Posts Tagged ‘authorities’

Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me…

Hi Mark Hamilton thank you for getting in contact with me as I am still learning with my Neo Think mind and read the three Hearloom packages . I am only a level 3 apprentice . The time is not right for me to speak out . As I know all about authorities I have been holding them at bay all my business life and still holding my ground . You can call me and we can talk about this my mobile is 0407491293 Australia you will need to use the international code for my country please call me Regards Stephen W

Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party…

To, Mark Hamilton 

From, Pervin
Date, March 6th—-2010
  Dear Mark,
Hi, this is Pervin. I am writing to you about Neothink world. I read your several books also i am RIBI registered too. Over this decade too many things went on me, still going on. But i never stopped read those books, because i know one day i must win with you and your associates, only this reason i never stopped read as i can alive this society. Mark you are genius, nothing wrong with that. Every bad things happened from my unknown way, as i did some thing wrong with destructive government, now i know who they are and what’s they are doing against any innocent person. Although still they are forcefully involve with my personal to other area of life. But i am sure they must eliminated by Neothink Society. Their every active is very painful, as i am getting by them. Recently I joined with Twelve Visions Party as you advised to me, i see how real world people are happy, other way how traditional world people are getting trouble by authorities. So far two world people, and both never mix together, because both of two opposite psychological minded people, one is up side down world, and one is straight stand up world. So NT only one way gets the new world.  Mark, i am assure you, you must be win. Because your literature open my mind and showing to me every aspect of life. Destructive government and political govt. taken away my job, money, love and other area of life. Their illusion made me pain full life, which is indescribable, but it is continuously happening. Only NT is my protection, sometime slowly, sometime don’t work. Another way TVP open my eye, like why life is not control, how can control every day of life. However, one day public must support MH and his literature, and TVP, when they will see those nature of destruction. And that time is not so far from now. One day everyone must know about their destructive formula, how they are flourishing in this world, and killing ordinary people’s life. So I advise to all other non read NT people, please read the MH’s NT literature and experience about this world, where we are and NT society where taking us. Neothink world is very exciting world than the old unhappiness world, wherever we are sinking in their hoax. I believe my self and Neothink society. Thank you.

Twelve Visions Party Platform

Now with New Jersey having its Historic TVP Convention on March 20th, and inviting the Mainstream Media of which is a good thing until the ESTABLISHMENT realizes it is being threatened, after becoming familiar with the Twelve Visions Party Platform, the Mainstream Media will also discover us, then we will have the PRESS disliking us, and the AUTHORITIES attempting to Silence Mark Hamilton.

Mark Hamilton is about to put forward The Twelve Visions Party

To start off we must go back to where it started for me. When I became a member of the society, I can say for a fact it has changed my life completely and for the better. Mark Hamilton and his literature or should I say his essence is without a doubt the only way I could have ever started to live my life to its full potential. I cannot express in words how grateful I am to this man.

The movement which Mark Hamilton is about to put forward (TVP) is without a doubt going to benefit mankind in so many wonderful ways. It is going to create values, jobs, and things that we only dreamed of but were to afraid to do. Believe me when I say this “This is the only thing that is going to benefit mankind one-hundred percent.”

If we allow the authorities, government, politics, and trust me they are not even worthy of this title to silence this wonderful value creator then I can tell you “ALL IS REALLY LOST.” I want you to think back to when you were a little kid and all the values and all the good things you wanted to achieve for your fellow-man, for your mom and dad or even your whole family to benefit. Now think about if you could go back to that time that “dream” and now you had the resources to make that a reality. What would that mean to you? To make it all come true and achieve your impossible dream.

I can tell you that is what this value creator (Mark Hamilton) is all about, this is what the Twelve Visions Party is all about; His movement, “our” movement, for a better world. I urge you to give this a chance. I did and I can tell you now I do not regret it not for one moment. It has given me new hope, not only for me but for my children to live and achieve their dreams. And without the Neothink Society I would be lost. So I invite you to be apart of something so great so wonderful that it will change your life forever. So take a deeper look so that we can join together and create values, jobs, and dreams for a better future. I hope to see you there.

C. A.

March 2025