Posts Tagged ‘business entrepreneur’

Being a small business man and entrepreneur I have…

Being a small business man and entrepreneur I have suffered from the encroachment of government taxation and regulation in all aspects of my business.

Massive Gratitude to Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton has affected my life over the past year and a half to the better in every area. His heirloom mansucripts show THE formula to personal and business success.
My business has done extremely well since I followed your mini-day directives. I get more done than ever and I have taken on new projects I would have never gotten to had I not followed that mini-day formula.
The information is crucial right now at this time for all to benefit from. I am so grateful for have been given the opportunity to purchase the texts. To ever loose this information or no longer have it available to purchase would be a tremendous crime and must never be allowed, ever.
Mark Hamilton is a person of the highest integrity and stature. He is a fantastic father as well as an honest business entrepreneur. His values will benefit all mandkind. Please allow it to flourish immediately throughout all that is. Thank you.

“I Guess I’ll Just Stick with the Facts”….

Well generally speaking, I’m not one to get overly sentimental (though I suppose I do have my moments too). So how will I here make mention of a particular man – without getting soppy that is – who has tirelessly made it his life mission to come up with simple, honest and viable plans, creations and solutions for repairing all that has gone wrong in the running and operation of these United States? I guess I’ll just stick with the facts….

The man I’m speaking of is Mark Hamilton who has founded the new, “apolitical political party” called the: Twelve Visions Party. He has numerous publications outlining how such a monumental task as creating a new and improved United States can be carried out; his “Wealth, Health, Peace” is a “must read” and it offers detailed primary guidelines for making meaningful changes in the way this country is managed – real plans to be carried out, ensuring real representation “…of the people, by the people, for the people….”

Mark has also founded the Neothink society, along with all of its various departments that are poised and placed as cornerstones of a future America to be rebuilt in new awareness of the arts and sciences, superior medical, scientific and technological advances (including the exploration of achieving biological immortality), honest business and lasting peace and prosperity for all…true happiness. His model for America could well be a fine model for other countries throughout the world.

These endeavors in themselves are huge undertakings, but all-the-while HE manages to also be a devoted family man, an honest business entrepreneur, a wise and caring mentor and a loyal friend to all members of his Neothink society who also devote whatever time and efforts THEY can toward helping to create a brave new world for ALL AMERICANS.

How does one juggle all that in a meaningful and progressive way? It’s mind-boggling, yet he really does! So “hats off, and salutations to” Mark and his family for providing the honest hope and the reality based plans that this country and its citizens so desperately need and deserve. To say “Thanks Mark” is an understatement…but I smile as I believe I did manage to maintain most of my inherent asoppyfication! :)

Devotedly Yours Mark…Liz Szarka, New York


March 2025