Posts Tagged ‘Business Alliance’

I am getting into a position where I can contact the Business Alliance …

I am getting into a position where I can contact the Business Alliance, join the TVP and take more action than in the past.

Mark Hamilton! Look How the Neothink Society Expands!

Dear Mark Hamilton,
It happened again! Just when I thought I had seen everything the Neothink Society has to offer, suddenly there is something new! Or actually… like three or four new things! It happened while I was listening to last Wednesday’s national A-Team call (2/17/2010): and I saw how your apprentices were creating even more values for me, for all members of the Neothink Society, and for the world. Their efforts in the direction of the Business Alliance and Health and Wellness helped me see a whole new vision. With so many people steadily building values, one little effort after one little integration, your Neothink Society really is growing into something that no one will be able to resist! I can hardly believe the value that I gain simply by being a member! Look at all of these BENEFITS! And they keep on growing from the pure love of your apprentices!
Mark Hamilton, I would love to learn more about the moment when you saw this vision: when you saw your apprentices growing and growing the value of the Neothink Society into a product that delivers 100x or 1000x or 10Millionx the value of what is paid by new members.
If there had been “no doubt” before about the coming Twelve Visions World; Now, Mark Hamilton, it is an absolute certainty!
Thank you for creating the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever comprehended, and gets better with each passing week! I can hardly wait to add more of my own contributions to this absolute marvel!
Love & Pride to be here helping it grow!
Yon Cole

Dail Thanks to Master Hamilton

Since I was approached over 2 years ago from Mark Hamilton to join the Neothink Society I thank Him Daily for his honest truthful helpful Heirloom packages/books such as neothink tech Society, The Neothink Discovery, Neothink Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and of course Pax- Neothink. Also for establishing the A teams, Club houses, Twelve Visions Party National Party and thru this each state in the Union and the territories the Twelve Visions Party state affiliates party.
Real soon we the people shall see the Visions coming true and the depolictizeing of America at all levels, state and Federal and the Prime Law being included in the Constitution. Then with honest, integrated, business’s with value creative creation. Everyone rich even the Poor. I am honored and proud to be part of the puzzle and other opportunities that Master Hamilton has invited me to join.
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
Neothink Society
12 Visions Party (CA)
Neothink Warriors (Team Delta)
Neothink Business Alliance

Who would you help?


Another breakthrough moment today!

I just discovered another thing that I LOVE about the Neothink® Society and it’s incredible Business Alliance!

If you had a gift that you had to give to someone else and you had a choice of giving that gift to one of two people, who would you choose:
1) a person who would enjoy your gift a little, but then go about his or her life still stuck in a life of non-productive/non-creative stagnation, or
2) a person who is also making efforts to be a value creator, and who will take your gift and use it to expand his or her value creation.

It’s obvious, you offer your gift to #2! Because your gift is MORE VALUABLE that way! The benefits go out to more and more people! It is SO EXCITING to suddenly find myself surrounded by Neothink® Society Members who are all STRIVING to CREATE VALUES for themselves and others through honest efforts.

When I think of who I want to help the most, it is OBVIOUS who is going to get my best support -> those that are going to DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT!

I can see our values growing faster and faster! This is SO EXCITING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for founding the Neothink Society, for introducing me to so many incredible people! for inspiring me to want to create value – and MORE than is paid for! And for writing the Multigenerational Manuscripts that have fueled this incredible rocket ride into success and friendship and prosperity that I see around me… and more and more everyday!


What a RUSH!


Try this: Imagine something that you value. Imagine having more and more and more of that coming into your life! Imagine all of the good things that life has to offer you, all coming into your life. Not only do you see the incredible loving interactions, you also see new valuable ideas and new valuable products. Ten years from now there will be new inventions that you currently have NO IDEA that they could ever be available to you. Yet THEY ARE COMING! The Geniuses of Society are working right now to bring them to you!

I can hardly believe the incredible power that the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts have unlocked with in me! I can see all of these good things flowing into my life, and already I’m taking my life to the next level by working to bring YOU the FUTURE INVENTIONS as Fast as I can! I can hardly wait to show you the incredible things that I’m creating for you!

Consider joining the Neothink Society and its incredible Business Alliance – they will be the first to receive the benefits of what I’m creating -> they are busy creating incredible values for me and my family too! We’d love to help you take your idea to the next love!

I’ll see you sooner or later in the incredibly exciting, stimulating, enjoyable, and happy future that we are creating!

Love from the Future!

I have been studying Neothink & Mark Hamilton’s literature for over 3 years


I’m very happy to have the opportunity to read your books and to get to know you over the internet. In 1997, for the first time, I had the opportunity to read some paragraphs from Neothink, explanation from the Administration Seminar. I thought you were an interesting person and I started to have the wish to meet you.
I have been studying Neothink & Mark Hamilton’s literature for over 3 years; I since read quite mainly written by Mark Hamilton, it has had a huge positive effect on my life in every way. I have learned to take more and more control of my own life. I can now see the illusion of government threat laws over all of us law abiding citizens whom just want to live our lives with happiness & pure love.

Without the twelve Vision Party and Neothink, we will continue to lose more and more of our inherent rights as human beings, Parents, and Law abiding citizens. Mark Hamilton, is a unique person, He is being the business minded genius and is my inspiration for me, every day. Mark Hamilton’s literature is full of eye opening discoveries and valuable lessons in how to lift a society out of forced suppression into creative freedom. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! the mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark Hamilton!!
I become thrilled an privileged to be apart of the Business Alliance, the TVP Convention and Conferences Calls, Prime Literature Conferences Calls, National Conference Calls, clubhouses ……

Neothink has provided not only positive results but more important, full control over my own life. This is the goal of Neothink, to provide the critical information necessary for people to flourish and be happy. “To live the life they were meant to live”
I see the changes that are occurring in this world.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton to be my mentor, thank you for your time and for all your beautiful words, but most of all the content and meaning. I thank you and will be forever grateful, whit gratitude and love.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Although I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this email, I felt compelled to at least try to reach you.  After over 2 years of reading the multigenerational manuscripts, following your videos and contributing when I can to Business Alliance and TVP discussions, I know with all my heart that I’m here to support the work you do.  In fact, it would appear that I began the work to support your efforts about 7 years before I knew you existed.

The document attached is a short introduction to a concept model that fits like a glove within the Miss Annabelle story.  Ever since I read the book the first time, I’ve felt certain that this model could provide proof in a “prototype community setting” of the power of the TVP and the positive changes it can bring about.  The vision I’ve been given is to take this model to New Orleans to help improve the economy there.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that if TVP could be involved in a “community healing project” like this – we could catapult the TVP movement forward in a big way.

I had hoped to fully launch this model here in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC, where I currently live.  Unfortunately, we have run out of funds to continue our work, and the house we had planned to use as a cornerstone to showcase the model is now going up for sale since it has been taken from us in a foreclosure auction.

We still have hopes of finding someone who might purchase the house from the note holder before we must move out on Jan 31st.  The house itself can be obtained for a good bargain right now – and if a buyer wanted to help us continue our work by purchasing the house before we move, we would be happy to provide that person with majority ownership of the corporation that houses this concept model.

Regardless of whether we must move or not, the most important thing to me is to find someone – like yourself – who might be able to see the value in the TSAI concept model and might have ideas or resources to help keep it moving forward.  If my husband and I must take traditional jobs in order to survive from here out, my biggest fear is that the power of this model will never be realized, and an opportunity for faster movement of TVP might be lost for good.

Please believe that I will give away this 9 year project if that becomes necessary.  Although my heart is with it and would like to continue the work I’ve started, it’s more important to me to find SOMEONE to take this forward than it is for that someone to be just me.

I would be honored and humbled to be able to have a discussion with someone at NTS about this model.  I hope to hear from someone – I can be reached at the numbers below – or at this email address.

Mental Stimulation


I joined Mark Hamilton’s Neothink® Society because of the enormous amount of mental stimulation I found within the Society. There are thousands of pages inside the Neothink® Society library, this information is such a valuable asset to gaining iron grip control of everything in my life, and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. I highly recommend everyone join the Neothink® Society for the love, compassion, understanding, and the willingness of all the members to reach out and help each other and to work together towards common goals.

The Twelve Visions Party® and the Neothink® Business Alliance work closely together to bring Wealth, Health, and Peace to everyone in this country, Including the Poor! There is an opportunity for anyone in this country that is willing to take responsibility for everything you do in order to live a better life, and to lift yourself up out of the suppressed class, the working class, and move into the wealthy elite class. That opportunity is readily available for anyone who wants it; Mark Hamilton has given us a blueprint on how to achieve this in his book, Wealth, Health, Peace!!!

With the Twelve Visions Party® and with the information in Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature everyone can live the exhilarating life we were meant to live!

Wealth, Health, Peace for Everyone!

With love, Kenneth Townsend

How would a Superpuzzle type Business Alliance be effective in foreign trade?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Business will boom because businesses will work together more, labor pools will grow, and the amount of trade and foreign expansion will increase. There would be free trade world wide thriving on competition causing prices to fall. Trade agreements imposed by political leaders will become null and void because they don’t pertain to protection.

March 2025