Posts Tagged ‘beautiful planet’

Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track

Hello to all concerned
This is in recognition to the wonderful work that Mr. Mark Hamilton the Neothink Society and the Newly formed TVP party. It’s high time that we as mankind come up to date and stop living in the past with outdated ways of thinking that has stagnated and arrested peoples creativity to the point of boredom, This is one of the reasons too many people turn to violence and all kinds of scandalous activity to get their thrills! They have not been taught the know how or given the tools to be successful in life. For the most part they have only been taught all their life how to toil for other’s, sacrifice their time and energy to the so called “Higher Cause. A lot of us have herd the faze, “you are what you eat” well I’m here to add that “You know what you’re taught” i.e.. If you’re taught bull…t than you know bull…T! If more people realized that since we live in the so called REVELATION time period then its time the people of our beautiful planet change with the times, expand the consciousness and understand the JIG IS UP. The Truth IS Being Revealed! Why do you think kids rebel so much and disrespect elder’s? one of the reasons is that they are wiser then ever at an earlier age. They see the fact that there is no Big Fat Man in a red suit squeezing down some nasty chimney to deliver toys to EVERYONE ON EARTH IN ONE NIGHT!. the fact that information about some explorer 100’s of years ago is not necessarily going to give them the skills to get gainful employment or to put food on their plate for themselves and family. etc.etc. That all those years in school didn’t teach much survival skill but mostly taught how to “FIT IN “
with the crowd to help someone else fulfill there dreams and get wealthy
while you mostly learn to follow and not become a leader yourself.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, teaches how to become a self leader, to know how to direct your own steps and that all of humankind have the right to live, be happy and prosper, not just a privileged few! Since its known the universe is forever expanding then our conciseness minds are forever as well and that if we don’t go with the flow of the universe (natural nature) then one is going against it!( WE know its not nice to fool “mother nature”) doing so will and is an uphill battle that will sap your life energy, make you older before your time as well as a host of other “difficulties” Its ok to learn from the past but you cant live in it. you can live in the now and for the future! I can go on indefinitely. I’ve haven’t even began to get deep, the point is Mark Hamilton, Neothink..I call it (NEW EVOLUTION OF) think time has come to take our world to true change for the better not just a new cover on the old “Jar of BULL…T Check out the Neothink Society & TVP party and see for yourself The purpose of life is to live be happy and prosper is it not? Then why is it that so many people think that you suppose to wait until your old and used up and that is your GOLDEN YEARS when you have fun for the time you have left and that’s it? think people!
Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track for the New era! Neothink & TVP IS the product that we all want and need weather we are at the point of realization or not!

The Teachings of Mark Hamilton

At 21 years of age, my life’s values and mindset have evolved to something I’ve always hoped/dreamed for thanks to the writings and teachings of Mark Hamilton. All my life I was raised in a low income family never really able to appreciate or enjoy the finest things in life due to a constant financial struggle. As I grew older, as we all do, leaving the fantasy childhood mind as we grow into our adult self’s ready to become part of the world, my experiences worsened. At first I only saw myself and what I needed to do for my own happiness. Shortly thereafter, I started taking a serious look at the world, the way we live, the evil that resides here on this beautiful planet; from criminals to corrupt politics, specialized education, false values, and the worst of all…the majority of mankind still believes our origin is due to the magical creation from a mystical God…something as easily fake as a vampire or ghost.
I started to see how easily we have all been forced out of our natural, peace full, state of mind that is truly our human nature. Children are proof of this. All children our peace full life embracing explorers meant to explore existence. We simply fill them with lies and false guilt/ meanings/philosophies to tell them that all of our accumulated negative disgusting history is a direct result of Human Nature. I was forced this way of thinking like all of us in the public schooling of our America. Its false and telling people its false is wrong to. Any kind of force on another conscious life form should be condemned to the worst prosecution allowed by law. But back to the point you cannot tell someone their beliefs or values are wrong. What we all must do is to send a message to ourselves worldwide(the entire living human populous). To simply take a step back and ask ourselves…. Are any of us really and honestly doing anything that has a fundamental purpose in the survival and progress of the actual human race a nd our individual selves? The answer is more truth full in just and observation of the world around you. What’s on the TV..What you hear from political leaders… anything that tells you how to live your one of a kind life. We are all unique and brilliant creations emerged from the miracle of life. Yet since the birth of consciousness within our species we have but only a few responsible accomplishments. We are led by the least intelligent group of people within society. We believe money rules all when its simply and measuring system of value created by us Human Beings/Value Creators. When I was entering high school to hear that Life is a random event in which you follow down this long path of stress and forced knowledge to maybe one day become successful and happy. To my surprise my mind did not like what I was hearing. It sickens me that people are happy and feel a since of deserving when they hear how retirement works. Its a mutated form of slavery. I ask the question who in our world suggested that people should work, work work work breaking there back for decades to then get a life break and financial freedom to the point where their so old and enjoyment of life has passed. Its disgusting and this is only one small aspect of how our live’s our manipulated. We are living in a revolutionary era of our species. Its something undeniable and unstoppable. Either we together as the human will succeed to exist and accomplish all goals within physical reality. Or we will parish and fall to the forces of nature as did the dinosaurs and we have until now. Our minds and lives need not to be controlled or told what to do. We are all geniuses with special gifts for all of society. Our suppressed conscious brains need to revaluate our lives. This generation on the planet needs to look at all the facts and knowledge on our world to understand how special we are. Mark Hamilton is the man who has brought the most significant piece of literature and a philosophy that is the most genius within the Human race. His writings and teachings are of value to anyone who can think. The opportunity to put our lives in control before the governments and religions of the world put an end to us all. If you disgrace this man before understanding and informing yourself on all this man believes you are truly a disease. There will be no place left for you within our universe. and certainly not in heaven. This is our last chance as a species to take control and evolve to the Twelve Visions World. An idea we all have been putting off for centuries because someone falsely created the concept of god so that Man could control Mankind. Neo think is our future, it dissolves all dishonesties within our minds, obsoletes religion/politics/authority. By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the NeoThink Society have to say you will be doing a great deal of good. If you believe the false Illusion the media will place over you as they do every day then you do not belong here. In this century we the fighters against ignorance and control. We fight for the first time in Humanity actual freedom to everyone. If you stand against this movement you are the equivalent of evil. That’s what this is all about.
Ignorance VS. Intelligence
Religion VS. Science
Evil VS. Good
Freedom VS. Control
Creation VS. Destruction
Life VS. Death
Beliefs VS. Facts
If you want to edit any of this please do i just wanted to get everything out of my mind hope all goes well keep me informed if there’s anything i can do
Mike Z

Thank you Mark Hamilton…

Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J
Jonathan G

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life…

With development of the Twelve Visions Party finally coming to life, I finally see hope for are country and the world as a hole. This is the only hope for the world to finally find peace and happiness! The literature and teachings nurtured from this party are uplifting and wonderful! There is nothing harmful or dangerous from these teachings, just pure simple logic being used for are benefit. The goal of the party is success for everybody and everything! To use are growing knowledge for the good all mankind. To make this world a paradise for all. Were there is no loss of anything that brings good to mankind.
The thought that this movement could be stopped is very saddening. Without the Twelve Visions Party I fear that the world will continue in its downward spiral and never come out of it. Death and war will flourish and the environment will be sacrificed and we will slowly destroy are planet and all its wonderful people, and all the beautiful places this world has to offer us all. The word that the party will bring us will be amazing and fun, fun, fun! The technology that will be developed by the nurturing of are great minds will be astonishing. Don’t stop the greatest thing we bring to this beautiful planet, are Minds!!
Michael O


Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J

Jonathan G

By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the Neothink Society…

Hello to all!!! My name is Michael Z and I am a resident of Frederick County Maryland. At 21 years of age my life’s values and mindset have evolved to something I’ve always hoped/dreamed for thanks to the writings and teachings of Mark Hamilton. All my life I was raised in a low income family never really able to appreciate or enjoy the finest things in life due to a constant financial struggle. As I grew older as we all do leaving the fantasy childhood mind as we grow into our adult self’s ready to become part of the world my experiences worsened. At first I only saw my self and what I needed to do for my own happiness. Shortly after I started taking a serious look into our world. The way we live. The evil that resides here on this beautiful planet. From criminals to corrupt politics, specialized education, false values, and the worst of all. The majority of mankind still believes our origin is due to the magical creation from a mystical God. Something as easily fake as a vampire or ghost. I started to see how easily we have all been forced out of our natural, peace full, state of mind that is truly our human nature. Children are proof of this. All children our peace full life embracing explorers meant to explore existence. We simply fill them with lies and false guilt/ meanings/philosophies to tell them that all of our accumulated negative disgusting history is a direct result of Human Nature. I was forced this way of thinking like all of us in the public schooling of our America. Its false and telling people its false is wrong to. Any kind of force on another conscious life form should be condemned to the worst prosecution allowed by law. But back to the point you cannot tell someone their beliefs or values are wrong. What we all must do is to send a message to ourselves worldwide(the entire living human populous). To simply take a step back and ask ourselves…. Are any of us really and honestly doing anything that has a fundamental purpose in the survival and progress of the actual human race a nd our individual selves? The answer is more truth full in just and observation of the world around you. What’s on the TV..What you hear from political leaders… anything that tells you how to live your one of a kind life. We are all unique and brilliant creations emerged from the miracle of life. Yet since the birth of consciousness within our species we have but only a few responsible accomplishments. We are led by the least intelligent group of people within society. We believe money rules all when its simply and measuring system of value created by us Human Beings/Value Creators. When I was entering high school to hear that Life is a random event in which you follow down this long path of stress and forced knowledge to maybe one day become successful and happy. To my surprise my mind did not like what I was hearing. It sickens me that people are happy and feel a since of deserving when they hear how retirement works. Its a mutated form of slavery. I ask the question who in our world suggested that people should work, work work work breaking there back for decades to then get a life break and financial freedom to the point where their so old and enjoyment of life has passed. Its disgusting and this is only one small aspect of how our live’s our manipulated. We are living in a revolutionary era of our species. Its something undeniable and unstoppable. Either we together as the human will succeed to exist and accomplish all goals within physical reality. Or we will parish and fall to the forces of nature as did the dinosaurs and we have until now. Our minds and lives need not to be controlled or told what to do. We are all geniuses with special gifts for all of society. Our suppressed conscious brains need to revaluate our lives. This generation on the planet needs to look at all the facts and knowledge on our world to understand how special we are. Mark Hamilton is the man who has brought the most significant piece of literature and a philosophy that is the most genius within the Human race. His writings and teachings are of value to anyone who can think. The opportunity to put our lives in control before the governments and religions of the world put an end to us all. If you disgrace this man before understanding and informing yourself on all this man believes you are truly a disease. There will be no place left for you within our universe. and certainly not in heaven. This is our last chance as a species to take control and evolve to the Twelve Visions World. An idea we all have been putting off for centuries because someone falsely created the concept of god so that Man could control Mankind. Neo think is our future, it dissolves all dishonesties within our minds, obsoletes religion/politics/authority. By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the Neothink Society have to say you will be doing a great deal of good. If you believe the false Illusion the media will place over you as they do every day then you do not belong here. In this century we the fighters against ignorance and control. We fight for the first time in Humanity actual freedom to everyone. If you stand against this movement you are the equivalent of evil. That’s what this is all about.

Ignorance VS. Intelligence

Religion VS. Science

Evil VS. Good

Freedom VS. Control

Creation VS. Destruction

Life VS. Death

Beliefs VS. Facts

If you want to edit any of this please do i just wanted to get everything out of my mind hope all goes well keep me informed if there’s anything i can do

Mike Z

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Jonathan G

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Dear Mark…
Before you introduced me to the Neothink Society, I was looking for something more, something better to live for. Thanks to you, I found that something more, something better. You are a true genius in finding the right words to bring excitement, and above all, love and happiness to my Life. You gave me the answer and the key to a happier, more prosperous lifestyle. What you taught me opened my eyes to a whole new world; a world that can exist on planet Earth through honesty and love, but never has existed because of dishonesty and envy. There is not enough words in the dictionary to explain how valuable you are to our planet. Incompetent Value Destroyers (dishonest, lazy, envious individuals), don’t like competent Value Creators, (honest, hard working, creative individuals). You are a true Value Creator Mark. You showed me the war between Value Creators and Value Destroyers that has existed on our planet since the beginning of civilization. Now you are going to put 40 hard working, Value Creating years on the line to end this battle, and to bring the citizens of our planet the ultimate value of Life, which is HAPPINESS and LOVE. This is something the Value Destroyers are determined to stop you and the Neothink Society from doing, in the name of POWER and GREED. I want those who read my testimonial to know that you, Mark Hamilton are the most honest, loving, happiest family man on Earth, and an exceptional leader as well, who is leading the way by example with the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society. You mentored me to become an honest, Value Creator and a valuable self-leader. And for that, I support all that you do for our beautiful planet. Thank you Mark, for all the knowledge you brought into my Life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better world. Thank you Mark Hamilton…Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my loving heart. J

Jonathan G

March 2025