Posts Tagged ‘better tomorrow’

Thank you so much for my awakening.

Hi Mark,
I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how appreciative I was of your mentoring. Thank you so much for my awakening.
Your illustrations in the Miss Annabelle story of the twelve visions provides a big picture view of how each of us collectively can build a better tomorrow. The Twelve Visions World working in tandem with the Twelve Visions Party is the goal of harmonization of all individuals. The process to actualize this goal is to dynamically change the political system within the 52 states with like minded individuals in office who believe in the prime law. How we will get there is by spreading the word of your visions to many individuals. They will then know they have the power to make changes for the betterment of all and not the select few. They will consciously break through the illusions and away from them once and for all. When that happens they will want and believe for a better tomorrow.
I know I don’t have to tell you that because I learned it from you. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the society has grown since I was an apprentice. And your skyway, amazing! If I can help out in any way, you know how to get a hold of me.
Once again Thanks!
In Love and Peace

Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society

Dear Mark,
It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion of the work that you are doing to create a better tomorrow. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to read your materials, thus being Neothink and the twelve visions.  I honestly can say that I knew I was missing out and could not fully grasp the concept of life, love and happiness, when our society depicts the opposite.  I now understand many things that once before unclear.  I personally think that America and the world in general will benefit from your materials and therefore we will and can live in a productive society where there is a chance for truth, growth and happiness.  Please know that I highly respect all your efforts to provide the world with the opportunity to look at the truth of things and to take the blindfolds off that have been placed upon us for many generations.  I truly hope that America and the world will give this a chance and give mankind the opportunity to be free in mind and spirit once again.  Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society and all the work that will give true love a chance to grow to make better tomorrows for all mankind.  Wah-Quast Eh-roh-eh (Good Tomorrows) Janet G

Thank You Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C and I wanted to express my most deepest
gratitude to Mr. Mark for helping me to be the person who I am now.
I embrace the journey that I toke more than 5 years ago……
the prime literature the continuous support that I received from Mr. Mark
helped me to get out the stagnation.
now I am different person I do thanks to Neothink Society because has been
a tremendous blessing to me I can’t conceive living without it!!
also the TVP party that is my hope for a better tomorrow I can taste the
freedom that will have when the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD TAKE
place full of joy and happiness.
Mr. Mark thank you for all the goodness you will bring to me
sincerely Mike C

It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion


Dear Mark,
It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion of the work that you are doing to create a better tomorrow. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to read your materials, thus being neo-think and the twelve visions.  I honestly can say that I knew I was missing out and could not fully grasp the concept of life, love and happiness, when our society depicts the opposite.  I now understand many things that once before unclear.  I personally think that America and the world in general will benefit from your materials and therefore we will and can live in a productive society where there is a chance for truth, growth and happiness.  Please know that I highly respect all your efforts to provide the world with the opportunity to look at the truth of things and to take the blindfolds off that have been placed upon us for many generations.  I truly hope that America and the world will give this a chance and give mankind the opportunity to be free in mind and spirit once again.  Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society and all the work that will give true love a chance to grow to make better tomorrows for all mankind.  Wah-Quast Eh-roh-eh (Good Tomorrows) Janet G

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C and I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton for helping me to be the person who I am now.  I embrace the journey that I toke more than 5 years ago…the prime literature the continuous support that I received from Mr. Hamilton helped me to get out the stagnation.  Now I am different person I do thanks to Neothink Society because has been a tremendous blessing to me I can’t conceive living without it!!  Also the TVP party that is my hope for a better tomorrow I can taste the freedom that will have when the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD TAKE place full of joy and happiness.  Mr. Mark Hamilton, thank you for all the goodness you will bring to me.  sincerely Mike C

To Mark Hamilton

To  Mark Hamilton

From Mike C I wanted to sent this line to Mr. Mark to let him know from the

bottom of my heart how grateful I am. you prime literature, Neothink society, and

twelve visions party has changed my life 360 degrees. I can’t conceive at this point living without the NEOTHINK SOCIETY The TVP means a lot to me my love ones and my friends I personally recommend this society t anybody. This is real this is not a fiction I am 64 years old and as a PASTOR of the church it wasn’t easy BUT you Mr. Mark changed me I have hopes real hopes for a better tomorrow Mr. Mark I am with you WE WILL SURVIVE THEY ARE NOT INTOUCHABLE My father used tell me this the STRONGER survive until the WEAKED allowed them in their words the POLITICIANS SURVIVED UNTIL NOW

I beg up there if you want Twelve Visions World ok lets bound together in one body

Mr.Mark thankyou  Mike C

Thanks a million!

I am very thankful to The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton for all the powerful information that changed my life forever for the better! By reading the multigenerational manuscripts I got a better paying job that I enjoy.The multigenerational manuscripts empowered me to do it! I am so grateful to be a member of The Neothink Society! I found who I am and where I belong with The Neothink Society after so many years of searching. I also believe in The Twelve Visions Party that was created by The Neothink Society. Change is needed in our country and the TVP will bring a better tomorrow for all of us to live the happy,prosperous and romantic life we are meant to live! Also,it gives us hope for a brighter future for not only our country but also the world! John H Pa

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.


The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.  When I received my invitation to be a part of this group, I was about at the end of my rope.  I had taught for about 21 years and was continuously despondent with the public education system.  I had quit teaching, without retirement, because I could no longer be a part of a system that would not let teachers teach what they knew the students needed in their own classrooms.  I could no longer be a part of a system that didn’t work.  I quit without knowing what I was going to do.  I just knew I could not be a part of a broken system any longer.

Right after I quit, I got my invitation.  I was encouraged by all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society to fulfill my dream of encouraging young people and improving education.  I have since developed my own phonics program and have given two speeches, one in Ohio and one in North Carolina, on alternative education.  I am continuing to make progress and am so happy to be a part of a society who wants to make this world a better place.

Children are our future and we have to let them know just how important they really are.  If we continue to lose our children to drugs and violence, we will lose our future.  I believe a positive future begins with our children.  Neothink is a way of making this happen.  With all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society pulling together to make all areas of our lives better, there is hope for a better tomorrow.  I, for one, am proud to be a part of this society.

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM


Myles Conefrey Testimonial


Myles Conefrey Testimonial about the greatest value on planet earth, the coming of the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, who will become our heroes in protecting individual rights by restoring amazing values to our Society our friends, family and co-workers, all our loved ones, and to the entire world.  This is the one and only Party that offers Americans HOPE.  This is not a dishonest illusion, but PURE and SIMPLE FACT.  I suggest that everybody learn all they can about the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, its PLATFORM of the twelve (12) steps and our great intentions to help this country out of its present mess and debt it is creating daily for the next several generations. 

The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY has a strong and great PLATFORM, one that I can support 110% + and feel great about doing so.  I have read several manuscripts of Mark Hamilton and his family and have found no more valuable reading anywhere else on planet earth.  The TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM has so much to offer everyone who has an open mind and a willingness to create values for themselves and all their loved ones.  I’m now 71 years of age and in my lifetime I have never seen a Platform that could even hold a feather to the TVP PLATFORM.  You owe it to yourselves to read and learn all you can about the TVP and what it stands for, once you do, I’m sure you will have no problem joining and supporting our efforts to create a much better tomorrow for our loved ones, present and future.

Please go and take a look at all the emotional testimonials that are available at more than 20 websites starting with and continue from there and also see the individual video testimonials.  These great testimonials are value reflections of the individuals who have felt such great happiness and NEW HOPE for our SOCIETY and the future of America and the World.

This is a PLATFORM that will change the World, as we know it today, into a form of government and individual rights for all.  A government that will not only work here in the United States, but has the potential to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the world.  The TVP is the PARTY of NEW HOPE and need your support in our uphill battle to correct the present situation, not only in this country, but throughout the world.  The (12) TWELVE VISIONS could be considered to be the (12) TWELVE MIRACLES of the 21st Century.

I, Myles Conefrey, first got involved in mid-March, 2009 when I first started reading Mark Hamilton’s Literature and several interesting Testimonials from people in all walks of life.  This information made reference to the greatest kept secret of all times and for Money, Power and Romantic Love, and that something astounding is about to happen in my life!  The knowledge obtained from Mark Hamilton’s Literature I found to be the most interesting literature I have ever encountered in my lifetime of 71+ years, and should be required reading for high school students today because it offers those students a glimpse of what they can obtain in the years ahead with the most phenomenal personal abilities that lead to enormous wealth, health, love, and peace.

Become aware of what’s coming down the pipe-line.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is not a political party but, will be offering methods to help change the USA and eventually the World for the better.

Mini Day Power Thinking and Neo Tech is coming.  Depoliticize and down-size government:  Anti-Political Party.

The politicians are the problem, not the government.  We are not changing vehicles, only the drivers.  The TWELVE VISION PARTY is the Business Man Party and we are trying to change the way the government does its business for the better and for each and everyone who wishes to have their individual rights back.  Come join us in working with the concepts and not the processors that our present government produces.

Join with us in the Forward Movement and Forward Essence – Wealth, Health and Peace, PRIME LAW FOR PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

We the people of America, feel the new emotions, the cause of what we hope to achieve.  Come and take part in this movement for a better day.  Every vote will count for a TVP candidate in all upcoming elections.

Integrate principals, develop family enterprises, unlock doors for the next generations – for our children and grandchildren, lean about the law of attraction, believe in your dream and it will come true.  Move forward with your dream by becoming involved and understanding and integrating these great opportunities and NEOTHINK principals.

If you are not going to INVEST IN YOURSELF, who are you going to invest in?  Come and build relationships and social integration.  Learn and understand the difference between Value Production and Value Creation in your life.  Come and learn more about the Prime Literature and exchange ideas with other people who present their values and give their reason for coming to the TVP Clubhouses in their area.  Remember, (There is Power in Numbers) so, come and integrate your value added concepts.  Learn about Thought, Discipline and Control, Stimulation, Education, and Integration for a better tomorrow by checking out the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY PLATFORM.

Join in the FORWARD MOVEMENT, THE FORWARD ESSENCE and help create the world you want to LIVE IN!!!  Help remove the ruling class and the suppressed class will rise up to bring about Wealth, Health and Peace not only in this country but eventually throughout the World.

Join the TV – TWELVE VISION PARTY, they understand what needs to be changed and they will work for us and our individual right under the PRIME LAW.

March 2025