Posts Tagged ‘beloved author’


There is a war going on and this war is the war of Good vs Evil. Which side are you on? Not sure? Well let me tell you a little about both sides….
On the evil side we have the dishonest rule of flaw-filled man who has corrupted our government. Government corruption has created disadvantages in many areas of life for you and I and all through out this entire world. Disadvantages like poverty, hunger, stagnant economies, terrorism attacks, infectious outbreaks and pandemics, bankruptcies, debts, regulations and taxes. Whether you’re rich, poor or middle class, we have all felt it’s lethal blows. These disadvantages has left you, your children, family, friends, loved ones, the whole world unprotected, unsafe, unhealthy, unweathy and many victims have already lost their innocent lives.
On the good side we have “Mark Hamilton”, The World Most Beloved Author of Prime Literature & Founder Of The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) And The Neothink Society. With The Neothink Society, we can honestly save ourselves. With the TVP (a new political party movement), we can honestly save the world. Those on the evil side, who are evil and dishonest in nature, and who are haters of those who do good, would try to silence Mark Hamilton who apparently has a good and honest nature. Mark Hamilton is a noble respectable man who’s good intentions are to save ourselves and to save the entire world. Mark Hamilton wants to eradicate all sufferings, for a hunger-free, poverty-free, stagnant economies-free, terrorism attack-free, bankruptcies-free, debt-free, regulation-free, taxes-free world, for you, your children, family, friends and loved ones to enjoy! To get a clearer picture on how to save ourselves and how to save the entire world go to: and Mark Hamilton, his literature, his Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party is LOVE. Love makes the world go round. There’s enough love in TVP to go around the whole world.
Now that you know a little more about this war between GOOD vs EVIL, which side are you NOW on? If you chose the side that wants to protect and save your life and the lives of your children, family, friends and loved ones, then you’ve chosen the GOOD side. “Welcome” to the good side! All those on the good side may vote for TVP at Your honest votes will help GOOD prevail over EVIL. To become a member of The Neothink Society go to To order Mark Hamilton’s most beloved literatures call 1-888-859-6859. To listen to Neothink radio go to
I love Mark Hamilton, his literature, his Neothink Society and TVP. The Success of the TVP means that you and I and our loved ones will no longer have to suffer under the rules of flaw-filled man. Hasta la vista life disadvantages! Hola life advantages! TVP really gives me a future for me and my loved ones to look forward to. I am looking forward to living in a TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. Come what may, “Mark”, always know that you are forever loved.

March 2025