Posts Tagged ‘business life’

Mr. Hamilton's Neothink literature refines one for the realities of life …

Mr. Hamilton’s Neothink literature refines one for the realities of life and trains your habits and skills of what successful people use.

My personal life and business life has changed for the better.

Neothink Society means the world to me because …


Neothink Society means the world to me because it changed my whole life around in my thinking process, Business, Life, People , Success and the true meaning of life literally. Before Neothink and the help of my Mentor Mark Hamilton I was a trouble child lost in this world at that time of no meaning, full of lies, dishonesty and no way out of poverty itself but a thought and a feeling for a better life. Twelve Visions Party can do the same for anyone in every ways of life. After I discovered Neothink  I became a Genius in Business / Art and thru Neothink  I discovered the true meaning of life with happiness, knowledge and ideas of how to help change this world.


Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me…

Hi Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me as I am still learning with my Neo Think mind and read the three Hearloom packages . I am only a level 3 apprentice . The time is not right for me to speak out . As I know all about authorities I have been holding them at bay all my business life and still holding my ground . You can call me and we can talk about this my mobile is 0407491293 Australia you will need to use the international code for my country please call me Regards Stephen W

I’ve Received So Much

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! My journey as a member has been extraordinary…and every day gets better!

I can’t believe how valuable everything has been to me, and I can’t thank you enough! I’ve received so much in my personal and business life that words cannot describe how wonderful I feel these days. Thank you X1000!

Jeff Smith

March 2025