Posts Tagged ‘burdens’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark,
I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.
I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.
Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.
Lucine K

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart

I with to thank you for your teachings, which have been responsible for bringing me forward into the light.

As we grow up we all become trapped into a false life showered upon us of fear, guilt, lies and deception.

What a great feeling to shed all these negative burdens and live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.

Imagine if we could all learn to live this life full of pure love and integrated honesty, what a world it would become.

We would all surely wish to live forever.

Mark Hamilton, may you continue your great work.

Kindest wishes

Max O

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.


I with to thank you for your teachings, which have been responsible for bringing me forward into the light.

As we grow up we all become trapped into a false life showered upon us of fear, guilt, lies and deception.

What a great feeling to shed all these negative burdens and live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart.

Imagine if we could all learn to live this life full of pure love and integrated honesty, what a world it would become.

We would all surely wish to live forever.

Mark Hamilton, may you continue your great work.

Kindest wishes

Max O


Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.

Here are just a few things that the government has control over:

-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.

Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.

On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.

Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.

Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.

Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.

Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.

Normand D

Neothink is changing my life.

Hi Mark,

I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to  come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.

I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.

Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.


Lucine Kenderjian

P.S. Mr. Hamilton, I am pleased to know that you are my mentor. I have some questions and I like to disscuss  with you. Is there an email address I can send my questions to you? How can I keep in contact with you?  I know you are a very busy person but I would be honered  if you can contact me when you get a chance. My email address is Thanks.

Twelve Visions Party

Normand D

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.

Here are just a few things that the government has control over:

-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.

Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.

On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.

Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.

Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.

Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.

Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.

Normand D

March 2025