Posts Tagged ‘center of my heart’

“Butterflies are Free”

I think there was a movie called that once.I never saw it, but the phrase means alot to me now. Suppose a butterfly never got to complete it’s metamorphosis from a lowly worm to creature that uses currents of wind, created by it’s own new wings, to travel in a beautiful form of true natural art. Suppose it was stopped mid-life to evolve any farther than worm on the ground. The beauty of the creature would never be recognized. Well, that is exactly what Mark Hamilton made me realize through his genius literature, had happened to the human beings on the planet earth. A force they could’nt see because they and their ancestors had been blinded by false truths that they were done evolving. That the ancestors we have were exactly all there is to humanity, no more. You get to a certain point in life and then stop and just wait to grow old and die. That my friend is giving up on your own personal evolution, to become the Butterfly type creature we were all meant to become. We through the beliefs most humans believe, are stuck in the lowly worm phase. Mark Hamilton taught me that I can evolve just as nature intended. Armed with this knowledge, I’m on my way to evolution, thanks from the center of my heart Mark Hamilton, You Rock…
Sincerely, Jon Running


Mark Hamilton,  

Thank you from the center of my heart.  I feel honored to be amongst this great group of guys, whom you love and trust with your family’s work.  This has come at a perfect time.  I made the decision, over the past week, that I am finally willing to accept money from my undying desire and passion to help others.  I have earned a man’s wages for decades because of my thinking and efforts. I gain so much happiness, and feel so energized by the power of helping others, that the universe has always provided more than I need. 

This past year was like 4 years of college, and I am ready to earn to pay back my indebtedness to TVP.   Some know, that I walked from a high-paying job, based upon personal principles, and stepped in, by choice to help usher in the TVP’s success.  I know I cannot be part of the A-C anymore. I see this blue much more effective than previous golden parachutes that left me with nothing to hang onto.   Now that I understand the strategy and power behind this particular product, and the compensation plan, I am finally ready to place it in my project list.  My ex husband was in Amway, so, I have seen, and felt the power of mentorship and retirement parties!  That power is exponential with GIN, as I look forward to helping others retire, not just from a job, but, from the A-C!

I took the time to read the attached invitation, listen to all three audios, and sign-up (for you to test thank you MG).  I learned more from the audios than I have known.  When KT was speaking in Chicago I was tearing down vendor displays to prepare for the move to another floor.  I have not been involved in MLMs, so, these audios, opened me up.  I am sure, if they worked for me, they will work for others like me who have not wanted to be involved in MLMs.

I honestly love you guys, and thank you for letting this “guy” tag along!  I have been moved to tears by this generosity.  Today was made beautiful as:  we hit 500 members peeking into Facebook’s TVP Wall of Value Creation, had a facebook message from Anthony Ward, and, I can finally see myself willing to become extremely wealthy helping others, while keeping up with you!

Appreciation Hug,


March 2025