Posts Tagged ‘beaches’

I want to thank you so much for everything you changed so dramatically in my life

Dear Mark Hamilton
I want to thank you so much for everything you changed so dramatically in my life. From a depressed and negative person, to the most positive and happy person I can be. It is now approximately three years since I joined the Neothink society. I have read all the literature and was your apprentice and listen to all the audios online since beginning of 2009. I was really wonderful and the best part of this is that its not necessary to be highly schooled of if you are poor, everyone can join. You help almost everyone who want to change.
It is now years that I was in a terrible financial difficulty. I tried for 4 years to sell a shop that cost me monthly thousands of rands. My whole life was a mess. Suddenly a buyer appear and within two weeks the shop was on his name. My luck start to change and since then everything in my life changed for the good. I cannot tell you how happy I am now.
I now know how to change all negative things in my life to positive things. I hope someday I can meet you and tell you everything. I live in South Africa, but I hope to see you sometime on the beaches of the world.
Hope everything go well. Have a wonderful day.
Elbie from South Africa

Liz S


Mark, it has been a while since I’ve written anything of substance but I believe this piece turned out well.  Let me know if it needs tweaking, additions, deletions, or corrections anywhere.  I have also been somewhat out of the loop, so be sure I have my facts straight; I have tried to keep it pretty general for that reason.  If it is ready-to-go, please feel free to post it anywhere and in as many places you desire when the time is right; my own access and knowledge in doing so is limited.  Regardless, the below testimonial might move Christ to rise and wave the flag and for shit sake – the last paragraph made me cry!  LOL….
I feel I owe you my loyalty and after this testimonial sir, whether on the beaches or on the snow-capped mountains, you shall owe me one damn good pina colada….
 Very Truly Yours, Liz S

March 2025