Posts Tagged ‘business man’

Being a small business man and entrepreneur I have…

Being a small business man and entrepreneur I have suffered from the encroachment of government taxation and regulation in all aspects of my business.

Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton

Hello, My name is Mr. Lonnie D
I am taking this moment to testify that the Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton is to my knowledge and experience honest. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man living in the great United States, the free country where he is guaranteed the freedom of speech, the freedom to believe the way he wishes, and the freedom to conduct business as he sees fit within the law, which he does. It is normal that there are those who will feel threatened by Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life.
Those who feel threatened have the right under the Constitution of the United States of America to share their views.
I have personally benefited from the literature that Mark Hamilton has produced.
1 – I have conceived of and am working tirelessly to promote my own business. This business will employ 10 people by the end of the first year. By the end of the third year it will employ at least 100 persons.
2 – Mark Hamilton’s Literature and Neo-think programs have taught me to use logic in my approach to life and business. This simple change in my thinking has allowed me to move into the world of doers. I am not just a thinker with any action backing me up anymore.
3 – Since I have read and embraced Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature and his cutting edge Ideas for improving the life of individuals. I have been happier, full of energy and have been more of a physical and emotional asset to my family and friends.
I do not need to be lead. I only need to be guided.
Previously in my life as an American I had stopped voting. I had not read any newspapers and I refused to watch the news because I was unhappy with my position as an adult and voter in these current times. Mark Hamilton has opened my eyes to the importance of voting and watching and reading the media. I am now very happy to be an American. I appreciate my position as a citizen of this wonderful free country we live in.
I stand firm behind Mark Hamilton, His ground breaking ingenious Ideas and his business because he has helped me to metamorphose my life. I am now a producer and creator. I am now a contributor to the economy of the free world, an opportunity producer. Not just a whining consumer.
Without Mark Hamilton’s literature and programs, I would not be enjoying this success.
American business exists to fill the needs and the wants of the American consumer.
Mark Hamilton has done no more than this. He has always been upfront and honest with me. I have not discovered a single greedy or dishonest approach through our exchanges.
The Neothink ideas that are promoted and invented by Mark Hamilton are sound as he is..
Thank you,
I stand with Mark Hamilton.
Sincerely, Mr. Lonnie D C

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author

Mr. Mark Hamilton.
My name is Bill S. I am not a professional writer, so all I can do is say what is in my heart on this testimonial. I am a retired building contractor, I served with the USMC in the Korean War and I have a great little family to love and protect. When I first came into Neothink I was at the lowest point in my life. I had lost my wife of many years to cancer, a thing that I believe, through our efforts in Neothink will be eradicated for all time. I had reached the point of not caring about going on in life, however my children were very caring and helpful and assisted me into living again. At around this time I received a letter from the Neothink society that informed me that I was special and was selected to receive honest information that would change my life, so that I could live the life that I was meant to live; a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life in a safe environment. So far it has been just that and still improving, thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society; of course to bring this about and keep improving, I needed to become involved and study the honest and revealing literature of Neothink by Mark Hamilton. It is now three years later and I can honestly say that my life has really changed and continues to change for the better. I am involved at the local level with my A-Team, this is a group of like minded people that are seeking a better life through the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions world. I am also involved at the state (Texas) and national level with the TVP. This is a mostly non-political party of free enterprise business type folks (men and women) who only want to bring about a safer and freer society that we can all live and prosper in. To those who read this, please know that the only ones involved in the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink society are good, honest, hard working folks, and what matters to them is to bring everyone in the United States and the World the system that will make all the people rich, including the poor. Please read and understand our literature before you fall victim to the many untrue stories and blogs. My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author, Mr. Mark Hamilton.
Thanks Mark, with love and peace. Bill
PS: To anyone who has not studied the Prime Law-read it because it is your only hope of Real Freedom and Prosperity.

Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton

Hello, My name is Mr. Lonnie D
I am taking this moment to testify that the Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton is to my knowledge and experience honest. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man living in the great United States, the free country where he is guaranteed the freedom of speech, the freedom to believe the way he wishes, and the freedom to conduct business as he sees fit within the law, which he does. It is normal that there are those who will feel threatened by Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life.
Those who feel threatened have the right under the Constitution of the United States of America to share their views.
I have personally benefited from the literature that Mark Hamilton has produced.
1 – I have conceived of and am working tirelessly to promote my own business. This business will employ 10 people by the end of the first year. By the end of the third year it will employ at least 100 persons.
2 – Mark Hamilton’s Literature and Neo-think programs have taught me to use logic in my approach to life and business. This simple change in my thinking has allowed me to move into the world of doers. I am not just a thinker with any action backing me up anymore.
3 – Since I have read and embraced Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature and his cutting edge Ideas for improving the life of individuals. I have been happier, full of energy and have been more of a physical and emotional asset to my family and friends.
I do not need to be lead. I only need to be guided.
Previously in my life as an American I had stopped voting. I had not read any newspapers and I refused to watch the news because I was unhappy with my position as an adult and voter in these current times. Mark Hamilton has opened my eyes to the importance of voting and watching and reading the media. I am now very happy to be an American. I appreciate my position as a citizen of this wonderful free country we live in.
I stand firm behind Mark Hamilton, His ground breaking ingenious Ideas and his business because he has helped me to metamorphose my life. I am now a producer and creator. I am now a contributor to the economy of the free world, an opportunity producer. Not just a whining consumer.
Without Mark Hamilton’s literature and programs, I would not be enjoying this success.
American business exists to fill the needs and the wants of the American consumer.
Mark Hamilton has done no more than this. He has always been upfront and honest with me. I have not discovered a single greedy or dishonest approach through our exchanges.
The Neothink ideas that are promoted and invented by Mark Hamilton are sound as he is..
Thank you,
I stand with Mark Hamilton.
Sincerely, Mr. Lonnie D C

I am a proud member of the Neothink Society

I am a proud member of the Neothink Society. I honestly believe that the Twelve Visions Party is the only way out of the financial crisis our country is now in. The absolutely brilliant simplicity of the rule of prime law without any possible interference or interpretation from man AND, everyone even the poor becoming millionaires, is undeniably the answer whose time has come. We need Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party Now, with the urgency of drowning debt and a crashing dollar suppressing more with each day that passes. With the current administration that is insanely trying to inflate ( a balloon that has burst) and a previous administration that contributed to the inflation of the balloon before the bust are both guilty of self perpetuating engorgement. We need a new party. We need the Twelve Visions Party to get rid of government and put it in its rightful place of protection of the people and property only. Leave the social good with all its costs and abuse out of the unearned hands of government and in the earned hands of the business community for they know the true value of the dollar instead of the government’s inept actions devaluing the dollar. We need a new party with solutions not rhetoric and motivation only for self perpetuation. The Twelve Visions Party has answers. Well thought out solutions. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant visionary with his feet firmly planted on the ground. He is an exceptional business man and a brilliant writer. His literature is full of eye opening discoveries and valuable lessons in how to lift a society out of forced suppression into creative freedom. If we continue on the path we are on now, without the Twelve Visions Party and all the wonders it possesses, it would truly be a colossal waste. Like standing next to a jet and not knowing its power and potential. The power and potential of Neothink is the tide that can lift all boats, sinking, drowning or otherwise.. I love what the future holds with the Twelve Visions Party. I love Neothink and I love Mark Hamilton.
Jean G

Mark Hamilton The Extraordinary Visionary


May I use this chance to express myself on the enriching Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton that greatly widen my knowledge and experience in life and in the business world. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man doing his best for humanity. Mark is a great mind and a large heart one of the best products of this great Nation, United States of America. Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life creates hope for essence of belonging and desire to live life to the fullest. Imagine a world where sickness is eliminated, depression and stress are destroyed, where poverty and death does not rule anymore. I long to live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. With this mentality in everyone, you know what next, then our society will purge those corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them too. to see what I am asking go to I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He is empowered for the good and best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything. He demonstrated to me and the others that best is yet to come on the Essence of living. He earned my eternal respect and that is hearty. From his teachings, all that seriousness to survive is replaced with Adult play. Yes! with my Friday Essence I can play again as an adult and produce value to the world even while playing. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now those things that look quite hard to breakthrough are now coming into perfect place. I am empowered to stand on my feet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before. It all started through exposure from Mr. Hamilton. I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. I have people calling me just to know how to help me succeed. People I never dreamed of coming close to now invite me to socialize with them. We are boldly manifesting who we are. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform greatly. I don’t understand “impossibility”, Can’t anymore. Thank you my mentor, Mark. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I cannot return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth.
Mr Hamilton is a rare gem to find, seeking out the weak in order to teach them how to empower themselves in a world that careless for them. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Thank you,
Dr Dicta Ruff D.N

Twelve Visions Party is the only way out of the financial crisis our country is now in

I am a proud member of the Neothink Society.  I honestly believe that the Twelve Visions Party is the only way out of the financial crisis our country is now in.  The absolutely brilliant simplicity of the rule of prime law without any possible interference or interpretation from man AND, everyone even the poor becoming millionaires, is undeniably the answer whose time has come.  We  need it Now,  with the urgency of drowning debt and a crashing dollar suppressing more with each day that passes. With a current administration that is insanely trying to inflate ( a balloon that has burst) and a previous administration that contributed to the inflation of the balloon before the bust.  Both guilty of self perpetuating engorgement.  We need a new party.  We need the Twelve Visions Party to get rid of government and put it in its rightful place of protection of the people and property only.  Leave the social good with all its costs and abuse out of the unearned hands of government and in the earned hands of the business community for they know the true value of the dollar instead of the government’s inept actions devaluing the dollar.  We need a new party with solutions not rhetoric and motivation only for self perpetuation.  The Twelve Visions Party has answers.  Well thought out solutions.  Mark Hamilton is a brilliant visionary with his feet firmly planted on the ground.  He is an exceptional business man and a brilliant writer.  His literature is full of eye opening discoveries and valuable lessons in how to lift a society out of forced suppression into creative freedom. If we continue on the path we are on now, without the Twelve Visions Party and all the wonders it possesses, it would truly be a colossal waste. Like standing next to a jet and not knowing its power and potential.  The power and potential of Neothink is the tide that can lift all boats, sinking, drowning or otherwise.. I love what the future holds with the Twelve Visions Party.  I love Neothink and I love Mark Hamilton.

Jean G

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life


Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love one man can give to his family, friends, and to others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value-Producer is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark! Don’t give up!

May the Blessings of our Mastermind shower you in the coming years!

Stephen J. M

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

The Twelve Visions Party will open up the floodgates of prosperity and lift the walls of slavery and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for his fellow man like he is meant to. Not from external authorities who block his progress and try to control his perception of what he really is.  

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and Neothink will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Stephen J. May

March 2025