Posts Tagged ‘blink of an eye’

Since coming to The Neothink Society more than 16 years ago…

Greetings and Salutations,
What is life all about? Why am I here? What am I meant to do? Humankind has searched for meaning and enlightenment for as long as history has been recorded. Individuals in the past have lived their lives in complete ignorance to the reality of existence. You cannot truly experience existence if you are blind to what really is in reality. If you are fooled or if you are deceived then the reality you believe is false. This veil, this illusion, this mystery is ever present in the minds and lives of society today. It happens at all levels and in all ways of society. It instills a felling in one of being lost, confused, or blissfully ignorant. It creates more problems than are readily observable and solutions become hard to find. People begin to follow blindly. Many are blissfully ignorant for they believe what is shown to them without question. Hollywood is not to different then today’s modern news media. For the news tells stories and some seem unbelievable like a Hollywood movie. If I owned a media company then I would easily be able to tell people what to say and what not to say on my networks. Did you know the US had over 150 major media company owners in the 1980’s and today 5 people own that market share. Don’t Believe me, Bing or Google it for yourself. Seems to me like a take over of the mass media in this country. These people in mass media and movies can act like authority figures telling people what to do or think and people will follow through with out so much as a blink of an eye. I encourage you to due your due diligence in any thing you may or may not believe and find out the honest facts. The individual needs no authority figure to discern what is right or wrong. You have to dig into it to find out the truth today because on the surface there are many pleasant sounding lies. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Nazi Propaganda, said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” To get to the bottom of things and find out the honest truth is a responsibility we owe to ourselves, our country, and future generations.
Since coming to The Neothink Society more than 16 years ago I would have to honestly say that I have found that this veil has vanished from my life having been vaporized by the techniques and skills provided in this society. I know can sense dishonesty from a mile away. It also has exponentially increased my ability to absorb, process, collate, organize, systemize, utilize, and integrate information. My mind is a far vaster place since my joining. The benefits in romance are terrific, but that’s all you get because I don’t kiss and tell. As you can see here my sense of humor and wit have also improved. The business acumen I had before compared to now pales in comparison. My creativity has soared tremendously. As I build, bigger and bigger puzzle pictures seeing the future and predicting possibilities becomes easier and easier as time goes on. I can adapt to, handle, and control situations far more effectively and efficiently. I don’t get flustered, worry or panic anymore. I get to the bottom of things and solve problems with ease now. Making the right moves in business and in life happens far more frequently. I get along with people in all walks of life and in all ways. The camaraderie and friendships in the society keeps me going and lets me know I always have someone to lend a helping hand or ear if needed. I have begun to play at life with a wild childlike wonder and fun again. The happiness and joyous energy I feel is wonderful and makes for a real stimulating life. I have found nothing but honesty and integrity from Mark Hamilton and the other members in The Neothink Society. It has brought tremendous value to my life. There is no force or coercion here in anyway. The stopping of all initiatory force and coercion actually will be one of the prime functions of the Twelve Visions Party founded by Mark Hamilton.
The Twelve Visions Party is a part of a larger picture. It takes depth of vision to see this picture clearly. Having known Mark Hamilton for these last 16 years has been an inspiration for me to do good for other individuals and the world as a whole. The Twelve Visions Party is what will make that happen at a far more rapid pace. The world is the will of the people. If we want to see some change for the better in this world, we need to believe it can happen and make it so. Andrew Jackson the 7th US president said, “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.” This is what we have going on here today in the USA. The Twelve Visions Party is the absolute honest solution to this dangerous problem. Mark has never steered me wrong and has always been honest and straight forward with me. We need a return to government the way it should be, run by the law for the people. All government must be run like a business and when they lie or do not perform well they are fired. Why who do they work for but us, we the people. If you do not perform well we will find a replacement. It is simple as that. What we represent is our collective desire for honest government officials who work for us, we the people, not their special interests and old school cronies. A government ruled by the Constitution and the Prime Law. How many people in politics have lied to us, we the people? Would you put up with so much dishonesty from an employee, a friend, or a coworker? When will we say enough is enough America? What will stop this lying? Seriously, this has to stop or we will no longer be the land of the free and the home of the brave. The best way to end this tournament of lies and corruption is The Twelve Visions Party. Fully integrated honesty in politics will end the dishonesty and provide us a better future. The country that we all know and love is experiencing change yes, but not for the better. We must stand up for what is right and that is full honest transparency of what our government is doing on our behalf. This great country has had some great people in it. This country was built on the tremendous value produced by these great people. Some of them were patriots like Paul Revere, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Mark Hamilton is a fine example of one of those type of patriots as am I. We were meant to live free and live the life we desire. It is getting harder and harder to do that now as more and more oppressive laws and lies come down on the people of the United States. Mark will not tolerate dishonesty. All of us here in The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party are opposed to dishonesty and deception. It is time we stand united in this endeavor to end the dishonesty in our great country today.
What we have here is an idea whose time has come. The following statement is a fact. “The power of a thought can truly penetrate everything” Alan Watt 7/07. It is proven by the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and by all the scientists in the movie “What the bleep do we know”. The fact is thoughts become things. Everything in your life has come about because of an idea. All things start with an idea the light bulb, cars, new ways of healing, artwork, countries and the list goes on and on. Neothink is this powerful new way of thinking that has started to change the face of humanity. This all-encompassing philosophy of life provided here in The Neothink Society has been proven to change lives for the better in every way. Now it is time for it to change your life as it did mine and many others. This knowledge was gathered over long periods of time and from many sources. It played integral part in the forming of the Twelve Visions Party. It will help to free the minds of Americans from the tyranny they are under. Thomas Jefferson said “I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Even way back in the day this was a big problem in this country. Why would Jefferson make such a passionate statement if it was not a prevalent issue of his day.
The list of benefits and values bestowed upon me by The Neothink Society could go on and on, but I feel I have shown you enough to get the picture that you are on to something big here that is life transforming. I encourage you to open your heart and mind to this possibility in your life. You can have the life you were meant to live, and deep down we all know this to be the honest truth for ourselves. There is no force or coercion here only total integrated honesty. This is something that I thank my lucky stars for brining into my life and I have found nothing like it since I became a part of it. All it takes is that first step.
I have a deep love in my heart for my fellow brothers and sisters living on this wonderful planet earth. I honestly believe we can all create a better world for all of ourselves. I honestly think that anything is possible and our potential limitless.
So with that said honestly from my heart I ask you to please join me on this journey to a better day for us all.
Tommy A

March 2025