Posts Tagged ‘better person’



The Good Things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Has Done For Me

Hello, I am sending a testimonial on the good things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has done for me. I believe everything that is written in the Multi-Generational Manuscripts. It has made me a better person inside and out, it has made me happier and healthier and more fit physically, and mentally. I am bettering myself so others can also, this is the best state of mind you can be in. Come join us for the best part of your life in the Neothink Society. And helping Twelve Visions Party grow to have a better way of life for yourself, your family and your friends. And better health above all else.
Yours Most Sincerely
Wolfgang L

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real, I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countries even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Govern us not the other way round, The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Government telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E


I could not have asked, for a better person to be part of my life. His book has changed my life completely, I was on the urge of giving up on everything, I have ever worked for, I had lost, my kid’s I was living from house to house, trying to stay on top of things, I did not have a job. I just wanted to end it all, I did not have no family nor friends, I had know where to turn. He told me to find your Friday night essence, to be the person that I was meant to be, find what would make you happy in life, which would be your down stream focus in life. Now I wake up every day happy and excited about life, wanting to get out and do good things for people. It’s like I want to live forever. Every day it just get’s better and better. Thank you for every thing you have done for me. With love Michelle A.

The Twelve Visions Party


When I first learned about Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, I learned that the only purpose for government is to protect its American citizens from violence, initiatory force, and fraud. The Prime Law shows us how our government is like a business, and as such will be run like a business – producing values for the people and increasing our means of living. As a business owner, a father, and a friend to many like-minded individuals, I discovered the value of making myself a better person every day. Through choices I make and accepting responsibility, I value using my mind, or Neothinking, how to be a self-leader, and also being a part of something our children will look back on and be grateful for what Mark Hamilton is doing and this priceless information. The best part is anyone, regardless of their situation, can benefit by getting the literature and reading it for themselves. Then everyone, including the poor and the elderly, can discover for themselves how life will be with the success of the Twelve Visions Party!

Adam H.
New York

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Thru this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child, I never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man  and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I would like to step up and say how much being a part of Neothink and TVP has helped me be a better person and helped me find the true meaning in my life. I have just started to peruse my FNE that I had started when I was younger. It is a big step but I have made a way for it to open up to me more. I am so glad to be a part of all of this and plan to make sure that things are happening in the favor of what we have learned from all the great information and Neothink. It is with great honor and privilege to be a part of such a intelligent and creative group.
Renee M

I want to thank Mark Hamilton…


To the Neothink® Society, I want to thank Mark Hamilton for developing a philosophy that introduces a new way of thinking.  I am learning to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am finally realizing who I really am. It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I so cherish the opportunity to begin this new journey of no return.

What this means to me:

I’m learning a new appreciation for life, love and happiness; to respect myself again and grow as a better person.

By learning to create values, I am taking full responsibility for my own life always.

I haven’t found my Friday night essence yet, but I have new hope here in the Society that I thought was lost forever.  I am gradually finding out what it means to be happy and the value in which I will be eternally grateful. I am truly looking forward to the creation driven life I was meant to live.

The Neothink® Society is an invitation to life, a newfound, much needed wonderful life!  When I received the invitation (around June 2009), I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

Even though I do lack interest in Politics due to the dishonesty, interference and coercion imposed upon us by the politicians, the Visions and Miss Annabelle peaked my interest and desire to gradually become involved.  I never before knew what potential I had or may have, but I do know that with encouragement from TVP I will eventually manage all aspects of my life and ultimately obtain the fruitful, peaceful life I have always wanted.  I don’t even know what my passion is, without pinpointing any particular area, but there is renewed hope to become the person I was always meant to be.

Throughout my school years, I had very few friends. I found solace in accomplishing what my family and others kept telling me I couldn’t or wasn’t capable for lack of knowledge, anything in which I showed an interest.  I suppose there was a drive to show them I could do anything I set my mind to.  I remained lost all my life, but I had an overwhelming desire to find a passion, an interest that would be with me forever. This abusive and destructive behavior still haunts me to this day.  No one wanted or needed my input or opinion regarding anything.  I was always called upon to troubleshoot and clean-up after siblings found themselves not knowing what to do or how to figure it out.  After resolving the situation, I was cast aside and never acknowledged for my abilities.  As an object of embarrassment and ridicule, I never knew who I was or what I was supposed to do.  What did they want from me?

With the integration of Neothink, I feel free to be myself with the drive to achieve more and accomplish things of value for myself and the chance to help others and find that beautiful place in which I was always meant to be, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest and am looking forward to meeting many more people in the Neothink Society.

The manuscripts are already starting to direct me toward a purpose in life by establishing a goal in finding my Friday Night Essence. This is an incentive to keep growing and learning. I earnestly search for my Friday Night Essence in finding a purpose and I look forward to the subtle changes that will surely take place in my life. I will continue to read every chance I get to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

With Undying Gratitude and Appreciation,

Judy S

My life changed


In three years my life has changed from one of an old bored, and maybe depressed retired lady to an active woman who is involved in making the world a better place; and my own self a better person in the package. After retirement from a very happy and busy career of 47 years I was just useless and getting nowhere fast. Mark Hamilton’s letter said that he chose me. I do not know why he chose me, but I am sure glad that he did. I bought that first wonderful book, Inside Secrets, and my life began to soar. I continue to get better all the time. Yes I am busier than when I was working at the top of my career but I am also so happy doing what makes me happy. I have learned to accomplish at least three time what I used to do in a day and I just keep going. I basically have three businesses now that I am running and all are growing. Just want to say thank you to Mark Hamilton for choosing me and teaching me to be my own person, to run my own businesses, how to find my essence, what I was created to do. On top of all that for over a year now I have been at my ideal weight. I am extremely healthy and strong for age 73. The answer to success is in Mark’s book, Inside Secrets. Thank you Mark Hamilton, Peace, Health and Wealth for all of us, Nellie

Today, I am daring to be more than I have always been


Two years ago my life was not fulfilled. I was missing the very best things in life, starting with complete and total happiness. But good people from this world noticed that lack of many things in me, and decided to send to me their very best knowledge. This people called their way of thinking “Neothink”, and invited me to join their Neothink Society. Two years after that, I am here living very different than two years ago prior of being reached by these very powerful people.

Today, I am daring to be more than I have always been. I am more goal-oriented, I am practicing the language of doing things, not just dreaming of doing them, and I am more determined to do whatever I am daring to ask life to give me. Today I am definitely more passionate and happy, and I am working towards ending all the mysticisms that had darkened my life.  One of that mysticism was following a religion that stagnated me spiritually and tried to ruin my life in all senses. I do not have hard feeling toward those people. I only think every person receives back the good or the bad that he or she has done in his or her past life in any exact moment of their lives.  Another mysticism that I am working on to eradicate from my life is solving all my fears regarding some kind of “special” women. Fear paralyses and stops a person from becoming the individual he or she was meant to be. And Neothink opened my mind to this reality of me.

Without the Neothink mentality and information, I would have never stood up from those personal paralysis. Definitely, I feel myself as a much better person since being introduced to this new mentality.

The human race cannot afford to dissolve this mentality and this Twelve Visions Party movement. We and I mean all the human beings alive and to be born ever, would lose a lot if the Neothink mentality, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party are collapsed and destroyed by the forces of evil, mysticism and irrationality. Those entities of Neothink have the will power and the good will to end death and cure aging. I lost my father just one year ago. I would tell anyone that I would do anything legally and morally possible to have avoided my father from dying. My lost is very, very big. And worst for me, BECAUSE MY FATHER DID NOT WANTED TO DIE. The Neothink Society is the only group that can guarantee and achieve curing death and dying. Our families will have a lot to lose if the Twelve Visions Party is stopped from reaching the polls.

Although we are human, and with that I am trying to say that we have many flaws, weaknesses, and make a lot of mistakes willingly and unwillingly, I do know we must let the Twelve Visions Party do its job of filling the human race with happiness and creating new conditions for the human being to live with, specially eliminating all diseases.

March 2025