Posts Tagged ‘better life’

Subject: my testomonial of what the Neothink society has done for me.

listen, when I was first invited into the Neothink society., ( 4 years ago ) I was looking for away to educate myself and create a better life for me and my family., You see, I do not have a high school diploma and was charge with crimes that I did not commit., Today I am an unemployed paratransist driver trying to create a income for me and my family., I cannot get a job nowhere because of my record, basically I was banned from the anticivilization., The ( Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party ) is the best Knowledge I ever came across it ( Set me Free ) in so many ways that you cant even imagined., Unless you my friend took the journey to ( FREEDOM OF THE MIND ) and come in contact with a ( LOYALTY TO HONESTY ) from this point everything in your world gets put back on the right track., If an only if you have and ( OPEN MIND ) ( YOU WILL EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH )., TO BE TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU I LOVE THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY AND THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE RECEIVE., SO WILL YOU


Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life…

I have spent my whole life, trying to buy a house, and make a decent living for myself. And have a family, But that hasn’t happened, not in this current society. I have spent the past 19month’s in a houseless shelter. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society an the tvp party, show me how I can achieve my dreams .Mark Hamilton an Neothink Offer a better Life for the Whole Country, not just the rich ruling. The way the country is right now, We all owe it to ourselves to welcome a better way of life! Our current Government apparently doesn’t know how to save the country.

The Twelve Visions Party is coming alive

Dear Mark,

I can’t begin to tell you how much your literature has meant to me and how much it has changed my life. It has helped me with my continuing quest for personal growth, as I choose to grow rather than stagnate. The information in your literature has helped me to once again be confident in my own common sense and judgment. I have been able to effectively eliminate all of the confusion when dealing with the conflicting information that I am bombarded with on a daily basis from outside sources.

And now the Twelve Visions Party is coming alive. It is truly a wonderful and exciting time. The Prime Law makes so much sense. Finally, a real way to get back to the freedom we were always meant to have as Americans! I am ready to move to Hamilton-America right now! I want pure justice and real freedom!

I can’t begin to thank you for all of the time, effort, sacrifice, and bravery you have put into getting us to this stage; bringing American back to the great country it was always meant to be: The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Bless you for your vision and for taking the helm and leading the charge.

I now have hope of a better life, a happy and healthy life that is going in a positive direction. I want the opportunity to work at something I love to do, the satisfaction of being able to give more than I take, the thrill of being able to be the unique and creative person I was meant to be, and the ability to balance prosperity and the quality time I wish to spend with my loved-ones. This is a life most people are unable to live now under the corrupt self-serving political systems that have grown so out-of-control and are constantly trying to milk us dry and kill our spirit.

In the past “real freedom” and “world peace” have been treated only as idealistic dreams. Then again, all great things have started with a vision and a dream. And now, thanks to you and your vision and dream, “real freedom” and “world peace” can finally become a reality. My heart is soaring with hope for a new life of freedom and my tears of happiness spill over from relief that we no longer have to accept being ruled by a corrupt system. We can actually do something about it.

Today is March 11, 2010 and I am proud to say, “I am a registered member of the Twelve Visions Party in California!” and I am looking forward to finally having life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness along with once again feeling proud to be an American.

Mark, thank you again for making this all possible.

My love to you and yours,

Diana H


You could search the world over & not find a more honest…

You could search the world over & not find a more honest, sincere compassionate & warm hearted young man.  He has devoted his life to the Neothink society & its members to help everyone live a better life, to be happy, free & good.  The things he taught is not in the library & you won’t learn in a school room. We don’t wish any one any harm, we just want to pursue our dreams & have a better government, honest & decent. That’s not asking too much!!  I sincerely wish he can be left alone to finish his work for the world to see what a Genius he truly is.

Thank you

Peggy L.

I understand what you mean


Friday, September 11th, 2009

Dear Mark Hamilton,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for bringing Neothink this far and brought tremendous change in many people’s lives.
I understand what you mean. I do not have membership of your website because it was difficult for me to pay the subscribing fee due to financial problem. I helped my mom going through cancer treatment. She was not supposed to survive but she did and I am hoping she will. It was all because of you. I am happy for my mom. Thank you.
I know exactly what are you going through and how difficult is the anti-civilization. My husband’s ex-wife who is also a lawyer seems to be a neo-cheater. She is using my husband and taking social advantage over me by turning my in-laws against me and causing conflict in our relationship. Due to my husband’s mental illness I do not get enough support from him and he is not able to understand the situation. He even said one, “Go to hell”. and asked me to leave the house many time. I am new to this country and the culture and this is my first marriage. I had lots of dreams but it seems like all breaking. However, I learnt a lot from you and still have hopes to live a better life.  
I wish I can give you testimonials but do not have the membership and also I do not go public. I born in a Muslim family but got married with an American who is not Muslim. In Muslim, you can not get married with Non-Muslim. If you do, it will be a huge problem not only for you but also for the family back home. My mom, my married sisters and every body will be under pressure of the community and will have severe consequences. Therefore only immediate family members know about my marriage. I try to avoid my public exposure especially to Pakistani people or Muslims in general.
You are doing great and I am sure you must be having more members than before. In past you may not have many members but because of your hard work and genius mind, there is a possibility that Neothink will win this time.
I wish we can cure the cancer of anti-civilization that is having devastating effect on our lives. The world will then be a much better place to live.
Wish you all the best.


Dear Mark, 
The message of Neothink is tried and true. You become what you think about.  It has been the message of  Zig Ziglar, Clement Stone, and a host of others over the last 35 years.  It is the true way to build oneself to the image wanted.   Adding in the promise of lasting life adds a dynamic that the Egyptians thought up 3,500 years ago.  It works.   Healthful living is always a good thing.  Your whole concept beats religion hands down.  Who wants to take leadership from groups who tolerate homosexuality and pedophilia in its leaders?   Everyone today hates politicians.  So our people will replace them with a new group that lives honestly and treats others honestly.   We will have no neocheaters in our ranks.     I feel that I will be able to turn my life around to a better life.   My only problem is that I still haven’t found out what I really want to do.   Bill

March 2025