Posts Tagged ‘change in my life’

I beg to take a moment of your time …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned, Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

I have an extensive experience and education in the restoration of antiques as well as the finishing and refinishing of fine furniture, cabinetry and architectural woodworks.

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

I beg to take a moment of your time …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned; Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

Throughout two years in Neothink Inside Secret with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did in my life.

Some people ignore that only Neothink Inside Secrets have a solid structure to grow up and the enlightenment its magnificent power.

I beg to take a moment of your time to …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned, Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

I have an extensive experience and education in the restoration of antiques as well as the finishing and refinishing of fine furniture, cabinetry and architectural woodworks. The very scope and diverse nature of the restoration work calls not only for expertise in a number of fields, but also for flexibility and the ability to adapt and apply existing methods to unique and ever-changing situations. Also, I been working in paint-art since 1974, with works in museums and private collections all around the world.

Throughout two years in Neothink with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did in my life.

Some people ignore that only NT (New-mentality without the creation of problems where none exist) have a solid structure to grow up and the enlightenment its magnificent power.

The Neothink Society will be to cure aging and death. Furthermore knows how much is necessary to move beyond the primitive idea of GODS begin to take responsibility for our actions, for who we really are in essence, to grow up. On the other hand, the stimulation of

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books …

Mark Hamilton,

As a reader of the Neothink Heirloom books, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the change in my life since 2007 when the first Heirloom book came.

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned; Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

Throughout two years in Neothink Inside Secret with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did


I came from a place of darkness, within state of confusion, and surrounded by negative energy. I was basically dying slowly inside and out… at the ripe age of 30 years old. My life needed change and I did not know how to go about it. When I first fixed my eyes on reading Mark Hamilton’s’ literature, I knew it would spark a change in my life. Since then I became a better mother to my children. I became more productive at work and a greater asset to my employer…literally earning my paycheck. I became more honest with myself and everyone around me. I became more aware of my surroundings and could clearly see how what I do/think literally affects others’ lives. I quit smoking “cold turkey”. My skin cleared up and my body became more shapely. Everyone in my life noticed the positive changes right away. Because we are all creatures of habit; I did stray from what I learned in the heirloom packages and when I did… thoughts and actions once again resorted back to that negative place. I would fall into a state of confusion and my life would get increasingly difficult by the day. I even picked up smoking again. However with Mark Hamilton’s’ literature in my possession, I am now and forever will be…well equipped with the tools to overcome any addiction or harmful habits I have accrued over the years in my dying state. I know now more than ever I will never stray again. The Neothink package speaks truth because it comes from a place of complete honesty. I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!! I physically feel empowered when reading Mark Hamilton’s’ words, and without a doubt you will too. I DARE you, matter of fact I BEG of you to read it.
I have to admit, my first impression was not very good and after a billing error I thought this was some sort of scam. Well, I was out the money so I started to read the first heirloom package, then the second and third. My world became measurably different in numerous positive ways. From personal bankruptcy in 1994 to four time president of our State accounting association, legislative co-chairman of the National Society of Accountants State Regulation and Oversight Committee and owner operator of a multi-million dollar franchise business in just a few short years I am becoming the man I was meant to be. I now regularly win national growth awards with innovative products and services and serve on a committee of fifteen that represents a franchisee system preparing nearly 3 million tax returns! Mark Hamilton does not stop there. He gets to the core or “essence” of what is and in understanding this essence I am able to see through non-sequesters to the true meaning of things. This alone has resulted in saving my marriage and given me a deeper sense of love for my wife and family. Mark’s ongoing meetings help me to expand my understanding of “neothink” and its principles to better apply myself each and every day. I love getting up in the morning, I love going to work, meeting with my clients and creating values that better their lives as well.
I see things very differently today but I admit to being a neophyte in this wonderful new world. I am free of illusion that enslaves the masses to systems of entitlement and servitude. I saw great injustices in a local school system and despite my busy schedule I ran for the Board of Education. It took a tough loss to realize that sometimes people know what is best but cannot move against the safer, easier convention belief. In other words, it is safer to lose. I on the other hand, do not lose well, I have created a system to cut school budgets in my area dramatically and simultaneously increase the quality of education. The concept may have seemed hair-brained at its onset but now after several credible activist groups, even government agencies and non-profit foundations have confirmed my findings, the concept gains traction.
Neothinkers are dangerous only to those who seek to embolden themselves and their authority not through attained values but by usurping that which they have not earned. For one, I am more successful, more in love, and enjoying my children far more today with the path I have chosen and the guidance Mark Hamilton provides. I do more, give more to charity (100 times more than our President) and live better. I cannot wait for tomorrow. I cannot wait for an endless stream of tomorrows.
Most sincerely,
Michael A. C

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…


When I first received communications from the Neothink Society over eight months ago, I will honestly admit that I thought it was a pyramid or get-rich-quick scheme.  Because there are so many scams out there today, people feeding off of others for their own personal gain, I was very skeptical.  Nevertheless, I decided to give the material a chance because I was intrigued and always felt there was something more to life that just seemed to be missing.  Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I lived a blessed life: a nice house, a caring wife, a healthy newborn and a promising career.  I had no real reason to desire change in my life, but decided to be open-minded and understand the mission fully before making a decision one way or another.  
I am glad I did.  If you are reading this now, I encourage you to do the same and keep an open mind.  Many people fear change because the unknown is uncomfortable and represents the possibility of an unfavorable outcome.  It is easier to do the same things over and over, even if they do not lead to a better result.  Neothink represents all that is honest and true in life.  It promotes a better life for everyone: rich or poor, male or female, young or old, indifferent to race or social status.  It strongly encourages family values and puts family at the center of your life.  It enables you to find your true passion in life, and create tremendous value for society.  Mark Hamilton is the messenger of this cause.  He is truly courageous because he is not afraid to see through dishonest illusions created by those who only care about their own self-interests.  And even more importantly, he is not afraid to live what he believes in to try to spread a worthy cause to others who are searching for a better life.
The media will convey to the public that the Neothink Society is corrupt and dishonest in order to improve their own ratings and to publish the “hot story of the month”.  Politicians will fear Neothink and skew its message in order to preserve their own power and portray themselves as protecting the innocent public.
The Twelve Visions Party represents change that is to the benefit of everyone, whether it is a school teacher, a wealthy entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mother of three, a retail store owner or a retiree.  It will pave the way for a better life to those who were born into poverty or other difficult situations and allow every individual to realize his or her unique talents and utilize them to help others and to better humanity.   Above all, the Twelve Visions Party values individual rights for everyone and will create an environment that will benefit everyone, everywhere.
Neothink has enabled me to use my own mind and determine what is reality-based and what is illusion.  It has opened my eyes to a new life, and it will for you too if you are strong enough to make your own decisions and not depend on the opinions of the media or other ill-informed individuals.  
Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook who is crafting an illusion, although the media will portray him to be just that.  Nor is he tricking helpless victims into a get-rich-quick scheme.   He is a hero to many including myself and a very intelligent business man.   He should be commended for his efforts and for risking his own personal livelihood and reputation to bring others a better life.   I am grateful to him for opening my eyes to a new life and am thankful that I kept an open mind.  I encourage you to consider all the facts for yourself and then make a decision.   You will be glad you did.
-Jeremy D.

Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton I am very happy to write my testimonial in support.  When the opportunity came to join Neothink for my partner there was no hesitation in my mind and I was glad to pay the joining fee for her even though money was an extreme issue at the time.  To date I have only read the Neothink Discovery book.  The teachings inside have already made a change in my life and my ability to use my though processes though the teachings of Integrated Thinking contained in the book.  I feel myself slowly beginning to change and I am starting to overcome the different challenges that have plagued me so far in my life.  I feel the love and compassion contained in the writings of Mark Hamilton for myself and all of us as well and it is important that ordinary people like you and me have the opportunity to create a force for good to ensure that everyone will prosper as we all should.  We have a basic right and need to work together to create ourselves a prosperous civilization that we and children will be able to live in joyously.  I feel that with the TVP party that Mark Hamilton intends to start that we the people will have the most needed opportunity that false politicians cannot and will not ever deliver.  I am happy to give my time as I am able to help with other people create this deserved bright future for us all.

With Regards

Graeme Y

Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


When I first received communications from the Neothink Society over eight months ago, I will honestly admit that I thought it was a pyramid or get-rich-quick scheme.  Because there are so many scams out there today, people feeding off of others for their own personal gain, I was very skeptical.  Nevertheless, I decided to give the material a chance because I was intrigued and always felt there was something more to life that just seemed to be missing.  Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I lived a blessed life: a nice house, a caring wife, a healthy newborn and a promising career.  I had no real reason to desire change in my life, but decided to be open-minded and understand the mission fully before making a decision one way or another.  
I am glad I did.  If you are reading this now, I encourage you to do the same and keep an open mind.  Many people fear change because the unknown is uncomfortable and represents the possibility of an unfavorable outcome.  It is easier to do the same things over and over, even if they do not lead to a better result.  Neothink represents all that is honest and true in life.  It promotes a better life for everyone: rich or poor, male or female, young or old, indifferent to race or social status.  It strongly encourages family values and puts family at the center of your life.  It enables you to find your true passion in life, and create tremendous value for society.  Mark Hamilton is the messenger of this cause.  He is truly courageous because he is not afraid to see through dishonest illusions created by those who only care about their own self-interests.  And even more importantly, he is not afraid to live what he believes in to try to spread a worthy cause to others who are searching for a better life.
The media will convey to the public that the Neothink Society is corrupt and dishonest in order to improve their own ratings and to publish the “hot story of the month”.  Politicians will fear Neothink and skew its message in order to preserve their own power and portray themselves as protecting the innocent public.
The Twelve Visions Party represents change that is to the benefit of everyone, whether it is a school teacher, a wealthy entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mother of three, a retail store owner or a retiree.  It will pave the way for a better life to those who were born into poverty or other difficult situations and allow every individual to realize his or her unique talents and utilize them to help others and to better humanity.   Above all, the Twelve Visions Party values individual rights for everyone and will create an environment that will benefit everyone, everywhere.
Neothink has enabled me to use my own mind and determine what is reality-based and what is an illusion.  It has opened my eyes to a new life, and it will for you too if you are strong enough to make your own decisions and not depend on the opinions of the media or other ill-informed individuals.
Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook who is crafting an illusion, although the media will portray him to be just that.  Nor is he tricking helpless victims into a get-rich-quick scheme.   He is a hero to many including myself and a very intelligent business man.   He should be commended for his efforts and for risking his own personal livelihood and reputation to bring others a better life.   I am grateful to him for opening my eyes to a new life and am thankful that I kept an open mind.  I encourage you to consider all the facts for yourself and then make a decision.   You will be glad you did.
-Jeremy D.

March 2025