Posts Tagged ‘business persons’

Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?
Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.
Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determination. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!
Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?
Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!
We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.
We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.
We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).
The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!
Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!
We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!
Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,
Paul & Ariadna (Ara) S

Without the help of Mark Hamilton

My personal experience with neothink has lifted my mental and physical capacity beyond anything I could have achieved without the help of Mark Hamilton, he is an inspiration to the work I never would’ve begun if it weren’t for the new honest paradigms presented in the TVP. Each vision in this political party can be realized in our beautiful country yet we must learn to see past the initial faults to the underlying truths of what is happening within the neothink society, everyone in the society has come up with life uplifting values and ever dropping costs to lives essentials. I am an artist so when I’m asked how does a business platform based political party benefit the little guy? It is easy for me to express that my feelings on such a topic as a narrow minded viewpoint such as ‘only successful affluent business persons benefiting from the twelve visions party’ is the initial flaw that skeptics seek in order to refuse such a platform, however it is my understanding that even an artist can succeed by receiving the much needed professional training by arts leading talent at ever lower costs and with much higher intensity than ever before. Indeed the twelve visions party is ultimately good for all including the downtrodden and underprivileged since the neothink society and Mark Hamilton have proven to me that the little guy, myself included, can reach new heights with the values and benefits available in this society of Neothinkers. I have experienced untold growth as an artist in an emotional sense due to the insights revealed by Mark Hamilton and other members of the Neothink society.
I am here to tell you about my experience with Mark Hamilton’s literature. I feel it is the most informative, informational, and most honest and true writings you will ever read. I have had the privilege to be introduced to his writings. I am looking forward to living a longer life full of opportunity for a strong financial future, and lasting love. The TVP movement would mean a better life for my family now and my children’s children in the future. The TVP movement is pushing toward a better stronger future for the entire world not just the United States. I strongly urge anyone to get Mark Hamilton’s literature or literature on neothink it will only better your understanding on the world around you. I look forward to more of Mark Hamilton’s writings for he is a genuine genius of Society.
Neo-think is the most profound life changing material
on earth.
I honor Mark Hamilton and his life work. Neo-think will
save the planet.

The Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”.   Why not?

Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams).  The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.

Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire.  That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determinization.  Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!

Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth).  And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?

Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in.  Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.:  financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie:  will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some?  The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury).  The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!

We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow).  What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.

We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.

We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).

The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!

Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!

We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!

Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,

Paul & Ariadna (Ara) Severin

The Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?

Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.

Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determinization. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!

Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?

Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!

We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.

We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.

We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).

The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!

Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!

We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!

Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,

Paul & Ariadna (Ara) Severin

March 2025