Posts Tagged ‘aspects of life’

Ever since I read the three manuscripts from Neothink

Ever since I read the three manuscripts from Neothink. It has brought new insight to various aspects of life. The most important is that it helped me to rethink the difference about the political parties and the global markets. That is why I was happy when you announced the formation of the “TVP”.

Having the Neothink knowledge has put me on the path of LIFE

Neothink an enhanced way of thinking which creates advantages and profits. Having the Neothink knowledge has put me on the path of LIFE and has provided increased amounts of Happiness and Intellect. This enhanced way of thinking towards LIFE will last forever and will continue to create health, wealth and prosperity once the Twelve Visions Party comes into play.
The TVP is our, as human beings ticket toward Individual/Universal advancement in all aspects of life. The TVP will allow all individuals to be self-leaders, advance into the Neo-Think mentality and live the Life of LOVE, WEALTH and HAPPINESS for an ETERNITY!

Mark Hamilton

My life changed when I received the letters to join Neothink Society. I joined, and have been able to become the free thinker, I am.
The society stands for helping all people move ahead in the world. It helps in all aspects of life.
I want to thank Mark Hamilton and
all the members for the uplifting words of understanding each member writes.

I read Mark Hamilton- American.

I read Mark Hamilton- American.
I will be in this American.
I want my husband and all my friend& family, to be in this American.
In MARK HAMILTON-American, we will all prosper and grow! All people will be rich in all aspects of life, even the poor among us now.
I want MARK HAMILTON – AMERICAN to be the normal for all citizens NOW!
I watch people in American struggle, to pay their bills, make a good living, and they say to each other “BAIL US OUT, NOT THE CAR COMPANIES, OR BANKS.” Then we watch the car companies and banks give themselves big bonus with the bail out money. This bail out money never gets to the people who need it most.
I want MARK HAMILTON – AMERICA NOW, FOR ALL PEOPLE, to grow and create their perfect job, become wealthy in all aspects of their lives.
MARK HAMILTON- AMERICAN is what our founding fathers wanted for American.
I hope we can all survive until the time of MARK HAMILTON- AMERICA is a reality.


NT Warrior


Greetings to all. Let me start by making a long story short full of honest facts that are not taken out of context. Neothink, Neothink Society, or the Twelve Vision World is the universal, and honest way to all aspects of life. Without fear to mention ther is a war or battle between to worlds; the dishonest antcivilization vs. the honest Neothink civilization. I have recapture this new world and way of thinking honestly from birth as a child eleven years ago. I am rebirth back to my origin as a human being and my mind is free from the lies and illusions of that fake, powerless, leeching world and the corrupted ones with their false authority to control others. Thanks to Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society the battle can be won beyond victory. Neothink is life and shall prevail over death.

March 2025