Posts Tagged ‘banking system’

owe it all to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton


Hello my name is Wyatt W! And I am a part of the Neothink Society. Before I joined the only thing that I had to look forward to was working until I was 70 years old hoping that one day I could retire and draw my $1,000 a month social security check, and that was about all that I had to look forward too. I work a hard 40 hours a week and have since I was 16 years old now that I am 37 years old I see that the economy has went down the crapper, you can’t trust the banking system, and as far as social security goes in ten years it will have to file for bankruptcy which is part of the government so who will bail them out. I will have created enough social security by that time to retire two or three people but I probably will not ever see a nickel of any of the money that I put into it.

It was not until I received your literature that I realized that there is no one that will be there or any money by the time that I do reach 70. I have realized that in order for me to ever retire I will have to count on me to be able to retire and no one else. Ask yourself this:  how many 70 year old people do you see working somewhere you probably know quite a few you see them working everywhere in Wal-Mart as door greeters, in McDonald’s taking orders…you will see quite a few of them and why is that they believed in a system. They worked their whole lives to be able to sit at home or travel when they are 70 years old.  They worked their whole lives, they believed in there system, they lived by the system. But when it came down to it, the system let the people down; the system turned its back and caved in on them.  A lot of them had good money that was in the stock market, in the banking system but when that went belly-up their $1,000 a month social security check could not pay the rent, put gas in the car, buy the groceries, even clothe them.

Now they have to spend the last few years of their lives keeping the system going that turned its back on them.  Now that $1,000 a month might be gone in the next 10 years now what they are going to have to get a second job to pay the bills again. Now for these people they were raised by the system and it has failed them.  I personally don’t want to be in their shoes.  For most it is too late I am still young and have many years to better plan for it.

With the literature that I received I believe in myself and will not get caught in the system. I learned how to venture out and to grasp for better things for myself and family.  I still work my 40 hours a week my job performance stands way beyond expectations. I have a decent life.  No, I am not rich money wise yet but I am working on it. I am rich with love and devotion in my spare time I do a lot of writing mainly children’s book one day I will get one published. I hold over 75 self-patents, probably have another 50 just jotted down in note books. What have I invented? My best would be my work on cure for Alzheimer’s, Autism, ADD, and AD/HD.  If it isn’t the cure it would be one of the biggest steps known to mankind in that direction. I have stuff that would build profit in many industrial corporations. I have contacted GM, Ford, International, Caterpillar, Hanes and Cann limited, NASA, and many other corporate giants of my stuff but without a patent then there is no money, and without money you cannot get a patent. I have done the numbers $1,200 dollars for publishing and close to $5,000 for a patent that is not a whole lot of money but when you survive off 40 hours a week it might as well be a million dollars because you are no closer to that than you are to a million dollars.

But soon I will figure out my way to make that money and then I will be like a train nothing will stop me. Putting out one patent and two books a month. The royalties alone will put me up there with Bill Gates, and I owe it all to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton for showing me that I don’t have to live in that system that is so corrupt…a system that will keep letting us down.  And it really is not the system as much as it is the people that run it.  Mankind is powered by greed, and there is greed everywhere from the thief that steals so he doesn’t have to work to the guy that sells crack to the lawyer who looks at cases so he can make money to the banker that will give credit cards to people that cannot afford them to the accountant who embezzles money from the company.

The Neothink Society has done so much for me it has showed me how to look outside the box How to focus at what is at hand, how to expand my horiZons and to reach for my stars. Would I buy the books over I would pay 3 or 4 more times the money it has meant so much to me and my family.

Mark Hamilton and the literature of the Neothink Society…


This country was founded under high and visionary ideals.  Its founders saw a truly free society based on government by and for the People.  It was intended that our banking system be established under the same basis, but that didn’t happen.  Instead it remained in private hands and our beautiful free enterprise system allowed it succumb to the greed of a few people who like to hold power over others.  The rise in power of the banking system and its decline into corruption easily took with it the career politicians the people had put into power to protect us.  We have strayed very far from the free society our founders envisioned.  We have systematically given up more and more of our rights and much of our freedom.  The debt-ridden society we now have is not free for most honest people who continue struggling to maintain a reasonable existence.  The “American Dream” seems to be a lost hope, but the current system does serve a few very well.  These are the ones who put all their resources toward maintaining the status quo and perpetuating the degradation through deceit.  My family and friends are not free because, in their personal integrity, they buy into the rhetoric from the political, financial, and medical systems that merely bleed them dry and sap their vitality.  They are not left with the energy, resources, or inspiration to bring forth creativity that could benefit their families, communities, or perhaps society as a whole.  All this tremendous potential is wasted and lost for the sad purpose of maintaining a deteriorating status quo.

Mark Hamilton and the literature of the Neothink Society teaches its readers to open up their own visionary abilities, to see through the rhetoric and clouds of deceit, to recognize the essence of truth in everything, to think for themselves and to act on the evidence of what is truly beneficial  and life-enhancing.  The evidence of this is plainly evident in my life and in the lives of thousands of others who now think and act with clarity.  Humanity is moving toward this kind of living. It is our next step in evolution.  When people are awake in this way they can see clearly that a society only functions well through honesty and integrity.  It has generally come to be accepted that power is obtained and maintained largely by neglecting these ideals.  Neothink is at the forefront of helping us waken to this understanding and living our own fully empowered lives.  This is inevitably a great boon to ALL people, no matter what their current status.  It has already worked for countless numbers who were otherwise “lost” through misfortune.  It is easy to see that the Twelve Visions Party is founded on those principles that best promote the ideals of individual freedom and pursuit of happiness intended by our country’s founders.  Read the twelve visions forming the whole of the Party’s agenda and ask, “is this the kind of society I want?’  It’s as simple as that.  

Rejoice this day, and always –

Dishonest BIG BUSINESS has brought this Nation to its knees

Dishonest BIG BUSINESS has brought this Nation to its knees, because they were too Greedy. Now since President Obama had placed a couple of TRILLION into our Banking System, our Banks are just sitting on all that money gaining interest making themselves extremely wealthy.

March 2025