Posts Tagged ‘author mark’

Mark Hamilton has really changed my life


Mark Hamilton has really changed my life! It started when I was young, thinking differently from my peers and even my parents. When I came in possession of author Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts, I discovered for myself how honesty continues to be “the best policy.” When the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) shows society how we can live like millionaires, the magical conscious mind will be unlocked to link more truths together like a giant super-puzzle.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and all you are doing, especially through the Neothink website. Love and Peace;

Adam H.

“Way Beyond Top Secret”– Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Reveals The Meaning of Life??


“Do you want to learn the secret of all secrets?” I sure did! More than anything else in the world! Even the chance that the author Mark Hamilton and his NT people and their ancient multigenerational manuscripts of knowledge passed down from generation to generation could actually help me to understand the meaning of life was too tantalizing to turn my back on. I decided I had nothing to lose as they even offered a money-back guarantee on their Multigenerational manuscripts so I sucked up my pride, prepared myself for the inevitability that my friends and my family would think I was either nuts or a fool (or both), and ordered the first manuscript.

Could I have actually found the path to the Holy Grail and be on track to uncover the source of all genuine knowledge and power on Earth (as the advertising brochure for the Multigenerational manuscripts tempted me)? Well, I’m going to share with you some of the content of the first Heirloom and let you decide for yourself—let you use your own mind and its rational faculty to see whether I found what I was looking for—what most individuals spend the majority of their lives searching in vain for: “The Truth” aka “The Meaning of Life” itself.

The subtitle I read when the book arrived said: “The Entelechy of Prosperity and Happiness” and then went on to define entelechy (which was great because this was a new word to me despite being a former high-school grade English award winner).

“Entelechy: A realization as opposed to a potentiality” Interesting…It goes on to say the discovery of this ancient knowledge is dedicated to the Producer of Values, the Good, the Innocent…and that “…you can take what all honest and productive human beings have rightfully earned, but seldom take: A guiltless life of prosperity, love, and happiness.”

I began reading in earnest and what came over me could only accurately be called “a fully integrated honest mind-body Ice Age” that stimulated my mind consistently as I read with startling identifications and then integrations, as contrasted with a typical mind-numbing “brain freeze”. In the same way that a “brain freeze” shocks you from your comfort Zone, this “fully integrated honest mind-body Ice Age” snaps you so far out of your comfort belief systems that you begin to enter a new realm of thinking called “Neothink”, simply meaning New Think.

After completing the preface/ introduction to the manuscript, I didn’t have to wait long for the answer I’d been seeking for all 18 years of my existence— The Secret of Life itself. There it was written, in an easy-to read black font on an old parchment-style of paper, plain as day:

“ACHIEVING HAPPINESS is the ultimate moral purpose of human life”.

I HAD found the Holy Grail and that turned out to be merely the tip of the iceberg/Ice Age.

The next 400 or so pages would change my change my life forever. It would teach me to always see the stark contrast between right and wrong, to continually strive for what’s right, to never use initiatory force on anyone else, to teach myself how to question EVERYTHING I’d ever believed, and finally to teach myself how to fulfill the purpose of my life—in essence create a road-map to success, a secret shortcut to the best rewards in life—to a life of Wealth, Health, Peace, and Happiness by creating values for others and society and thus elevating life for all Mankind in the process of achieving my own wildest dreams! Wow! Now that is what I call worth the price of admission!

This manuscript also explained in detail to me how value producers and creators have been unjustly attacked for over 2000 years and what to do about it when I inevitably encounter it in my own life so that I can prosper with unbeatable advantages and genuine power in every competitive facet of my life. Thank HAPPINESS that I took the chance, ordered the book, and began my journey.

Thank-you also to Mark Hamilton and Neothink for exposing to me the Holy Grail!

Finally, to quote the artist Coolio:

“I’ll see you when you get there”.

Thank you to the author, Mark Hamilton…


Dear Mark

I was introduced to the Neothink literature by my mother.  She had already purchased it and to help with my public speaking, I asked if I could read something out loud to her every night.  She agreed and suggested I read the literature.  At first, I didn’t think too much of it because I was just focusing on how I read out loud, imagining myself in front of a crowd and trying to get over the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.  After about the second or third day though, I grew accustomed to my own voice and I was absolutely blown away by the words that started to sink in.  My life changed from that moment on.  I didn’t fully realize it right away of course but now, looking back, so many opportunities and beneficial experiences have happened after being exposed to the literature.  I didn’t even have to try hard, the powerful concepts made so much sense and were so simple to absorb, my psyche just began using them almost automatically.  It was as if my intelligence had jumped after reading and I could more easily handle a lot of smaller concepts that before befuddled me.  I started a business shortly after and have been steadily building my wealth ever since.  As I reread and apply more of the concepts, more opportunities come my way.  I find myself more “naturally” positive because I am more in control of my life than ever and know where I am heading.  I also understand better why I used to get off-track before reading the literature and don’t go off into the “deep-end” as much with old negative habits.  The amazing concepts lead to success in all other areas of life so I’m naturally stimulated to stay out of the old habits; I’m having too much fun going forward and capturing success.  It’s a really cool feeling, I compare it to when you’re playing a game and feel you have all the secrets and actions you can use to win the game and it’s your choice as to how quickly you want to get there.

Thank you to the author, Mark Hamilton for doing all the nitty-gritty hard work to discover and market these invaluable works.  I feel so lucky to have read the literature when I did so that I am better prepared to handle the current economic trouble our country is in.  As I’ve grown in years and experience, I have seen and understand increasingly how our country is being critically mismanaged by political leaders and how the Twelve Visions Party, the movement springing from the literature is the only thing available that can restore and protect forever our individual freedoms.  Hopefully in 2012, we will have that presidential candidate on the ballot ready to usher in what should have been ours since our country was founded: wealth, health and safety for every citizen.

Sage K

Sage K


Dear Mark,

I was introduced to the Neothink literature by my mother.  She had already purchased it and to help with my public speaking, I asked if I could read something out loud to her every night.  She agreed and suggested I read the literature.  At first, I didn’t think too much of it because I was just focusing on how I read out loud, imagining myself in front of a crowd and trying to get over the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.  After about the second or third day though, I grew accustomed to my own voice and I was absolutely blown away by the words that started to sink in.  My life changed from that moment on.  I didn’t fully realize it right away of course but now, looking back, so many opportunities and beneficial experiences have happened after being exposed to the literature.  I didn’t even have to try hard, the powerful concepts made so much sense and were so simple to absorb, my psyche just began using them almost automatically.  It was as if my intelligence had jumped after reading and I could more easily handle a lot of smaller concepts that before befuddled me.  I started a business shortly after and have been steadily building my wealth ever since.  As I reread and apply more of the concepts, more opportunities come my way.  I find myself more “naturally” positive because I am more in control of my life than ever and know where I am heading.  I also understand better why I used to get off-track before reading the literature and don’t go off into the “deep-end” as much with old negative habits.  The amazing concepts lead to success in all other areas of life so I’m naturally stimulated to stay out of the old habits; I’m having too much fun going forward and capturing success.  It’s a really cool feeling, I compare it to when you’re playing a game and feel you have all the secrets and actions you can use to win the game and it’s your choice as to how quickly you want to get there. 

Thank you to the author, Mark Hamilton for doing all the nitty-gritty hard work to discover and market these invaluable works.  I feel so lucky to have read the literature when I did so that I am better prepared to handle the current economic trouble our country is in.  As I’ve grown in years and experience, I have seen and understand increasingly how our country is being critically mismanaged by political leaders and how the Twelve Visions Party, the movement springing from the literature is the only thing available that can restore and protect forever our individual freedoms.  Hopefully in 2012, we will have that presidential candidate on the ballot ready to usher in what should have been ours since our country was founded: wealth, health and safety for every citizen. 

Sage K

Sage K

Dear Mark,

I was introduced to the Neothink literature by my mother.  She had already purchased it and to help with my public speaking, I asked if I could read something out loud to her every night.  She agreed and suggested I read the literature.  At first, I didn’t think too much of it because I was just focusing on how I read out loud, imagining myself in front of a crowd and trying to get over the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.  After about the second or third day though, I grew accustomed to my own voice and I was absolutely blown away by the words that started to sink in.  My life changed from that moment on.  I didn’t fully realize it right away of course but now, looking back, so many opportunities and beneficial experiences have happened after being exposed to the literature.  I didn’t even have to try hard, the powerful concepts made so much sense and were so simple to absorb, my psyche just began using them almost automatically.  It was as if my intelligence had jumped after reading and I could more easily handle a lot of smaller concepts that before befuddled me.  I started a business shortly after and have been steadily building my wealth ever since.  As I reread and apply more of the concepts, more opportunities come my way.  I find myself more “naturally” positive because I am more in control of my life than ever and know where I am heading.  I also understand better why I used to get off-track before reading the literature and don’t go off into the “deep-end” as much with old negative habits.  The amazing concepts lead to success in all other areas of life so I’m naturally stimulated to stay out of the old habits; I’m having too much fun going forward and capturing success.  It’s a really cool feeling, I compare it to when you’re playing a game and feel you have all the secrets and actions you can use to win the game and it’s your choice as to how quickly you want to get there. 

Thank you to the author, Mark Hamilton for doing all the nitty-gritty hard work to discover and market these invaluable works.  I feel so lucky to have read the literature when I did so that I am better prepared to handle the current economic trouble our country is in.  As I’ve grown in years and experience, I have seen and understand increasingly how our country is being critically mismanaged by political leaders and how the Twelve Visions Party, the movement springing from the literature is the only thing available that can restore and protect forever our individual freedoms.  Hopefully in 2012, we will have that presidential candidate on the ballot ready to usher in what should have been ours since our country was founded: wealth, health and safety for every citizen. 

Sage K

March 2025