Posts Tagged ‘career politicians’

Our Reason For Living: TO BE HAPPY!

Well, well, well. Honesty is self-evident, isnt it? Take a GOOD and HONEST look out into our society right now and see what career politicans have done to the world. What else will we endure before everything gets better and not JUST better mind you but OUTRAGEOUSLY AND STUPENDIOUSLY FANTASTIC for WE THE PEOPLE. When I look out across our country (USA) today I see far too many people suffering. I see way too many people fighting. I see innumerable people struggling to make their life what they have always dreamed it would have been. Then I see many other people who have given up. Now if you have the ear of honesty you will see this is the way it is up to this point. Since this is true, why are career politicians the so called “peace keepers?” Will the career polticians please answer that? They will just use their so called “Facts” to mislead THE PEOPLE, drain THE PEOPLE and abuse THE PEOPLE. Career politicans have for far too long messed with the way things are going to run. Now WE THE PEOPLE participating with and in TVP are going to change absolutely EVERYTHING you are going through today/tonight (whenever you are now reading this). You read that right: EVERYTHING of civilization is GOING to change. We have with TVP KNOW that we have honest power and are rising to the levels that we desire to rise to. No, we dont need career politicans regulating the economy (which is another way of saying “I Rule You”). Rather we need compitent career market driven business people CREATING the economy and raising up WE THE PEOPLES standard of living. I may only be 26 years young here but really look out into the world and ask yourself “Is this what I REALLY want?” If no, which I guarantee it isnt, then TVP needs YOU THE PEOPLE to stand up with us and say “no” and say “YES” to TVP and CREATE a major change in the country. First to our country and then to our world. We have an enormous responsiblity to care for our planet and career politicians do not care about that. Only if it fits under their self-angradizing schemes to rule, will they “care”. Some “heart” they do have. But no matter because TVP is the best thing, directly beside The Neothink Society, to ever have been CREATED! Just continue to check out and absorb EVERYTHING here. Integrate EVERYTHING here and watch if you dont feel happier! This is Patrick Bundy and I leave with this: ITS TIME TO PARTY!

Twelve Visions World


Reading the three Manuscripts by Mark Hamilton has changed my life. My child of the past was awakened and I am anxiously awaiting the Twelve Visions World.

Only through the Twelve Visions Party, founded by Mark Hamilton, can this be possible. Dishonest career politicians will be silenced, Big Government will be taken down. It will be replaced by a Protection-Only Government guided by the flawless Prime Law.

In the Twelve Visions World, everybody will become rich, including the poor. We will all have productive jobs following our Friday-Night Essences. We will all live longer, Healthier, and happier lives.

Peace be with you.

Jill S

The career politicians used their strong arm


The United States of America was founded on the ideal of a government by the people, for the people and of the people. Sadly career politicians have taken that government away from the people. It is now; the government against the people, who it is suppose to represent.

The career politicians used their strong arm government IRS to tax us unfairly and spend money for their pet projects against the people’s will. They use other government agencies to keep the people pushed down killing new businesses and controlling existing businesses.

They try to control the MEDIA thus eliminating free speech. The government tries to control every aspect of our lives. If the founding fathers were alive today they would encourage an armed overthrow of such a government as they did in 1776. Fortunately today there is a man with a vision to restore America to what it was suppose to be, a country ruled by the people and not politicians. The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.  The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY wants to take government out of our lives so we SOAR to whatever heights we want to achieve! We want government back to what it was originally intended, and that was protection only from outside enemies. The TWELVE VISION PARTY wants America to again be a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. We want a FREE AMERICA, free from government interferences. I’m glad we have THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and let us get back to our TRUE America!



Mark Hamilton eliminates the need for government regulation


Mr. Mark Hamilton,

I thank you for creating the Neothink literature. It clearly conveyed your vision of humanity’s next leap in cognition. I enhanced my cognitive dissonance through principles, techniques, and strategies learned in your literature. The material showed me how to see through the illusions of hoaxers, while maximizing my own value creation. My enhanced cognitive dissonance maximizes the highest degree of personal responsibility humanly possible, and empowers me with freedom from illusion, which is the true basis to higher consciousness, and the next big leap for humanity.

The Twelve Visions Party’s credo is honorable and founded on the Neothink® Society’s principles of higher consciousness. The Prime Law is the ultimate destiny of humanity in its highest cognitive realm. Mark Hamilton taught me how I and all humanity can pierce the glass ceiling of illusion to achieve permanent peace, health, wealth, prosperity and eternal happiness.

I expect the Neothink® Society will receive suppressive pressure from the political elite, because their current playbook demonizes opposition to their hoaxes. This seems to be acceptable to the statuesque public, because they have been prepared for, and have been willingly acclimating to a massive Marxist conversion from Capitalism; under political disguise (hoaxes) of “urgency”, and ”necessary changes for the greater good”, or in some cases “survival of humanity”.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have slipped into a “following stupor”, under hoaxes of grand illusions at the hands of political value destroyers. The majority of America’s career politicians are not value producers, nor value creators; they are unqualified people elected as servants “leaders”.  American Career politicians usurp unearned values and unearned power from U.S. citizens through illusions of prosperity and other self-serving hoaxes; thus they are value destroyers. Their currently popular ”transformation” hoax has an unprecedented following of deceived people, who have a high disposition to believe anything that sounds good, and they voluntarily turn to others (unqualified idealists) for leadership. Those very misguided people are inadvertently empowering the perpetration of unprecedented losses of freedoms, rights, and liberties while increasing the national debt, and taxes of The United States of America, and the rest of the Capitalist World.

The political hoaxers have comrades in the business sector that also empower them in exchange for political favors as they too are value destroyers and inept in the capacity of value creator and absolutely need unfair politically acquired advantages to survive. Business hoaxers are also value destroyers, yet their positions lend credibility to their political counterparts hoaxes.

The political hoaxers’ created and continue to perpetuate a cause for improvement for the general welfare of all, while only usurping values from value producers, to be given to non-value producers; a government sponsored (Robin Hood thievery) wealth transfer scheme of the highest historical magnitude. Knowing their hoax cannot work, they are creating clever schemes to increase tax burdens of the value producers.  Many of the misguided believe in the false claims of hoaxers, because these people have a disposition to believe in and have faith in the mystical whims of others.  They are led to the slaughter house unknowingly because of their blind faith in the highest profile hoaxers in human history.

Since the Prime Law proffered by Mark Hamilton eliminates the need for government regulation, career regulators and politicians will attack the Neothink Society because it is a threat to their self perpetuated necessity; it is a threat to their very existence. The only winning strategy for a free-market America and the eliminating the dilemma of self-serving career politicians (hoaxers) is to guide the masses towards higher genius-level consciousness through cognitive dissonance enhancements taught by Mark Hamilton his Neothink literature. The Neothink Society is all about empowering humanity with the ability to explore and develop the higher consciences only available to humanity through his cognitive dissonance principles and strategies.

For that little blessing, I thank you very much Mr. Hamilton.

As long as the Neothink® Society propagates pure CAPITALISM they will represent Value Creators and Value Producers and will remain the antithesis to Value Destroyers, regardless of their Marxism, Communism, and Totalitarianism traits, and consequently be under assault from the opposition to True and Pure Capitalism.

Kurt – San Juan Capistrano, CA

This is a thank you note to Mr. Hamilton

This is a thank you note to Mr. Hamilton and others involved in the Neothink Society and the TVP,

I would like to thank all involved in the marketing and the publishing of the Neothink material and the founding of the Twelve Visions Party.  The direction the politicians have taken is leading, and in many cases has already lead, this country into very dangerous territory where we are likely to lose our freedoms (the ones we have left that is).  It seems America is not the concern for these people, their positions, their power, their greed, has taken over any thoughts of what is best for our country.

Neothink and the TVP is a wonderful breath of fresh air, and something that brings hope back to us.  I think about our founding fathers and all the things they warned us about in their writings.  There are many, many dangerous things to a country but apparently the most dangerous of all is when the government of that country itself becomes too powerful…they don’t serve the country any longer, they don’t serve the citizens of the country, they use the country and the citizens to serve them.  This is not America.  The TVP wants to keep all of the good things about this country and its founding fathers dreams….and forever end the self-serving power mad career politicians that have practically destroyed us…

It’s worth looking at, listening to, and thinking about.  I for one really dream about the day when the country and its people come first, when individual freedom is the one thing that we will never lose.  Can you imagine how that would feel?  I know it’s difficult right now to even imagine that kind of freedom because we have lost most of it over the years….we can have it back…

Think about it, dream about it, we can have it if we really want it!

David W.   Texas


Larry Johnson Jersey Central A-Team. The 12 vision party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption

and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “  This slogan must be taken to the people in  a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new

members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change

but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s  problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent. Mark

i was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing

black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know.  I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond”  if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.

Tbone w/ love Larry Johnson

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

The Honest Value of the Twelve Visions Party

As a youngster and young man I was told there were 2 parties, no choices.  Following the 2 parties was the American way. Like many Americans I was born into a family of one dominant party focus. Through family direction I followed the leaders, Yes Followed the leaders.

From the beginning I followed, and did what I was told. I was told there are leader so I had to follow their decisions.  I needed to be respectful of, and follow the leader’s decisions. Never rock the boat.

I always know there was something wrong with this concept.  So Wrong!

But as a follower, I didn’t truly get it, could not snap the pieces of the puzzle together.

Today through the Neothink Generational Manuscripts and the Twelve Visions Party, my eyes and ears are opened to the true integrated honesty and  reality of the dishonestly of government officials/ career politicians who are carelessly and meticulously manipulating our lives and our futures.

I am saying what happened to our government all of a sudden.  The integrated honestly is our government officials have for many years, worked in a self-centered manner.

The difference is that, I am now aware of this reality, through the readings and works of Mark Hamilton.

I am transitioning from a muted follower accepting dishonesties and illusions, to a self-leader asking questions.

I am now wide awake to the corruption and greed that is around me.

Now as a Value Creator, I am willing to step up and be a leader, I am losing the follower mentality, and actively, on a daily basis, study then create activities that will help mankind live a life of love, happiness, and even wealth.

It is time to address the illusions and bring in the honesties that will help all mankind.

Live The Lives each man and women are meant to live.

Today I am a very happy value creating man who is gaining ongoing happiness by creating values for others.  I understand the way to achieve happiness and pursue that direction.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink have given me the tools to turn my life around from a follower to a happy effective Value Creator for society.  Today, I know I can contribute to the happiness of all men and women and even help make all the people rich including the poor.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and seeing reality!!!!!

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius.  He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other.  Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking.  I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink Society.  I am shown something that many don’t see.  I have learned how to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am growing to know who I really am.   Not what others say I should be.  It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I am on a journey of no return.  It is an exhilarating journey.

Out of The Neothink Society has emerged a new political party.  The Twelve Visions Party.  I believe in this party with all of my heart.  The TVP stands for individual rights.  It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.

The purpose of life is to live happily.  The purpose of government is to provide that condition.  No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.  This means FREEDOM for all!  Not just a minority.    No more government interference in anything other than protection.  What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country.  Time to take it back!  We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on.  We need a new way of thinking.  NEOTHINK.  We need to take our country back.  We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man.  EVERYTHING.

I must stand up for what I believe in.  For the future of my family, my friends, and  the world.  I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF!     LET FREEDOM RING!  Thank you for this gift to ME  Mark Hamilton.  I am now a Neothinker.  I am also becoming a self leader.  What a wonderful gift you have given the world.

With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,

Rhonda L. F

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen

The Neothink® Society and The Twelve Visions Party® are like oxygen for me to live the life I am meant to live. In a time when so many people are looking for leadership, I have learned to look within, and grasp that responsibility to lead myself into a world of limitless potential. My unique values to offer society in ways of unknown quantity are unleashed to enrich others and myself.

The Twelve Visions Party will enable everyone the freedom, to meet and exceed the limitations that currently block others and me from achieving our goals and dreams. With businesspersons organizing our country and removing the “Career Politicians” and the overwhelming regulations that destroy so many business, medical, and scientific advancements, we can move rapidly into a world of healthy, wealthy, and emotional stability. In order for this to happen, our government needs to shift to a Protection only government. We the people are more than capable of taking care of our lives, and future generations.

The School of Geniuses is a foundation for all members to integrate and polish their essence.  The organization and value of The School of Geniuses has given me the opportunity to bring my own gifts to this society.

I have noticed more and more people are taking a step back and questioning the validity of not just the governments’ purpose; but also the media’s reporting of world events. Public awareness of Scare Tactics and manipulating hoaxes is increasingly becoming a topic of conversation for the masses.  The negative reporting will shift to one of reporting the advances and progress of entrepreneurs around the world!

 This past year has taken me to new heights of organizational skills; and, a confidence to succeed in many areas, which in turn, has opened doors to additional values and friendships. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society®!

Melissa S

I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential…

Dear Mark Hamilton,

It goes beyond words what Neothink has done for me and my life. It has been absolutely without any doubt that Neothink has improved my life for the better. To say that it is incredibly amazing is putting it mildly. I find it very crucial and essential to have Neothink in my life just like food and water. Through everything I have learned I have been able to see past illusions to see the essence of what really is. Especially the illusions of career politicians and congressmen and other big government agencies. Big government and big corporate executives thinking only of themselves and how much power they can get instead of thinking of the people. I have learned how to be a self-leader and not be swayed or moved by external authorities who try to make us think they are only doing things for the “social good.” Mark Hamilton and Neothink is the best thing to come to society, humanity and mankind. I am glad to be a part of it and the next higher thinking of mankind. I cannot stress enough how Mark Hamilton, Neothink and The Twelve Visions Party are essential and crucial to not only America but to the entire world. I will always be eternally grateful to have Neothink in my life.


Walter L. Burton

March 2025