Posts Tagged ‘bliss’


I hope to see Mark Hamilton…

The  Neothink Society has lead my life from boredom, hatred, negativity, and confusion to better health, happiness, better relationships with my family for love and laughter.  I now have a total and complete turnaround of understanding life, and can learn the way I want to live.

When the twelve visions party happens for the first time, it will make so many people blissfully happy. Just imagine the love, trust, happiness, business booming, creativity, etc, with people finding their true self and becoming what they are meant to be on this wonderful planet.  That will be the day that the sun gets brighter, and the Earth gets ever so much more beautiful.

Thank you so much. I hope to see Mark Hamilton, the T.V.P. and the Neothink Society bloom into magnificence for the entire planet, so everyone can find there bliss.

Alan B.

Nowhere have I found a more inspiring…


Dear Mark,

Thanks for all your effort in getting the Neothink materials to me and all deserving people.  It has been a great inspiration to me to pursue my bliss and develop my special abilities.   Nowhere have I found a more inspiring batch of material that gets people to look at what they do best and reach for a better life that can be free of fear and the day to day grind of a job they are not happy with.  Also your idea’s about a wrld that could be possible without disease and death are intriguing.  Keep up the good work. If will support you anyway i can in the future.  Your friend,
Sincerely, Allan L. C

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has opened my eyes to the truth about the world.  His publications are packed with information about every aspect of human life.  He teaches you how to think for yourself and make your life pure bliss.  If you are searching (like I was) for something more from life–read the books.

You don’t need to read them from cover to cover to get the awesome information from these books, simply choose the area of interest from the table of contents. I guarantee that once you read a section in the book, you’ll end up reading the whole thing.

Everyone has an opinion, people like to spread gossip and many people don’t like change. You have a an opportunity to learn about the myths of the world that most influential people don’t want you to know about. I say read the books and make your own decision.


with peace and love,

Carol E

March 2025