Posts Tagged ‘cheaters’

Mark Hamilton, you are an HONEST voice in this world…

Dear Mark,
Thank you for all that you and NEOTHINK have done. Any person who feels that they have been lied to in life(and we have been) should read NEOTHINK. Any person who feels that there is more to life than struggle (and there is) should read NEOTHINK. Any person with the ability to think for them-selves (or strives for that ability) should read NEOTHINK. Honesty and value production and the right to pursue them are the most important things we possess. The loss of these things and our voices of truth and honesty would leave us all in a far worse place. The people in this world who lie and steal and make their existence and livings off the backs of good value producing people will do anything by any means to stop ANY honest voice it hears. Our very liberties and our right to exist in freedom are quickly being taken away from ALL OF US. Embrace the honest people you encounter and denounce the dishonest cheaters who steal from everyone and drag us all down. Mark Hamilton, you are an HONEST voice in this world and despite what may be said about you and/OR NEOTHINK, NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT FACT. We must all remember one thing. If any person is being attacked for no real good reason than they must be perceived as a threat, and if that threat is the truth and honesty than look at who is threatened by this and ask them why! I will ask why and so will millions of others.
Keep up you good work. You have dedicated your life to making the world a much better place. Please don’t stop. You have my support and I wish you well!
Edward Wright

“You, Sir, are a National Treasure”

Dear Mark Hamilton:
Attached to this email is my testimonial that you requested, per which I would like to quote, “You, Sir, are a National Treasure”. I am trying one last time to get through to you because I have much value to add to your cause, if you will just hear me out. You see, I understand that the “Miss Annabelle” story was actually about you; namely, you were Miss Annabelle and we apprentices were your students, and I was one of the main students you needed to reach. I know that is a bold statement, but what I am about to provide you is the living proof. I can only hope that this finally reaches you, for it was to be for your eyes only.
First, some constructive criticism, not intended to chastise you in any way, but to give a new boost to the cause of the Twelve Visions World to which I am so committed. Everything about the Annabelle story was so intriguingly conceived, but, with one fatal flaw–not the story, but the manner in which it was carried out with the apprentice group; namely, Miss Annabelle was readily accessible to her students at all times, but you were not; e.g. I wonder how successful the Miss Annabelle story would have been if her students had to do posts on a website, along side of other students, hoping to maybe get the attention of Miss Annabelle, and, then, hoping she would sort through the maze and respond???
I completely understand that you have to protect what you have worked so long to achieve, and the reluctance anyone would feel in your situation to open up the flood gates by letting down the wall. I also understand how multi-tasked and busy you have been. Hopefully, you can also understand that many of your apprentices feel the same way. I know for a fact that had you heard what I am going to share hopefully with you, you would not have had to plead for testimonials for fear of the neo-cheaters reaction, because the battle would have already been won. When you hear me out, you will have to admit it too. You see, you did not have to get 50 million Americans to understand the plan, but only a very small fraction using the right approach.
Before I get into “the approach”, let me tell you about myself. I have an extremely high I. Q., once measured to be 232 when I was in college. Today at age 61, I believe I probably would break the measuring scale. I skipped the 5th grade and had 1500+ on my SAT score entering college. I tried to attend some Mensas meetings but become so frustrated by the groups impracticality and never joined–they had the “paralysis of analysis” and never seemed to want to come to a solution of the problem they were working on as a group. You see, I had been using Neothink all my life and never knew it. However, I never understood the concept of the massive anti-civilization which thwarted me all the time when I tried to add value to the world–I have the cure for cancer and have had it for over 35 years; a plan for elimination of every harmful virus and bacteria on the planet, the total answer to the dilemmas of Einstein’s theory and string-theory, and many other values to add to the world. Thanks to you, I now do understand what I have been up against.
The value I wish to share is a not only a marketing approach that works every time without massive exposure, but also a further insight into understanding how the universe operates. I am sure you have heard of the “100 Monkey Principle”, as per your statement about the need of 50 million Americans understanding Neothink. Many have heard of this concept but very few really understand it. It is about time you heard about it from one of the originators ( and maybe the only one). You see, I first became aware of the idea in 1964, at the age of 15. I saw one of the very first articles published on the unusual monkey experiment done in 1957 but not mad public for several years. I was fascinated that, once the monkeys on one island finally learned to wash the sand off of the raspberries by going to the sea water, they went to the second island and the first monkey went right to the ocean to wash it off. Only later, having spent much of my career in sales/marketing, I put it all together.
You see, I believe that our Neothinker, or perhaps the original Creator Neothinker, have (has) put in place a “score keeping” function into the connection that we all have with “universal intelligence”; i.e. as any living species reaches a critical mass of learning a new idea (thus evolving), this connection “keeps score” of that event (upward progress) and filters the result to the rest of that species. I can envision that when enough cavemen learned to make fire, the rest of the world knew instantly too. Theory: Why would not a Neothinker want a way to keep track of his creation’s progress? I also believe, just a theory at this point, that all departed intelligent beings’ spirits/souls go to that type of area like the “score keeper”.
Now, to the marketing application of this concept, most who understand this critical mass concept for introducing a new product, service, or idea go no further than to blast the marketplace with ads to achieve that critical mass, and conceptually believe that an approximate market penetration of 8-12% will achieve that goal. Rubbish! The scientists on that first island accomplished the critical mass for an entire species with less than 100 monkeys out of the thousands and perhaps millions of that species. If the commonly held belief of the critical mass of 8-12% is true, why then did not their product, service, or idea immediately saturate to 100% like the monkey experiment?
The reason is that the true meaning applied to marketing lies not in the critical mass, but in creating an “island” in the marketplace and saturating that created “island” with the product service, or idea. Additionally, one has to consider the fact that when dealing with human beings, no product, service, or idea will appeal to everyone on earth (saturation or 100%) because intelligent beings will still be affected by emotions and have the conscious ability of free will to NOT conform with the masses.
To put this all in perspective, let me relate my own application of this deeper understanding of the 100 monkey phenomenon. In late 1982, I decided to get back into the property and casualty insurance business because I had found a company that just came to Colorado (I live in Denver). They had tremendous auto/homeowners rates, but to differentiate myself from the competition, I decided to add to the rates 24/7 service by me the agency owner–a good trick to pull off, given the fact of no cell phones or internet back then. However, I was one of the first to implement a pager as a marketing tool–if my customer had an accident at 3:00 AM, he/she could page me and I guaranteed a response. To create my “island”, I chose a small area of Denver, that was mostly blue-collar and thus would respond to the low rates and 24/7 service. I created a newsletter for just that neighborhood of about 700 homes where I knocked on doors to get the word out about my rates/service, sent out direct mail, and even hired a telemarketing house to solicit by phone. My first direct mailing got a typical 1.5% success rate. By early 1983, I had about 8% of the business in that neighborhood “island”. Continuing to bombard just that neighborhood, in 3 more months, I had about 30% of the business there as the word got out that I delivered the 24/7 service that no one else did. I also began getting unsolicited response from areas well away from my little “island”. In just 1 month my “island” marketplace penetration reached 65% and I had to hire many new agents/service people to keep up on the demand. I then chose another like neighborhood to expand. To my surprise, my first direct mailing pulled in a 45% response! Continuing in 1984 to expand, I hade built an agency from nothing to over $3.5 million of premium in force in just 2 years using the “island” marketing approach alone, which the industry says takes 15 years to build. Sadly though I lost my agency, with an intrinsic value of around $1.5 million, in early 1985. I won’t go into why here because that is not relevant to the Twelve Visions World goal. I also attained another $1+ million net worth using other products/services using the same “island” approach.
One more example and I will get to the punch-line of this discussion. Remember the “hula hoop” craze in the late 50’s/early 60’s? Whammo Products, inc had actually invented it in 1954 planning to market it in Hawaii. After some curiosity response, the natives saw the hula hoop as an insult to their culture and it failed there miserably. After several years of little market acceptance, Whammo was ready to dump the product in the fall 1959, when one of their execs decided to chill out a while at Malibu Beach, CA. He had about 300 hoops with him and decided to get rid of them for free so he could relax. After showing a few people how to use a hula hoop, it seemed to really click with the beach bums there. The next day he had request for many more–within 2 weeks the whole California beach community was in love with the hula hoop, and the whole nation followed shortly after. Therefore, Whammo’s “island” was Malibu Beach and they luckily benefited from the effect. Countless other rages had their lucky “island” as wel and got the lucky, not designed, explosion.
I know that you are getting this late in the game, but there still is time to take advantage of the right principle approach. Since the principle starts with an “island” first approach, then national exposure, and since the national movement is already underway, I have many suggestions to offer that will work just as fast as the hula hoop craze–we can have a TVP craze too without butting heads with the anti’s. Please contact somehow so we can mount a final assault on them. You have mail, my phone # is below.
Inclosing, I have one problem to mention. Unfortunately, to the all my previous years of confronting the establishment, they are aware of me big time as a threat to them. They have actually today got me charged with a crime I did not commit that they have blown a minor thing into a big problem for me. In fact I am going to court today on it. To date I have always managed to wiggle out of their noose, but not so sure this time–I am in poor health and am presently totally broke and cannot afford a good attorney to help me. The person, Steve Nalty–my fellow Denver chapter Neothink Society member, who I have carbon-copied this email to, has my permission to act on my behalf if necessary due to above. I jus want to repeat my total dedication to this cause, for I have even risked my neck for it. I have4 no criminal record whatsoever.
A. Daniel Viola

Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons…

Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons your literature provides. You have shared amazing insights on life, true love and happiness. Avoiding scammers & cheaters are the most valuable tools I now possess. My education could not have been more complete without your excellent writing. I have had the good fortune to respond to your unique marketing approach! You have captured my love for history, religion, politics, business and science. Your respect for my intellect is rewarding. The myriad of puzzle pieces you bring to light, have been both entertaining and educational. I am usually perked-up to full potential by reading your books. I’m convinced no curriculum would be complete without neo think required for graduation! I’ve just received info on your latest book. I’m looking forward to it. Your writing shares the most useful information for growth and understanding, I have ever had the pleasure of indulging in. Many thanks for you and the beautiful world, your ideas present. Cindy K.

As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary, Natural Cures and Global Information subscriber and member….and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.
There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?
We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.
In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.
The fight had begun….and you are going to finish it…..Mr ____?
Jun Demavivas

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton


Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton
Good day, with reference to my Neothink materials, i found the materials to be fascinating.I operate a small mortgage business and i have seen a growth in production. I am more focused in my business operations. I have a more deeper knowledge of what is going on in the world. I can spot neo cheaters and am more at peace. Keep up the good works. Cannot wait to go to the next sections of the meetings…illusion confusion
Phil Marshall

Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me…


Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me and setting me on the Right path to find my FNE, I know what I need to do to get there, I am now working my FNE. Now I will set myself free to do what is in my heart. When Mark found me I was going on the wrong path of life, and then He sent me a letter and I sent it back in and soon after I received a booklet and as I read that booklet I knew I just had to find out more about what was going on in this Neothink Society, So right away I ordered my first book The NT Discovery, and when I received this first book, I opened it and read all the Bold Head Lines first then I turned back to the 1st page and read, at first it was slow going because I really didn’t read books that much, but as I read I couldn’t put it down, I just had to find out more and more. The mini days are great I tried them at work, but with my job it didn’t work to well for the job I have is a end without an end job! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to read the book, and then I received a letter to send for my 2nd book and I did, when this one arrived I opened it right away and started reading it and once more I didn’t want to put it down, I even took it to work with me and left it in my truck and at lunch I would go out and sit in my truck and read while I ate my lunch, while I was in my truck I was in my own world the Twelve Visions World, For this is the world that I want to be part of I thought. for I have found out things that I have felt all of my life and I knew there had to be more in life than what I was seeing and hearing everyday. It took me about 2wks to finish, and then I sent for Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I was ready to put forth what I had read and search for the people that I had read about, Because I so wanted to meet these Genius For now I want to live for ever and I want for all of this to come to life, I look forward for when we set the world free of Neo-cheaters And to set aside our differences my Brothers and Sisters and to shed mysticism and put forth the Prime Law. For then will we be one with the Twelve Visions World and Mark Hamilton. Thank you. Kenneth Farlin

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Literature

To The Neothink® Society,
Mark Hamilton has written and put together a work of such value that clearly shows his compassion for each human being on the face of the planet. This literature captures the value that each human life has, and clearly demonstrates how to apply proven techniques to excel in your personal and professional life. This literature demonstrates what illusions and frauds have done to our lives. It shows how dishonesties are created and how to rid you of such behavior. This literature clearly demonstrates how envious people have destroyed some of the greatest creators and scientist of our earthly society.
If each person truly found what they were meant to create for themselves and society, imagine what the impact upon this world would be. This literature shows that human conscience has a value, that each person deserves the same wealth happiness and success. Our founding fathers had that vision when they wrote the constitution, and Mark Hamilton’s literature opens the door that has been closed by Neo cheaters. The Neothink literature stands by itself. Mark Hamilton did not have a divine intervention, or an angelic visit by dead prophets as all religions have. The Neothink literature is critically thinking techniques that are not ideas by imagined voices or new age thinking. The Neothink literature is not a fad, nor a religion.
The Neothink Society will be the necessary mind evolution jump into true human value consciousness, where true value of all members of society thrive, where fair business dynamics create more wealth for the business creators and individuals than for the neocheaters of politics, religion and government. And, where medical miracles will be created to truly stop disease, aging and allow people to be immortal, where breakthroughs and advances will be rewarded to the rightful individual or individuals, rather than envious neocheaters. The Neothink® Society is where religion is no longer a cause for the imagined gods to commit mass murders genocide and terrorist attacks against any country or group or individual. A society where children learn in breakthrough puzzle building techniques, that creates geniuses.
The twelve visions party will be a real choice of value unheard of in our society. The TVP is a value that provides true service to our society and each individual. The TVP will mean that I do not have to choose between the lesser of two evils in an election. For the TVP will put into society what government, politics, religion, have never accomplished. The TVP will give me and my family true value and wealth, and peace that will supersede all the drudgery of the spiral death our society and religion has created. The TVP will replace what has been destroyed.
The success of the TVP, is what is necessary for our society, we do not need another religious or new age intervention or political reform. We do not need more programs and spending that ultimately is a bogus fraud. The future of the world rests upon new and more informed choice of individual freethinking and collaborative breakthroughs that allow true value to be utilized by business and individuals not for the rich and the elite.
The TVP will bridge what government has never accomplished, and that is to provide the services to defend our homeland and the threat of force by any person or group upon any individual or property. The TVP will restore that which has been taken from groups or individuals, by force or coercion.
Silence Mark Hamilton, and you destroy the true value of choice. You will show the world that you disvalue freethinking individuals, and you show the world that you disvalue human consciousness.
You will show the world that you cannot compete on an intellectual diplomatic level; that as Government and politics and religion have always done; it must be destroyed so you can take it for yourselves. You will show the world the nature of your bicamerical mind that has not made any true freethinking decisions; you show your political agenda.
You will show the world that that your biased envy, because you did not think of it yourself. You will show the world that government and politics are the judges, not freethinking individuals. You show the world that it is your reelection fever that fuels your attacks and attempts to silence the TVP.
I want a world and society that protects each and every individual. I want my children to see value in all people. I wish to live in a society where I do not have to reside to the spiral death syndrome that so many of us are disheartened by. I want a world where individuals are constantly creating and applying new advances. I want to see a world that appreciates freethinking and appreciates people by recognizing those accomplishments, not destroying them. I want to see doors that are always open to build creativity in every individual.
The Neothink literature has demonstrated to me what dynamics have been missing in my life. I have come to greater understanding and critical thinking answers through Neothink literature. I have discovered my true value mission in life that can be utilized for the benefit of my family and society. I can see the visionary transformations that will take place through the Twelve Visions Party.
My journey with the Neothink Society began 3 years ago and it has been one of the most educating and profitable journey ever. I want to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for giving me the opportunity to become a member with this unique society and it has been my privilege to learn and grow within this society. It is refreshing to know that people like Mr. Hamilton are willing to put forth the effort and discipline necessary to bring forth such values as the Neothink Society and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY. As a member with these organizations, I cannot be grateful enough for Mr. Hamilton’s insights and guidance. I am grateful for the associations – personal and business alike – which would have been impossible if it was not for Mr. Hamilton.
In my opinion, Mr. Hamilton and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY are the only vehicles that will lead us out of this stagnant and irrational world we all live in today. Dishonest, incompetent politicians MUST be replaced by honest and competent business men and women! The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the opposite of today’s political parties that operate on illusions, dishonesty and coercion. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for Mr. Hamilton’s guidance and mentor-ship. With Mr. Hamilton’s help and with the Neothink Society support, I am now on the fast-track to being the person I am meant to be, and living the life I am meant to live.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction in the way life and business should be handled. He and neothink has shown me that society can function together and create a better way to live, IN a honest environment, free of mysticism ,cheaters , value destroyers and parasitical politicians and lawyers. Neothink will teach our kid’s value and honesty ,and teach them to prosper and live a healthy life. WE ALL can live a better life by achieving these goals, As Mark Hamilton and Neothink showed only great concern for the well being of all people and nations. don s

Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift…

Deep within my thoughts I have often wished “ if there could only be a place, where the truly honest people can unite together and make this dishonest world we live in, a better place to live and be happy”.
My wish came true! I was introduced to the manuscripts written by the greatest author of our time, his name is Mark Hamilton. Within his manuscripts are written the honesty truth that has been kept secret from us for thousands of years. I have learned from reading these manuscripts valuable information that has changed my life, and my families lives forever.
Mark Hamilton’s research for over thirty years has been, finding the honesty truth and helping others. What a rare man in today’s world! Mark Hamilton has helped me discover the Gift we are all born with, the gift of Neothink, the Power of our mind. He is teaching me how to reach the full potential of achieving anything I want within my honest thoughts. While I was reading the manuscripts, the thoughts that entered my mind was similar to the Jesus story “ when one man was teaching, value thinking and creative thinking is the key to survival”, Jesus was telling the people they can use the Power within themselves, to overcome the value destroyers and the creative cheaters.
After I have been discovering Neothink, I have been able to teach myself how to use the computer, simply with my visions that come to me from within my deep desired thoughts. I wake up each day with a smile and feeling good, because I am now able to communicate with the growing number of like-minded individuals, that have attained the same valuable information contained inside the manuscripts.
Mark Hamilton has built a place called the Neothink Society, where all truly honest people share their thoughts, dreams, and ideas and help each other make them come real. With the help from Mark Hamilton, clubhouses are developing in every state and expanding to be in every community.
Within the Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions party has developed, this system is in place to overcome all the dishonesty, corruption, and cheating. As we all struggle to keep up with all the constant price increases on everything around us because the current thought process is to make things as cheap as possible and sell it for as much as possible, keep adding ridiculous tax increases on everything, only to put unearned money into the dishonest people’s pockets. Take ,take, take who cares about how many people suffer and try to survive. We are falsely to believe, that this is the way of life. When in fact we know deep in our hearts things have to change.
We all know this has been going on for a long time and getting worse.
During these very hard trying economic times, we are constantly searching for trust and honesty. I want a better life for my family & friends, how about you? Honesty will always prevail, now is the time to stand up and bring a better world into a better future. I encourage you to discover Neothink, The Twelve Visions Party and The Prime Law. Honest people united together, come join us and change your life into the world we are meant to live!
With True Honesty and Happiness,
Dale L

Mark Hamilton and his literature

A few years ago, out of the blue, I received letter in my mail that has changed my life completely. It was from the Neothink Society and what I read seemed too fantastic to believe. But I was unable to throw it in the trash because everything in the letter rang so true. Deep within I knew I had to follow through and learn more about this incredible organization and its leader, Mark Hamilton.
I purchased their literature and from the time I read the first chapter I knew that what I had been searching for the past decade or so of my life had found me! The concepts I read about rang so true and resonated to my very soul. I knew that those words were written by, not only a true genius, but by a person who had been able to strip away all of the layers of half-truths and falsehoods, placed on society as a whole, for generations. The world and my place in it finally made total sense.
I am now able to see how all good people of the world have and are being duped by unscrupulous people in positions of power and authority. Their dishonest actions and statements designed to hold people down while they are being bled of the values they have toiled to produce, are so obvious now that the truth has been revealed by the Neothink Society and Mr. Hamilton. All of the illusions propagated on the unknowing public cannot stand up in the very bright and honest light shone on them by the Society. How simple and basic; to protect the rights of the individual, is the only function of government. I can now spot these cheaters and their pathetic antics a mile away.
It is time that the good people in this world were allowed to see what I can now see with ease and total clarity!
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party must be allowed to keep educating people about how the universe really does and should work. Their message must never be smothered by the self-serving and dishonest politicians and religious leaders of the world. Please allow yourself to be exposed to their message so you too can cleanse the sludge from your minds and be able to once again think for yourselves with clarity and be able to judge for yourselves what is right for you. Freedom to think and do for yourselves, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the individual rights of others, is the very basis of all free societies and these rights are about to be taken away if you allow the power-hungry elites to censor and silence Mark Hamilton and his literature as well as the good people in the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).
I know we are all feeling more and more helpless as more regulation, taxes and rules are being foisted on us daily. We must not allow our rights of freedom of speech to be taken away! Please fight for your rights by protecting your basic freedoms and do not allow this to happen to the Neothink Society, TVP and Mr. Hamilton. Your children will be even more enslaved to taxes, regulation and helplessness than we are.
If allowed to continue unchecked by dishonesty, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and their political arm the TVP, will bring freedoms and unchecked prosperity to not only the U.S., but the whole world as each country follows suit. Our children and grandchildren will never experience the fear and negativity that we are increasingly experiencing in our world today as their rights, and the rights of every individual on earth, are protected. Prosperity for all never before seen in history will be upon us in a very short few years if allowed to spread their message.
Please everyone, for your sakes and the sake of your families now and in the future, keep your eyes wide open and think for yourselves. Don’t buy into the fear-mongering and dishonest hatred that the dishonest power elites are foisting on the fully integrated and honest Neothink Society members, Twelve Visions Party and above all, Mark Hamilton. Our future generations will thank us!
Daryl R. S
Proud Canadian and NeoThinker!

March 2025