Posts Tagged ‘better person’

The Neothink books have been the …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways.

The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways. I’ve gone way back to the morals and prospects of my childhood and I’ve found that the Neothink concepts are the truths that I have known all along but have been skeptical to embrace because of the propaganda pushed by the deceivers of my time.

I’m no longer a slave to this blind movement that’s being pushed by the slave drivers of our society. We will overcome this negative policy that is being propagated against us. The truth is the future and it will make this world a better place.

Thank you for showing me what I have known all along.


Erik G

The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better …


The Neothink books have been the inspiration to form a better person from my old ways.

The Good Things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society Has Done For Me

Hello, I am sending a testimonial on the good things that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has done for me. I believe everything that is written in the Multi-Generational Manuscripts. It has made me a better person inside and out, it has made me happier and healthier and more fit physically, and mentally. I am bettering myself so others can also, this is the best state of mind you can be in. Come join us for the best part of your life in the Neothink Society. And helping Twelve Visions Party grow to have a better way of life for yourself, your family and your friends. And better health above all else.
Yours Most Sincerely
Wolfgang L

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton
The day I received your book the Neothink Discovery and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to the Neothink Society.
The power of Neothink is so real,I have never had such wonderful feelings like that, It went through my whole body I had to sit down, It was wonderful, fantastic and I loved it. This is what I had been searching for, Thank you. Neothink has changed my life to became a better person and learning more and more every day, I am moving in direction of living the life I was meant live.
When reading the Neothink literature you know it is true because we are reading about ourselves, What the Government is doing to us is not right All Master Neocheaters (GOV) must be stopped they are hurting people all around the world who trying to live a normal life are losing
their jobs. Business people are closing down or moving to other countrys even over seas. With out our business we are lost.
Mark Hamilton and his Twevle Vision Party, the voice of honesty with the Universal Law (The Prime Law) must not be stopped.
Only through depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were ment to live.
TVP is introducing the Prime Law, The Prime Law is to Goven us not the other way round,The Prime Law is what it is: No Initiatory Force.
TVP will stop Goverment telling us what to and how to spend our money and how to live his life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society with his Twelve Vision Party have their way and means to turn U.S. around and once again make their country a World Leader.
David E

The Neothink society is no small time organization…

My name is Armando Vega, a proud Neothink member who has learned many valuable concepts that I could never learn in the ruling class society I live in. I have learned how to be an integrated thinker and an everyday value producer. This in addition to one day becoming a value creator which will enable me to finally fulfill my essence and the role of consciousness.
The Neothink society is no small time organization which looks to deceive people, quite the contrary it is the answer to problems in our civilization as we know it. To make business the fountainhead of all solutions and eliminate dishonest political market businessmen who continue to extract values from the value creators of the world. My benefit is in my new found way of integrated thinking to become a problem solver and create values for society as opposed to creating problems where none exist.
The TVP party will change this country and help make everyone including the poor wealthy. The cheaters of society are concerned about the movement because it threatens their way of being. A new world is upon us a place where geniuses can be freed from regulations and restrictions which for example, prevent the medical profession from making major scientific breakthroughs. We are approaching a time where the world needs change and prosperity for all people not just the select few. I know that the TVP will be the only party capable of making this dream of prosperity for all a reality.
As I have mentioned in my previous testimony I am a better person and truly complete with my integrated way of thinking. My ability to see through illusions is a skill I have developed thanks to the Neothink literature and clubhouse meetings I have attended. My desire is to continue learning more and fulfilling my potential as a value creator who can create more values for society. To prosper and teach others the Neothink way and hopefully in time the TVP movement will become the political party of choice. Those who want to take down the TVP and Neothink are fearful of the truth and are desperately trying to stop a train with lots of momentum. Long live Neothink and the TVP!



I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books

My name is Wilfredo Morales and I have had the pleasure of reading all of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s books. Mr. Hamilton’s writing is life changing.
Today I am a hundred times more of a better person because of Mr. Hamilton’s books. Not everyone is capable of living a real, pure honest and conscience life, and because of this fact many people will attack Mr. Hamilton. But the truth is truth and the truth cannot be hidden for eternity. All you can find in Mr. Hamilton’s books is truth and that was exactly what I needed to know, the truth. Mr. Hamilton’s books had given me nothing but happiness and I will like this opportunity to say, thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton.

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
I have gained so much knowledge from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink philosophies.
It has shown me that honest people do exist. I think Mark is an asset to our Country.
He has shown me things that have inspired me to be a much better person and I have fed these fantastic idea’s into my family. I feel I received more value than I paid for.
It would surely be a big huge mistake to end his teachings and the Neothink population.
We need free thinkers in our life.
He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
Marie S
Edgefields SC

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world…


First, I would like to thank F.R.W. , Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, (The 12),and the Neothink Society, for building the bridge for all humanity.  This bridge is for all mankind to crossover, to where all of humanity should be, and eventually will be, in the future. This being a psychological bridge, that offers again all of mankind a new way of thinking.

My personal journey started in 2002, with the first letter I received in the mail, like everyone else in the Society I was searching.  Searching for the person I was meant to be, what I gained from the letters, and the multigenerational books led to and is leading to knowledge, that is truly mind blowing.

The most profound aspect I gained from this knowledge was the hoax of the god concept, ( I already had doubts) with that false concept behind me, I started the journey of a lifetime. Gaining control, and becoming the authority in my own life; opened a new world for me, automatically making me, become a better person, and putting me on the path of becoming the
person I was meant to be. This gained knowledge led to my FNE, highlighted the neocheaters, how they operated, and who they are. The things I learned was and is very valuable, with the aid of the multigenerational books, I learned there steps a person can take to assist him or her in every aspect of their life.

When those steps are put into practice, the results are a much better life with focus and purpose for instance in your personal life, your diet, your relationships, personal and social, your job, and work, with the steps and methods your job becomes not only less boring or not boring at all but much more profitable. We know there are myriads of other steps and methods.

By applying the things I learned and gained led to a new world, not only from the outside, but first and foremost from the inside, best of all we create our own road map to take us any where we want to go in that new world. That new world is what all of mankind needs, but is not ready for yet, but eventually they will be there. All love to the Society.

Roy Metcalf

March 2025