Posts Tagged ‘big picture’

Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly…


Hello Mark,

Below please find my response in regards to what Neothink has done for me:

1. Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly in the real meaning of life for me.  Together with power-thinking, I’m able to snap together puzzle pieces immediately.

2. It has affirmed the eternal honesty state of being in my future development with a clear plan of action.  With this plan, I will move forward in the never ending journey of my life, as a self-leader.

3. Neothink has measured and made known to me my progress in all phases of life. By honesty integrations of reality into my time and space, values are created, I’m able to take control of my environment and conditions thereof, where by creating time for all our future.   

Otto Beasley

Mark Hamilton and all his vision

When I was selected to become a member of the Neothink Society I sent for the 1st Heirloom thinking that it would answer some questions that I always wanted to know about  And as I read it did I finished reading that one as I had time I’m a Trucker and don’t have much free time  then sent for the next one and keep reading and sending till I had read all 4  I learned a lot that really helped Me to understand the big picture of what is happening in this country and the world and I also realize that the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party are the only thing that is going to make the country and the world  get on the right track and if it wasn’t for Mark Hamilton and all his vision and hard work  and determination we  wouldn’t have this and I want to see this work  so we all need to stand  behind Mark and make it work

March 2025