Posts Tagged ‘bright future’

Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
All my life, I struggled to gain self esteem, facing up against irrational, dishonest and destructive people, and many of whom are in positions of power like politicians and the media.
I have attained such immense personal growth through studying Neothink literature, and I have such new enthusiasm for life. Neothink literature lifted my life. I was a sad soul before in a cold world. My gratitude is profound. Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world for what he has done and for what he is doing now. Any negative comments directed toward him, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party are unfounded. Any dishonest illusion painted by the media is designed to cheat everyone out of a bright future. A golden age awaits, everyone should embrace and support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and stand and applaud Mark Hamilton.
I will not sit around and do nothing if I can help change the world for the better and help usher in a Twelve Visions World. Too long have the people been denied the potential of their lives, dragging their feet as they walk, they eventually accept and rationalize the failure of their lives. The sad and cruel hoax that drags everyone down must end.
The Twelve Visions Party will lift the world like the Neothink literature has lifted my life and for countless others. It will lift civilization into a brighter future. I feel so much about the world I live in now is unnatural, and that so many people are blinded and hide from any new ideas and new possibilities. They are too quick to judge without thinking and just accept the lies and the illusions spun to them. The Twelve Visions Party is the best and only way forward to a rational and peaceful future. It is the way the world should be. We need to leave the irrational, insane, and broken system behind in the past and begin again by creating a new world and we are all needed to take part and to take responsibility, to dump our laziness, and unite our hearts and minds. Imagine one day, a world without war. We owe it to the children.
Now, I inspire people I meet with my insights and wisdom. I keep my energy from draining away around negative and destructive people and influences. I have increasing creative development. A unique perspective grows in my mind, a creative vision growing and continuously innovating. Everyday my mind grows more rational and potent, so I am sure to succeed in mastering my life and dreams.
In the Neothink Society, I have met and talked to kind, good natured and very motivated people and it is inspiring and exciting for the future. With Neothink, I am a changed forever person and in such a positive and dynamic way. New energy is found to overcome challenges. I find a deepening of emotions never before felt. My depth of character is deepening. Everyday the puzzle pieces of my life fall more into place. I am a better person today, with great growing purpose and yet I have only just begun.
With great respect, admiration, and gratitude.
David M

I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life

My encounter with Neothink, was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. The information I have gained has helped me turn my life around, to the life I was meant to live. I am 26 years old now, and most of my life was a misguided, misunderstood failure. I couldn’t stop getting in trouble and using drugs, etc. while I was on house arrest for a year straight I was able to study Neothink. I have never read such valuable information in my life!!! I lost 70 pounds first, then I started cleaning up the rest of my act. Now in July I will be starting school for graphic design. I have gained so much confidence and my mind is so focused. If I knew what I know now when I was 18 I would be a millionaire by now. But its ok, I went through a Terrible time in my life, And now I will appreciate everything I gain so much more. I’m so proud of myself for how far I have come, I can only see the bright future I always deserved now. I’m so happy I saw through the illusions proclaiming that Neothink was a scam. Illusions made by the ones who never wanted me to succeed! I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life, I am so glad there are people like him and his brother and father in this world. Thank you so much! I hope the best for you. If everyone thought the way I do now, this world would be a much better safer place!!!!
-James R.

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton.
I really owe you for the stage what I’m at right now, the stage where I’m a new individual ,happy .healthy and almost wealthy, before I joined the society I was ok or like the vast majority , but now with the new vision and new me I gained from reading your multigenerational manuscripts and learning from your mentoring and the society members, I can and live and visualize the bright future a wait for me and for all people, I really want to thank you for your great efforts of writing in fact creating the multigenerational manuscripts and for your devotions of having these multigenerational manuscripts available to me and the public , I want thank you for your support and your fathering me and all the society members as will as creating the Twelve Vision Party TVP, even thou that you’re younger than a lot of society members, you still feel and make us feel your honest fathering.
with Mr. Hamilton’s dedications and fathering of the society members and the TVP that will bring the happiness and the wealth to the mass ,
thank you Mr. Hamilton for your sacrifices of your personal assets to father and support us in the Neothink society.
Mr. Hamilton I’m not here to list all of your favors and dedications to the Neothink society and the TVP because your efforts are more than to be listed.
thank you Mark
The New Me

I am extremely grateful for the information Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party…

I am extremely grateful for the information Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party has shared with me. We are all standing at a very important time in history!!!! Day after day we all are exposed to allusions from the Media and government authorities, just the other day the ex vice-president was on TV. He said that the present administration should have no power to investigate the past Busch administration, He also said that the CIA should never have to explain how it gets information from people. They hide behind an illusion that this information would be a threat to national security. The Twelve Vision Party is based on honesty, I highly recommend that anyone who is given the opportunity to view the information Mark Hamilton has put together do so it will change your life and the people around you forever. The values Mark Hamilton gives to society are huge, I am sure that as soon as the Twelve Vision Party makes an attempt to go public the authorities will use the media to create an illusion to silence Mark Hamilton. Don’t allow this to take place, If you are able to see past the illusion you will have taken the first step to joining a Neo-Thinking Society of pure honesty. My life has been taken to a level of enjoyment I only dreamed of before being exposed to Neo-Thinking. I will end with this thought; if the Busch administration would have spent the time and money creating values for society, that it spent on keeping the truth from coming out and creating illusions for its own agenda, we all would be living in a safer and much more prosperous time. We owe it to our children to learn the Value Creating concepts found in the Twelve Vision Party. Enjoy your journey to a new life through Honesty and a Neo-Thinking Society
Best Regards to a bright future,
Mr. Bryan Kent S

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years,…

Mark Hamilton, for nearly forty years, I went through life anesthetized by drinking beer, blaming others for my failures and singing the “Oh poor me” song to myself over and over. I was stuck in a mindset that it really didn’t matter because all I had to look forward to was old age and death and an afterlife that may be there and then again may not be there. Even through the fog of the alcohol, I knew that the Church was somehow corrupt at it’s core just like our politicians and the White House. Intuitively, I knew that some group held the puppet strings and played us all like fools. Then, in desperation, I responded to your letter that promised something new, something refreshing. I put the first manuscript down many times, sometimes for months before returning to it to digest a little bit more. A change was taking place inside me. The second manuscript arrived and I couldn’t put it down. The same with the third. Every time I re-read the third manuscript, I cry. My heart and soul resonate with this masterpiece. It has been a long journey to this point and I know it is only the beginning of the beginning. It has been nearly three years since I have had a drop of alcohol. I have lost 30 pounds. My relationship with my parents, wife and children is now one of joy and happiness. I was a millionaire on paper once. Back then, I created a company from scratch and found exhilaration and pleasure in what I was doing. Then, I lost the business and started blaming anything and everything and everybody for the failure. I should have looked in the mirror. Now, I own three companies and am a partner in a fourth. This time, I know that I am creating more than I ever dreamed possible before and that the rewards will make my previous paper status look like chump change. Now I look forward to a long, long, long healthy life, full of satisfaction from learning and growing personally, helping others and a fabulous, bright future that I create. Stephen N.

Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
All my life, I struggled to gain self esteem, facing up against irrational, dishonest and destructive people, and many of whom are in positions of power like politicians and the media.
I have attained such immense personal growth through studying Neothink literature, and I have such new enthusiasm for life. Neothink literature lifted my life. I was a sad soul before in a cold world. My gratitude is profound. Mark Hamilton is one of the greatest men in the world for what he has done and for what he is doing now. Any negative comments directed toward him, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party are unfounded. Any dishonest illusion painted by the media is designed to cheat everyone out of a bright future. A golden age awaits, everyone should embrace and support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and stand and applaud Mark Hamilton.
I will not sit around and do nothing if I can help change the world for the better and help usher in a Twelve Visions World. Too long have the people been denied the potential of their lives, dragging their feet as they walk, they eventually accept and rationalize the failure of their lives. The sad and cruel hoax that drags everyone down must end.
The Twelve Visions Party will lift the world like the Neothink literature has lifted my life and for countless others. It will lift civilization into a brighter future. I feel so much about the world I live in now is unnatural, and that so many people are blinded and hide from any new ideas and new possibilities. They are too quick to judge without thinking and just accept the lies and the illusions spun to them. The Twelve Visions Party is the best and only way forward to a rational and peaceful future. It is the way the world should be. We need to leave the irrational, insane, and broken system behind in the past and begin again by creating a new world and we are all needed to take part and to take responsibility, to dump our laziness, and unite our hearts and minds. Imagine one day, a world without war. We owe it to the children.
Now, I inspire people I meet with my insights and wisdom. I keep my energy from draining away around negative and destructive people and influences. I have increasing creative development. A unique perspective grows in my mind, a creative vision growing and continuously innovating. Everyday my mind grows more rational and potent, so I am sure to succeed in mastering my life and dreams.
In the Neothink Society, I have met and talked to kind, good natured and very motivated people and it is inspiring and exciting for the future. With Neothink, I am a changed forever person and in such a positive and dynamic way. New energy is found to overcome challenges. I find a deepening of emotions never before felt. My depth of character is deepening. Everyday the puzzle pieces of my life fall more into place. I am a better person today, with great growing purpose and yet I have only just begun.
With great respect, admiration, and gratitude.
David M

It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society

Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society let me said I been a member of the neothink society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness and good health, honestly I feel like a superman I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the the twelve vision party is the way of building our childrens future in for our great country , this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed.

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed. Knowing that I’m not the only one who believes there is a better world built from rational thought, one that is full of prosperity and love has enriched me beyond words. If only more would simply take the time to investigate I believe they would see the reality of Neothink. As I read through the initial material, I found myself becoming calmer knowing that there really is a possible fantastically bright future for everyone who wants it. As I continue through the more advanced material, the reality of Neothink becomes clearer and clearer. Thank God Mark Hamilton has taken the time and energy to put together the Neothink information and share it with others. In today’s world, most would simply keep it for themselves and maybe a few close friends. Instead, Mark has taken it upon himself to shine the light on anyone willing to take a look.
Keep thinking
Duane B

Hello Great One


Hello Great One,

If only you could imagine the light you’ve brought to my darkness. Since acquiring your 3 installments. The world of illusions I’ve experienced; are a thing of the past.

I’m ready to join the Twelve Visions World! You gotta understand. I see through all the lies the government has presented. I knew long time ago I was different. Thanks

to you. You’ve shown me a vision. That vision tells me I’m not alone in this. I’m honored and this planet should feel the same to have a great leader such as you. I’m a ex military

warrior who survived the B.S. my so called present government tried implant the mystic spirit into me. I knew there was an enlightened out there. That was you all the time. Again,

I’m honored to be an apprentice of yours. No matter how they try to stop you. Keep it movin!  Like the Miss Annebelle Story; I see your vision such as hers. Plant the seeds and

let your flowers grow. I know The Twelve Visions Party will help me and many who are searching for that major break through. The little you’ve shown me; means alot. I appreciate

it. I’ll always stay loyal. I you ever need me; I’m not hard to find. If there’s something you’ve taught me. That is ; sometimes to get through a forest; you gotta chop a couple of trees

down. Don’t let those neocheaters scare the movement. Keep going! I believe in you. I’ll see you in our bright future. ” LET THERE BE LIGHT.”

We’ll speak again,


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton


Although I am new to Neothink and the writings of Mark Hamilton I am very happy to write my testimonial in support.  When the opportunity came to join Neothink for my partner there was no hesitation in my mind and I was glad to pay the joining fee for her even though money was an extreme issue at the time.  To date I have only read the Neothink Discovery book.  The teachings inside have already made a change in my life and my ability to use my though processes though the teachings of Integrated Thinking contained in the book.  I feel myself slowly beginning to change and I am starting to overcome the different challenges that have plagued me so far in my life.  I feel the love and compassion contained in the writings of Mark Hamilton for myself and all of us as well and it is important that ordinary people like you and me have the opportunity to create a force for good to ensure that everyone will prosper as we all should.  We have a basic right and need to work together to create ourselves a prosperous civilization that we and children will be able to live in joyously.  I feel that with the TVP party that Mark Hamilton intends to start that we the people will have the most needed opportunity that false politicians cannot and will not ever deliver.  I am happy to give my time as I am able to help with other people create this deserved bright future for us all.

With Regards

Graeme Y

March 2025