Posts Tagged ‘biological immortality’

I admire Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton’s literature dramatic change are in my life and empowered me to live the life of my dreams no longer waste valuable time in prayers or other superstitions. I devote all my energy reading all the books that I have it makes me feel better specially when I’m so dispperate and if I’m not feeling good I feel this the  only medicine I know that could solve everything and also devote all my energy toward rational and beneficial conclusion. Discovering harmony with the world around you with the universe and with yourself that everyone’s
life long search for something more come in completion for I found it, through your rare knowledge for everything Mark Hamilton! You are so genius you are not just saving yourself and your family but throughout mankind. I admire you so much Mark Hamilton hoping everyone work together same as the twelve immortal’s, to achieve the super-puzzle. The Neothink society the twelve vision party their aim’s first depoliticize America
to free all the geniuses and set free medicine, science, and businesses. Neothink geniuses will rise and take  care of all our needs making everyone very wealthy, very healthy as medical technologies soar and will eradicate diseases while free to prosperous society. Boring routine jobs of labor get replace with exciting creative jobs of the mind resulting deep individual happiness from creative not stagnant lives which will love rekindle permanent feelings of romantic love and exciting family love, finally the new Neothink puzzle building mentality will spread to everyone creating futures full of extraordinary values happiness and love then you’ll feel to live forever for the super-puzzle!”Biological immortality”!!! Thanks again Mark Hamilton for being in to this society!!! luisa p

The Twelve Visions Party provides a much needed alternative to government

 “Neothink combines practical business, health, and relationship philosophy to attain a happier life.”

“The Twelve Visions Party provides a much needed alternative to government.”

“Mark Hamilton’s writing is revolutionary and I look forward to my future with the Neothink Society.”

“The Neothink concept of biological immortality is attainable during our lifetime.”

Neothink Society Member

I will always be grateful…


I have to express my sadness over the TVP being in jeopardy because it is a movement that means a lot to me. I have heard of the Googles about you and even bothered to read half of one of the pages of information of which you speak of. Fortunately I had developed an opinion of you beforehand which made the information not worth finishing. Perhaps it is hard for people to understand the importance of your undertaking to fix this country and bring happiness to the inhabitants within. I can not fathom why anyone would have an agenda to portray you as a hustler but I feel the need to express my thoughts on the subject because I just have to “call it like I see it”. If you are a hustler, then I just want to say that it is the best thing that will happen to anyone to cross your path. I was formerly a hardworking mother of two in a verbally abusive relationship that would have escalated to physical abuse before I read your literature. I’m very proud to say that in the process of your literature fixing my life, I met a very interesting person and I get to see her every day when I look in the mirror. I am very fortunate to have met just a few of the other lucky people that have also read your literature and I am very glad that I have made excellent friends because of what you have done for the woman who stares at me in the mirror each day. I will always be grateful for most of the passion and wisdom that you poured into your literature and I wish that everyone who wants a better understanding of the life around them would come to know your words. I did not see much of you in your website but it is my understanding that you have been associated with the Grand Canyon Skywalk and you have been the source of an endless supply of happy Neothinkers who are turning this country into a better place for me and my children. You certainly do not seem to match the definition of any hustler that I have ever met.
As for the biological immortality………..That’s just around the corner but it is useless unless the researchers of that kind of technology are allowed to do their job without being slapped on the wrist. I suppose that most of them will not succeed in a country that is being ran as America currently is but I am hoping that will soon change. That is one of the things that puts a damper on my love for the medical field and sadly I do not have a true sub-passion to fall back on.
Always Yours,
Mel M


To whom it may concern,                                                                                                                                                                                  I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future.  Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases?  Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor?  Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die?  Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality?  All messages of good hope.  I thank you Mark Hamilton.  I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being.                                                                                                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kauvaha T

I owe my life to Mark Hamilton

I owe my life to Mark Hamilton both now and in the future as does the entire human race.  I am and have been a believer that biological immortality is possible today and I was relieved to discover that I was not alone in my goal of reaching this state.  Every so often a revolutionary individual comes along with keen insights to change the world and make it a better place in which to live.  Mark Hamilton is one such individual and I support his work and the work of the Neothink Society.  Society often opposes such individuals because their genius goes misunderstood by the masses.  This is insanity as these are the very individuals who are working to save the lives of the people.  The Twelve Visions Party is the most correct form of government that I have seen proposed to date.  It is a government based on principles of business that serves humanity and maintains focus upon the supreme goal of obtaining biological immortality.  Mark Hamilton’s literature is very much in line with my thinking so my transition to the Neothink Society has been rather easy.  As a writer myself I am very critical of the writing of other’s.  Mark Hamilton’s literature is so right on that I can hardly say he misses the mark and his writing is fast becoming one of the primary influences upon mine.  Anyone who tries to prevent or oppose the work of Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party should be stopped.

Shawn W

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton;

I have been a member of the Neothink Society for about five months and I find it very interesting and useful. Although I do not agree with every point that is made I found the books very informative and motivating. I especially like Miss Annabelle’s story. I happen to own a fairly large all natural food company that has on staff health professionals that teach people how to live a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, diet and exercise. The CDC said in August of 2009 that if you follow 4 simple rules you can cut down your chances of getting the major diseases by 80%(cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc.) The 4 rules are 1) Do not smoke 2) keep your weight down to a BMI below 30  3) eat an all natural diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and 4) exercise 3 ½ hours per week. This is what my company pushes to help lower our client’s chances of getting the chronic diseases and help them live a longer healthier life.  My point is that your goal of biological immortality may be lofty and to some unrealistic but extending life and living healthier and longer is very doable and is even stated by the CDC. I have thousands of clients throughout the Southeastern United States that are currently doing it.

I also like many of the business ideas that the Neothink Society emphasizes such as the mini day concept and the mini company concept. I have over 100 employees and I try to make each one feel like they are part of the company not just employed by the company. In every case possible we try and motivate each individual by sharing the profits that he or she produces through their mini companies within our company. We have been selected as one of the best places to work by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and have been awarded two years in a row by Inc. magazine as one of the fastest growing private companies in America so I know these ideas work. The concept of using your mind to advance at work and in life is simple but so often not done.  People have to enjoy, even love what they do to grow and expand their thought process to increase their value producing capability at their work in their life and to society as a whole. I also like and use the marketing concepts of breaking things down to the common denominators and using the forces of nature to get the best marketing results. I know this works also since we have been nominated for the MAX Awards(for excellence in marketing and innovation from Georgia State College).

Overall I believe the Neothink society to be very helpful and useful to anybody who wants to expand their horizons, Anybody can pick out ideas or concepts from any group that they disagree with but I believe the idea is to chose the ideas you embrace and expand your value producing capabilities It’s the old concept of “is the glass half full or half empty”. For anybody who believes the glass is half full the Neothink Society will be helpful and enjoyable.

Respectfully Submitted

Keith K

“I Guess I’ll Just Stick with the Facts”….

Well generally speaking, I’m not one to get overly sentimental (though I suppose I do have my moments too). So how will I here make mention of a particular man – without getting soppy that is – who has tirelessly made it his life mission to come up with simple, honest and viable plans, creations and solutions for repairing all that has gone wrong in the running and operation of these United States? I guess I’ll just stick with the facts….

The man I’m speaking of is Mark Hamilton who has founded the new, “apolitical political party” called the: Twelve Visions Party. He has numerous publications outlining how such a monumental task as creating a new and improved United States can be carried out; his “Wealth, Health, Peace” is a “must read” and it offers detailed primary guidelines for making meaningful changes in the way this country is managed – real plans to be carried out, ensuring real representation “…of the people, by the people, for the people….”

Mark has also founded the Neothink society, along with all of its various departments that are poised and placed as cornerstones of a future America to be rebuilt in new awareness of the arts and sciences, superior medical, scientific and technological advances (including the exploration of achieving biological immortality), honest business and lasting peace and prosperity for all…true happiness. His model for America could well be a fine model for other countries throughout the world.

These endeavors in themselves are huge undertakings, but all-the-while HE manages to also be a devoted family man, an honest business entrepreneur, a wise and caring mentor and a loyal friend to all members of his Neothink society who also devote whatever time and efforts THEY can toward helping to create a brave new world for ALL AMERICANS.

How does one juggle all that in a meaningful and progressive way? It’s mind-boggling, yet he really does! So “hats off, and salutations to” Mark and his family for providing the honest hope and the reality based plans that this country and its citizens so desperately need and deserve. To say “Thanks Mark” is an understatement…but I smile as I believe I did manage to maintain most of my inherent asoppyfication! :)

Devotedly Yours Mark…Liz Szarka, New York


Thank you Mark Hamilton


Kauvaha T

Friday, September 11th, 2009

To whom it may concern,                                                                                                                                                                                  I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future.  Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases?  Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor?  Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die?  Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality?  All messages of good hope.  I thank you Mark Hamilton.  I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being.                                                                                                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kauvaha T

March 2025