Posts Tagged ‘books’

Have found the articles, manuscripts and books of great value


Have found the articles, manuscripts and books of great value. The material puts out everyday books, etc. into perspective. It opens your eyes to what is around us, but I for one had never fully understood or hadn’t connected the various points.  RHB

I wish the best for Mark Hamilton, his colleagues, and his family.



My name is Keith. I’m 32 years old living in Minneapolis, MN. I have been a part of the Neothink Society since 2007.  At that time; My little General Assistance money allowed me to buy the 3 heirloom packages.  I read these 3 books non-stop.  And then came the meetings.

Mark Hamilton was the first individual to come into my life; via the meetings, to speak about the inner secrets I possess in my life and let me realize what I can be capable of in my community and to the Neothink Society.  Since then I have become politically active in my community and hope to shortly become active for my state of Minnesota.

I believe the results of shutting down this Society will eventually destroy our world politically, financially, and morally.  I wish the best for Mark Hamilton, his colleagues, and his family.


Keith P.

You have done a brilliant piece of work…


Thank you so much for the opportunity to live a good life, to be my own person & to understand more what life is all about.

You have given us all a reason to live, to work & to go to the C of  U.

I wish everyone could realize what it means to live in an honest, kind, & decent world with no force from the government or anyone.

You have done a brilliant piece of work with the books & they will be used for years to come.

I haven’t been able to do a lot in the society, because of my eye sight hopefully in the future I can do more than just listen to all the calls.

Mr. Hamilton, could you please send me the levels 6 & up. I don’t know why you stopped with them Customer service couldn’t help me since you stopped them. You never answered my mail. Guess you didn’t receive it.


Peggy L.

Mark Hamilton is changing the way I look at life.

i am learning so much from all the material im reading or listening to. Mark Hamilton is changing the way i look at life and the things around me, mostly my job…i always enjoyed what i do but there seemed to be something missing. a feeling that i could do more. I never went to collage after high school because i had no idea what i wanted from life, and these meetings, and the books iv read have given me that idea…shortly after i became a member i sat and thought about what i wanted or could be good at and decided i wanted to become a psychologist to help others and create values i could be proud of, and i am now going to school to do just that…the other side of my experience is that i was twenty pounds over weight and in just a few months, I’m am for the first time, happy with the way i look…thank you Mr. Hamilton

Mark Hamilton i want to thank you, for me and my family

hi mark!!!
Mark Hamilton i want to thank you, for me and my family for everything that you have done, before you came into our lives i was living day by day just waiting for death to come, with no future to think about or past to be proud of.
but now with your incentive and the books to keep me in the right direction, soon my family and i will be debt free and more in love that we were never been before, and i am back in school and some day i will be doing exactly what i was meant to do, and that is thank to you and your father. S.O.S, T.V.P, got into our lives to safe us, many thanks from me and my family, and from now on i am 200% behind on whatever you need me for, hopefully soon even with money. one day Neothink will safe the whole word just as it did for my family.

Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life

Whom it may concern,

Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life. He has made me see the 12 visions and to apply them in my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for the opportunities that he presented to me, the life changing books he has publish for us as an honest society to learn and apply, and to make us the person we were meant to be. This information changes people’s lives to make us honest<,happy<,positive about life,<helping others<making the world a better place<and to love yourself and love life to the fullest. I am so glad i have received this information in the mail to get in the society and the 12 visions. Finally I’m honored to have Mark Hamilton as my mentor.

                                                                              Thanks so much,

                                                                                       William O

It’s impossible for me to put into words how grateful I am


Dear Mr. Hamilton, It’s impossible for me to put into words how grateful I am to have been chosen to be part of your society.  The knowledge I have learned and continue to absorb from your heirlooms is life changing!  I find myself reading over and over your books so that I absorb as much as possible and don’t miss a thing.  I truly look forward to my journey with you over this next year. 

Thank you again for helping me and my family live the life we were meant to live. 


John P

Twelve Visions Party is the answer

Dear Mark:

I was introduced to The Neothink Society by Martin H.  I have only been with the Society a few months, but I am already beginning to see the difference the books are making in my life.  They are teaching me how to integrate, power think and utilize my mini-day schedule to become more productive and successful.  I have met several Neothink Brothers and Sisters through the website, face book and the WA State A-Team.  I have a ways to go to finally understand all of Mark Hamilton’s teachings, but as I continue to read his books, integrate his lessons, I am able to grow my essence.

Twelve Visions Party is the answer to bringing our country back around to a state of stability.  I love the fact that TVP involves all the people, not run by one political party.  There will be no more poverty.  We will be able to live harmoniously among ourselves.

Silencing the truth is wrong!  Mark Hamilton is on the right path to bringing government back to the people and away from the corporation with the Twelve Visions Party.  Through the organization of the TVP, Mark Hamilton integrates the truth and empowers others to grow their essence.  I believe Mark Hamilton is on the right path to turning our country around with the Twelve Visions Party.  I support Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party without blinking my eyes but with my whole essence.

Thank you, Mark for the opportunity to share my testimonial with you.


Sheila F

THANK YOU for your great knowledge

First THANK YOU for your great knowledge I have learn a lot from your books, things that I never thought it will exist or even happen you made me more educated I will never thank you enough, you made us wake up from being innocent followers and think why things are the way there are in the world, you made us THINK and not just to believe everything … your lessons are like diamonds, forever, I wish you continued with all your valuable information so we can see and become what we really come to be and become creators of our destinies and made a great contribution to humanity in whatever field we chose, I will always be thankful to you and your father and you always can count on me; wishing you the best .


I believe in Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton, my mentor:

The reality of being able to create a better world mentally, physically, emotionally, and economically, is one of the most extraordinary opportunities you’re offering to us.

I have read all of your books, I have learned your excellent teachings to all of us, and I respect and admire the value of the Neothink Society that I am working with.

I believe in you and I trust that we can all share success by creating and learning to create love, health, wealth, and happiness.


Graciela De R

February 2025