Posts Tagged ‘best interest’

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best 30 dollars to spend a month and you are learning the Neothink Inside Secrets and Mark Hamilton has been an inspiration to me and he has saved my life and with Mark Hamilton’s help I started to make more money and joining the Neothink Club House and becoming a member of Neothink is in everyone’s good and best interest and buying books from Mark Hamilton is the best money that I ever spend on and rewarding Hamilton books has given me confidence, honesty, discipline and fair play!

What has Neothink done for me?


I’ve been aware of and using the Neothink mentality for more than 20 years.  Neothink has changed me fundamentally as a person at my core.  My outlook on life, the decisions I make come from the Neothink perspective, one in which I’m in total control of my life.  Neothinking touched my life in the following major areas, as well as other areas of my life: Wealth Creation, Romantic & Family Love, Health & Happiness.  I would not be the same person; I wouldn’t have the same success in these areas if not for the ability to use this powerful tool.  

With Neothink I consider life from a broad integrated perspective, tapping into my brain power like never before.  Not some mystical or magical power.  No, it’s down to earth, reality based thinking.  It takes effort and brain-sweat.  Once someone understands and uses Neothink they can begin immediately to consider every situation and decision from a long-term best interest perspective.  

Begin to build future wealth and creative valuable projects today.  Learn to recognize value oriented relationships.  Use your brain to remove and eliminate limitations.  Limitations hold you back from the life you were meant to live.  Understand what makes man happy and gain real long-term happiness.  
My Wealth Creation
Before Neothink, I was a lost loser going nowhere.  Starting as a box boy in a grocery store my career steadily and consistently improved using the Neothink mentality.  Currently my earns top $100,000 per year.  My thinking continuously leads to wealth and looks to creative values for society.  I’ve done well financially, but I haven’t consistently used this power to its full potential.  If I had I’m sure I would be making double, triple or possibly ten times more than I currently have.  Even with part-time application of Neothink I’ve become a millionaire.  Anyone with better discipline, removing their own limitations, can earn many more times this amount.  

My Romantic Relationships

Prior to Neothink I had no idea what type of woman would be in my long-term best interests.  I dated often, but for the wrong reasons.  Once I starting using Neothink, I knew the women to look for, someone good for me in my long-term.  My search criteria and dating approach changed dramatically.  Using Neothink I was able to find and marry a wonderful women. We’ve been raising two great kids and have been married for over 10 years now.  We all have strong and wonderful love for one another.  Had I not used Neothink, my life would not be full of the family love I enjoy today.  

My Health

Once one understands the value and the importance of their life, builds wealth and experiences romantic and love from their children, it follows that they should take care of their health?  Now that I’ve built a wonderful life, full of wealth and love, I know I need to take care of myself.  I want to live.  I love life and all its treasures.

I have choices when it comes to my health: eat a donut when offered or polity refuse.  Which choice is in my long-term best interest?  I can exercise daily or kickback and be a couch potato.  I choose the action that is in my long-term best interest.  I’m careful about what I put into my mouth.  I know aerobic activity leads to a healthy body.  The Neothink mentality leads one to the conclusion that is in their long-term best interest.  Neothink leads me to choose these positive actions to override my natural instincts to overeat and be lazy.

As a result, I’m lean, fit, athletic and healthy.  My life expectancy increased.  

My Happiness

Neothink transformed my wealth creation, my romantic and family love and my health.  As a result I’m very happy with my life.  Neothink has been key to my long-term happiness.  Gaining wealth, love and health leads to a lot of happiness.  I’m living the life I was supposed to live.  I’m living the life of my dreams.  

Anyone searching for real long-term happiness should consider learning, understanding and using the Neothink mentality.  The Neothink mentality’s value far exceeds my 4-year college degree.

Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind


For most of my life I’ve been in a rut. Spinning my wheels trying to figure out how the pieces fall into place. Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind, and understand what it, is I need to take control, of my own life. I’ve never been more Happy in all my days, at least that I can remember.  It’s time to shift the Power back to the people, and let them be in charge of their own existence, to see that we all want the same thing, to be free. And to love one another without prejudice, and to want to lift others up upon the same plain.  
I am greatly appreciative for all the words that have brought me to were I am in life today. Everyone should understand that Mark Hamilton’s best interests lie within their own best interest.  
Thank you, to the late Frank W., and thank you, Mark Hamilton for seeing this through..

would like to thank Mark Hamilton…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for allowing me to purchase the literature from his company. This literature is the best information I have ever read. The information contained in his literature has enriched and enhanced my life tremendously. It has moved me on a path that I feel is wonderful and exciting. The literature opened my eyes to a lot situations and confirmed what I felt about a lot things. I feel Mark Hamilton is an outstanding individual with a high level of integrity and integrated thought processes of a Genius. Mark Hamilton’s literature provides information that I can use in many aspects of my life. What can be wrong with information that is fact and scientifically based. Doing things with love and honesty allowing yourself to be a free thinker become a self leader. I love the direction of my life and the choices I am making that allows me to move forward and achieve whatever I want. The literature has helped me to do that and to not be led by outside forces that never has my best interest in their agenda. Thanks, Mark Hamilton I hope you live forever

I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature


Dear Mark,

This is the first time I have written to you, since I prefer to process all the information before I develop an opinion.  I hope you are able to continue your work.  Although controversial for some, I believe the vision and mission of the organization has the best interest of people at heart.  I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature and appreciate a fresh perspective on life.  I am convinced that the lessons within the literature make a positive difference in folks lives.  I commend you for dedicating your life for such a worthy cause.  I believe the basis of your lessons is to inspire and lead the common person to believe that they can accomplish great things, once they strip themselves of centuries of negative thoughts and fear.  These negative thoughts and fears have been instilled by the very people we trust.  Not because they mean to hold us down, but out of ignorance.  Although, there are always opportunistic people everywhere that will violate our trust (just look at the widespread corruption in some governments and misguided religious organizations).  If we are ever to evolve as a human race, I believe people need to follow your type of lessons and free themselves to become the best they can be without sacrificing others in the process.  Many people are successful but not happy.  Your lessons helps us understand and find our individual happiness.  At this time, I will not be an active participant in your organization, since I have my hands full in a successful career and helping my wife raise our children.  I do hope to get a chance to see your organization flourish and reach out to the masses to help our generation become the example for future generations to come.

Kind regards,

Walter C


Hello everyone!…The message that you are trying to “get out” is simple. Love for life and lives, truth, and a drive to keep improving. I say this, if a person (Mark Hamilton) is guiding others to be as happy as humanly possible, then that person is very selfish in the best interest of our world. When will we all learn that? If Neothink stands for this, then why are we not all Neothinkers?  Make it happen Mark, we will help you integrate these basic yet vital aspects of a Society. I value your appreciation for life’s most important rule, creating a better world for all the good people. Thank you Mr. Hamilton and all your staff.

Living in L.A,
Sako M.

The Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement

Greetings everyone I am Reverend Dale R of the Church of the Universal Life. I’ve been associated with the Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party Movement for about 3 years now. Mark Hamilton has been My Mentor, a very dear Friend in Deed.  I am a very Proud owner of Mark Hamilton’s Manuscripts.  Over the past 3 years I have , along with the other “original 300” members’ have listened to Mark discuss his visions of the S.O.S. Clubhouses , future Advertising, and bringing together the Twelve Visions Party.  The Extent of Passion, Love, and focus, from Mark Hamilton towards this Puzzle.  Pieces for bringing in the Twelve Visions World. has been  no less than outstanding.  There is no Doubt in my mind that Mark Hamilton has our best interest in mind. Mark Hamilton also comes from His Heart.  I always tell everyone that I speak to ,to ALWAYS  speak from the Heart, listen from the Heart, and come from the Heart in all things.

Who I am

I am a ( Being ) of ( Light ) that came to Shine brightly on you., Thanks to the works ( Mark Hamilton, The NeoThink Society and The Twelve Visions Party ).,The light of ( Unity )is smiling on you, The power of ( Respect ) is on your side., The power of ( Justice ) is standing Strong., The Power of ( Life ) is Growing while Glowing infinitely on ( You )., The power of ( Love ) is in the ( Air )., The power of ( Honesty ) is ( Prosperous )Yours., The power of ( Kindness ) was meant to ( Be )., The Doors is wide ( Open ) for you to walk through and become the person you was meant to ( Be ) in ( LIFE )., This is the most Honest, loving, caring society I know, that has your best interest at heart., Welcome to the world of Reality., Look past the ( Illusions ) that is constantly in your face., Avoid the ( Neocheaters and Value Destroyers ) that only want to harm ( you ) and suck the living entity that is ( you ) out of ( You )., Cherish your creations., Protect your ( Life )., ( Love ) yourself, Look through the ( Illusions ) that is all around ( You )., On a personal note, I am glad I came in contact with ( Mark Hamilton, The NeoThink Society and The Twelve Visions Party )., They change my ( LIFE ) forever., I am a ( Being ) of ( Light ).


March 2025