen to disagree.  The suggestion of the removal of our Constitution, and the military policing our streets.  If you aren’t afraid of that, then you should be.
Today our only freedom of speech is if you agree with the status quo.  People fear what they don’t understand, attacking it so it won’t interfere with the present course of action.  Many are of closed mind and unwilling to accept real change.
The only way for that to happen is by bringing the people together, and awakening them to all the possibilities, that they can achieve once they are made aware of them.  That is what Mark Hamilton and his literature are doing.  Pulling people together to make the changes necessary for our country and the world to survive as it CANNOT CONTINUE ON ITS PRESENT COURSE.
After I was contacted, I began taking the steps necessary to change my life.  I had been made aware of possibilities and set out to make them realities.  Furthermore, meeting others of like mind has made a major impact on my life, and that would not have happened if it weren’t for Mark Hamilton.  It is my honest desire to meet Mark Hamilton someday, as that still remains on my list of possibilities that needs to become a reality.
Pat J

March 2025