Posts Tagged ‘chills’

I will do anything possible on my behalf to stand for Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton, Sir; If I may, Out of the closeness I feel towards You. Please let me address You by Your first name Mark.. We are of the same ,, Name too.. I just received Your msg. It is truly an understatement to say, The concern, care, compassion, And Love, Deep inside me that stirred reading Your msg.. The chills quickly turned to tears. But only to b replaced with the knowledgeable lesson You taught me this evening ‘re-reading’ the first chapter of Your first Neothink,,-Chapter One,- “Removing Limitations”.. For some reason I thought of that-Removing Limitations.. To think for a moment that the neocheaters, And the anticivilization would even consider trying to suppress/repress a man such as Mark Hamilton.. A family oriented man who is brimming over with Love, Compassion, A very deep knowledge that the world is thirsting for.. I know for a FACT, That Love, Compassion, and Genuine Humanitarian concern I have for You, And the Neothink Society, In short, Is a genuine reflection of the Humanitarian Love, Care, Concern, And compassion, And knowledge that Mark Hamilton, And the Society has bestowed upon me, As well as thousands of Other’s.. And for that Mark, I am Ever so Grateful to You, And the Society. Thank-You Mark!!! Reading Your letter, I am reminded of Miss. Annabelle’s dilemma, From the beginning of Her teachings to her students, To the last chapter I finished,-Chapter 71.. Mark,, Your letter caught me off guard.. I want You to know, That I am DEFINITELY here for You, And the Society, Any way I can.. I am not one to act In haste,- Meaning I will think about Your letter more in depth over the next two – three days, At most, And by Sunday, I want to state my facts to WHOEVER it may concern. When I am presented with something such as the magnitude of Your letter tonight, I’d prefer to think it over a couple few days, And then, Once I’ve had time to process the situation You are faced with, Then I will be more prepared to voice my stand on Your behalf.. Tonight, And just for You, I had to get back to You, And Your msg. Just to let You know, That I received Your letter, And I will do anything possible on my behalf to stand for Mark Hamilton, And the Society. You can count on that!! But as just mentioned, This note tonight is to let You know, I will put my mind to paper for You, Once I’ve had a couple / few days to really think on this.. Mark , I will tell You now, No one single man / Group of people has Ever in my lifetime of 52 yrs., Brought/Enlightened me w/so much humanitarian concern, Caring, And genuine compassion, For the Human race, As You have,, And I am truly grateful, And Thankful to You, And the Society For that!! Knowledge is power, But unfortunately, The neocheater’s and the anticivilization of this world can’t handle anyone ‘trumping’ them… As ‘Karma’ comes around,, And in a nutshell, Its ‘their’ fire that will get pissed on, And put out.. (: After 52 yrs., I can ‘read’ my ‘insides’. . I know what’s ‘inside’ me is real, And there’s no denying it.. Mark, Its strange that You sent me this msg. tonight, Because there is a lot I’ve been wanting to tell You.. And this eve./tonight I was gonna mention to You, That due to a 10 yr. old computer that finally went down last month, and getting another one, I’ve missed my level One and Level Two meetings, That I have to get completed to ‘be on par’ with the ‘Learning Journey’ You have given me a chance at… This internet service is ‘Dial-Up’, Don’t have access to DSL yet in this area, Which takes like 4-7 hrs. to download the meetings. And then about 3-4 hrs. into the ‘downloading’, the internet service disconnects, and You get the picture.. But once the impossible is ruled out, Anything’s’ possible…. Mark, I will get back to You concerning this matter by Sunday night.. Give me a couple few days to think on this… If theirs is anything I can do to be of any help to You, Or the Society, Please, Don’t hesitate to tell me.. Something about You Mark,, And the Society,, Is deep inside me, And I need to figure/know how I can return that ‘reflection’ You enlightened me with… What ever I write to You Mark, If any of it will help You in any way, Do with it, Edit it to however You see fit.. Thank-You Mark for EVERTYHING You, And the Society has enlightened me with… Talk to You soon My Friend.. Take Care.. Mark. ps. You’ve put a ‘puzzle piece’ in my mind tonight, Now I’ve got to see how I can make that ‘piece’ fit the big picture…. Luv You Man.. And Thank-You! For Being You..

Mark, I thank you!


  This is yet another confirmation that what you have passed onto the world is truth!

  Some time ago I presented my testimony but I just have to pass this information onto you.

  I began to work on my parents over the years who are 80 and 81 years young! Just since the 22nd of February, 2010 I came to their homes to begin a one-on-one work to balance them out and rid them of the clutches of the Neocheaters mind-set! Both are in good health, still drive and have active lifestyles! I did not attempt to lie to them nor did I attempt to stop their belief system. I only had them to perform the “what if” test, look at my life and use it as an example as to what they can do if they would stop listening to the third parties whether it be religion, health care, taxes, govt., economy, etc…! Instead of going to the preacher, go straight to God! Why pay for someone to practice on you when you can practice on yourself? Why stop investing if the stock market is still open? Etc….!

  During a supposedly recession, my mother is selling her home (at a good rate) and moving into a smaller home and investing her money!

   Because of the multiple vessels of Neocheaters concepts that has been in place for failure and death they had been on medication and they were not sick!

 Through simple juicing; blood pressure(through worry), achy joints, sluggish days, having chills and being cold from old age, etc…NO LONGER exists! This all took place less than an HOUR of drinking their first PARTIAL glass of fruits and vegetables! Just juicing and inspiration! I believe in results! This is not a concept in which Neothink will say nor have one to believe/think, “I got mine….to bad you did not get yours!, It is for everyone of all ages! My grandchildren are excelling and growing at a rapid rate! All of my grandchildren have become entrepreneurs on their own beginning at the age of eight, the oldest is now twelve!

  Everyone is upbeat, shining, prosperous and willing to help! Outsiders have questioned us! “Who are you?” No matter where one goes there is always a poor me! The times that I have meet a Neothinkers that is negative/down, he/she is not negative for long because they will receive nothing but unconditional LOVE, assistance from others! The millionaires, the no names, all have placed themselves on a reachable level to communicate, ask questions and provide answers.   

 I could go on and on but the key is, once one digest Neothink….so much begins to manifest that it is a shock! Initially the truth be told, I really did struggle with the reading of the 12 Visions! The magnitude of change is so great that sometimes it seems as if nothing happens, but it is! Yes, one will become emotional because pretty much all that we believe in is a LIE! Yes, one may lose a job, marriage…but you are not a failure and this is not the end of the road!

  Whether you read Neothink, TVP, the Federal laws, the Bible, change jobs, start a business….does not all of the above and more require you to CHANGE? Do not kill the messenger! Change is what disturbs most humans. My thoughts are to disturb change!

  I see friends, family, strangers, young and old change and grow in all areas of their lives! Tell me who, what do you know that has/is doing so much regardless of your age, sex, race or geographical location today? I Love me! I enjoy getting up in the mornings, I’m excited! I enjoy Life!

  Mark, I thank you!

 Just like you knew attacks, lies would come….you know all is well! I am in agreement with you and my fellow Neothink Visions! Their are no words to explain how grateful I am. Please know that your lose was not in vein. Just look at what you have gained.

Blessed to be a blessing…


March 2025