Posts Tagged ‘band wagon’

The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton,

Thanks for everything; I was beginning to think I was the only person or one of very few who could see the corruption, dishonesty, waste, and inefficiency that our government has become.  Since there are only two parties, it’s obliviously both their faults.  Now that we have another serious contender – The Twelve Visions Party – maybe we can start running this country like a republic more than a democracy.  I have read the 3 big manuals and all the other literature from your org. and it makes more sense than anything I’ve read in years. When the average person understands the 12 visions party’s goal, they will be not only impressed but thankful as well.  We finally have a political org. that cares about the people more than themselves and their agenda. I have introduced the society and lit. To my children, in their 30’s and 40’s, and it’s made a difference in their outlook for the future and their thoughts and actions for the present.  I’m behind you 100% and will do all I can to help this movement continue.  If the media is smart and worth their salt, they will get on the band wagon too instead of following the false prophets to oblivion. I know there are still some good journalists and researchers out there that believe in the free press and the truth.  I challenge them to do the right, to get out from under the governments thumb, to think for themselves and use a little commonsense to see what’s best for everyone concerned, including their children and grandchildren.  We obvious know who’s going to have to pay for the situation we’re digging ourselves into because of the war, stock market fiasco, the bailouts, and the money the governments throwing at everything but the problem.  Taxes are the only remedy so eventually their going to go up dramatically. Who do suppose is going to pay for it, duh?  If we wake up now, there is still time.  I pray that enough people keep their heads out of the sand and recognize the only possible solution – to change and reverse our present course. Thanks again mark and the Neothink society for being there when we really need you and leading the way to the future and the correct course of action. yours eternally, Larry T

March 2025